3 minute read
California Foresters Hold Fire Conference
Two hundred officers of the California District, United States Forest Service, the largest gathering of Foiest Ser- vice officers ever held in thJ Uniled Stat"es, completed a lO-days' conference at Fort Miley, San Franiisco, bn February 27. This was the first general meeting oi Federal forestry men that has been held in the StatJ since 1919. and was called b-y District Forester'paul G. Redington foi the purpose .of formulating more efiective fire pr&ention and suppression methods and for the consideration of timber sales and grazing activities and other problems.connected with the_ administtation and protection of the 20,000,000 acres of Government forest lands in the California District.
Addresses of welcome on behalf of San Frarrcisco were delivered b:. Tdwara Rainey, secretary to Mayor Rolph, and Max Thelan, president-of the Commonwealth Clirb. Other important speakers at the various sessions of the conference were Major General C. T. Menoher, commandTg offigqlof the Nilth.Corps Area, the presidio; Major Edward H. Bowie, district forecaster, U. S. Weath., Bureau; Chas. G. Poole of t_hq U.S. Biological Survey; M.B. Pratt, state forester for California; Dr.-B. F. Rastili, manager of Californians Incorporated; and Professor Walter \tfulford, head of the forestry school of the University of California.
The greater part of the conference meetings were given over to the consideration of the findings and-recommEndations of the Forest Service Board of -Fire Review, based 9n _!he- experiences of the 1924 fire season during which 2,657 f.orest fires occurred in California, burning over 1,065,039 acres and causing damage to timber, forage ancl improvements estimated at more than $5,000,000. AII phases of forest protection and fire suppression rvork were discussed by -the foresters, from public cooperation in the prevention of the 70 per cent oi fires thai are annuallv caused by human carefussness to law enforcement and thl many details of actual fire fighting and control work ,in the woods.
Effective March lst, the yard at 675 East Florence Avenue, _Los _Angeles, formerly 'known as the Buhler-Sisson ]-umber Company, will be- operated at the S. M. Buhler Lumber. Company, and the yard af 1418 San Fernando Road will be known as the Sisson Lumber Co.
George Brown Back At His Desk
George Brown, President of the Strable Hardwood Company, Oakland, who was confined to his home for ten da)'s with,an attack of influenza is back at his desk agdin and attending to many business interests.
. J. C.- Fgrge_r, Swastika Lumber Co., Fresno, ahd president of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen,s Club, has completely reco-vered from his iecent attack of pneumonia and is -ba9k o-n the job again. He was a Bay Distiict visitor around the first of the month attending fo business mat_ ters and calling on the lumber trade oI San Frahcisco.
The Grenfell Lumber Co. have opened a new yard at Butte City. This concern also oper.ie, ttre Grenteft Lum_ b:l.9o.yard at Colusa. R. W.-Grenfell, the well known California lumberman, is the manager of the Grenfell Lum_ ber Co. V E N E E R S
Our well-equipped Veneer Mill enables us to render you .service in. large or small quantities of the finest fancy figured Veneers that it is possible to obtain.
Sugar Pinc, Whitc Pfae, \l/hitc Cedar, Spruce
Suggcrt Hornc Rcmodcliaj.
A part of the Long-Bell Plan service is a pamphlet dealing with home remodeling, It pictures sev-, eral designs of old homes, with other illustrations, showing how inexpensive remodeling may be done. It is valuable as a suggestion of remodeling possibilities to home owners. A samPle coPY will be mailed on request'
Spring Advcrtiring Sug3crtionr
In planning spring advertising, retail lumber dealers will find the Long-Bell advertising a source of tremendous advantage. ComPlete newspaper advertisements are featured, including illustrations and "copy", on such imPortant sPring building subjects as home building, 6rm building and home imProvem€nts. Cuts of these illustrations are available in most instances without charge. With this advertising service as a guide, a dealer may plan an entire sPring campaign with the least expenditure of time. Send today for further inf ormation,
Advertirc Oak Flooring
Oak flooring sales f or modern home building represent an important volume of business. At the same time, prospective home builders can well be urged to make wider use of oak flooring in the new home. Long-Bell national advertising is attempting to persuade this increased use. Dealer advertising, which features oak flooring occasionally, will tend to increase a dealer's volume of sales. Newspaper advertising featuring oak flooring is available in the LongBell service, as well as booklets for mailing to prospective oak flooring buyers.
Long-Bell Nstionel Advertiring
In many national mediums, LongBell advertising is urging home building, good construction and dependable materials. Every month, this advertising is reaching millions of people, a proportionate share of them being in your community. This advertising is paving the way to wider retail lumber sales. Dealers using our special tie-up advertising are aiding' themselves in cashing in on this wide-spread publicity.