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,o olstite
e new waterproof sheathinf rl' rlodern buildi"$ constructioi
Moistite is light gray in color, pliable and strong. It is sanitary, odorless, venninproof. It keeps out moisture, cold and wind, conserves heat and deadens souncl. For use under all exterior finish-under stucco, under shingles, under brick veneer, under clapboards (rustic) for all lining and u'rapping purposes rvhere a.waterproof agent is required.
The invention of Moistite marks an epoch in the paper making industry. Thru a single operation during the making of a building paper, specially processed bitumen is ingeniously introduced to produce a waterproof sheet rvhich has unrusual tensile strength and effi'cient insulating qualities.
Moistite is also for inside construction. It insulates the building against wind, dampness, the cold of winter and the heat of summer.
Moistite is adaptable for use under hardwood floors over both old or new subflooring. By resisting moisture, it helps to prevent buckling, especially where floors extend over an open porch or on first floors which are directly over draughty basements.
Good Profit for the Lumber Dealer
Zcllerbach Papcr Company, 562 Battcry Strcet, San Francieco, Calif.
Without obligation on my part, please send me samples of Moistite, descriptive booklet and the merchandising and advertising plan.
Moistite ofiers a good profit-making possibility for the lttmber and building material dealer. Moistite is welcomed by architects, contractors, builders and owners; farming districts likewise offer a large market. The Zellerbach Paper Company, with the several divisions, is the exclusive Pacific Coast distributor of Moistite. Call at their nearest division for sample of Moistite, descriptive literature, merchandising plan and other information which will show you horv you can cash in with this nerv and highly efficient product. If more convenient. use the coupon.
Manufactur"d by the NATIONAL PAPER PRODUCTS CO., Stockton, CaI.