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"Advertising is a Great Security to the Bublic Against Fraud'l
It was at the London Convention of the Aisociated Ad_ vertisin.g. Clubs of the World, in June, 1924, th,at Winston Lnurcnlil ma<le that reinark.
_,9h."ll",ngg it, if. you like,, but then stop to consider it. r nrnk ot advertising---jnot the spasmodic flash of the con_ cern which plans to cornmit fraud, but that of the leeiti_ mate business house which uses advertising to keep iiself in touch with the public.
After all, that is u1h-at y9u mean, and what everyone else mgan_s, when advertising is spoken of.
It p .th.: only advertiiing.?hat amounts to anything, in actual dollars and cents. For the one case of boeus -pub_ licity there are hundred of honest manufactur.t. "-na i""ters who year in and year out are continuously telling their story to .the public; telling it frankly, ,qu"rily; an? who are backing up their story with the'mercha"dii. "na tf,. service they sell.
. Th.e..ver1' fac-t that they- do keep at it is a ,,security against fraud." For frauds can't keep^ the game up indenf,itety. The belter they are known the sooier tt "y ""fr"u;;-;-d; sucKer llst.
If you doubt the soundness of Winston Churchill,s re_ mark, test yourself in your own-buying. How many times 9".y9" pay a..tew cents more for even a common-article, Just because it was put o.ut by a manufacturer you know abont through his advertising? Maybe fri, pro,iu"t i.- "o better than some unknown's; but the name hi puts on the package has come to stand for something i" y,;ui -i"al -
If you found that you got: stung by following such .a course you would change,it quickly enough. But you don,t get stung. You find that. the product of tfre advertising concern keeps up Et pretty relilble standard. It has to] otherwise it couldn,t stand publicity.
There are not so many exceptions in this world as you Tig.ht think. Your business may be one of the;,;r;; likely not. .It's a good gamble that the same thing'which applres to the general ,run would apply to you, a-nd that advertrsrng, to make your name just a little more widely known and-equally importlnt--to keep it known, *igfit ::,1 p9.* ot your goods. The public forgets in a mighty snort tlme.
-Courtesy of Hammel-Sutphen & Co;; ,Los Angeles.
Forest Week
The we* heretofore- annually set aside by.the president as Forest Protection Week wili hereafter b! designated as American Forest Week, and -its program will be" directed by a na,tional citizens' committee- initead of solely by the United States Forest Service, according to a decisio'n ar"rived at by an informal meeting in Washington, D. C., of foresters, outdoor people, and representalives of the forest industries. Frank O. Lowden, former governor of Illinois, presided and was elected permanent chalirman of the direct_ ing committee. The week was fixed as that of April ZZMay 3.