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wa! instantanGolls.
After our 6rst ennouncement regardi"s thL ru;tcrior piece of built-in furniture (mandactured and diltribr*ed exclurively by us), live dealera throughout Southern California quickly widenced their intercrL
The Anderron DiraPPear' ing Breakfart Set bae meny advantager over any otAer ret yet Put on tte nnrket. It ic light' catily inrtalled, economical in cott, b ttfool proofr" and yieldr a geod margin of pro6t to the retail dealer.
ANDit i! rold only tbrougb the retailer.
G&- 'ffi--!
Let ru explain our Eerchendiring plan' how yom Grn materially add to your raler witb thb line.
Anderson Disappearing Breakfast Set
U. S. Patent and Others Pettding