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Building Construction Courses Are Adopted For L. A. High School
The first building construction course to be adopted as a regular four-year high school course has been established in the Roosevelt high school, Los Angeles, under the direction of Thomas Fellows, who expects that 100 students will be enrolled within a few weeks.
Those sponsoring the course are of the opinion that it will be adopted by other schools here and possibty in other cities. The movement has met the approval of the Southern California Chapter Associated General Contractors', who see a possibility of securing young men practically trained for building and construction industry.
The schedule of the course lor 1924-1925 at the Roosevelt high school is outlined as follows: The symbols, 89, Bl0, 410, and etc., refer to semesters, B indicating the first half and A the last half of the school year, and the figures the school year. For example, 89 is the first half of the first year in high school and B10 is the first half of the second year in high school.
Building Construction Course combinations of brick and concrete. Construction methods devoted to development of details, showing foundations, floor, walls, beams and plain columns madeJrom concrete in various proportions and finishes.
Building Construction 3-811, Instruction in individual and group project in various types of building construction and engineering work.
Building Construction 4-All-Tests of sand, cement, brick. Color work, both in aggregates or as a color filler. Test and use of plaster for interiors and exteriors. Test of roof t-ile (clay and cement) for color and water tightness. Specifications and use in fire resistant roof.
Building Construction 5-81| Visits to buildings in course of construction. City building ordinances. Checking plans of buildings in construction- Fireplace and chimney design. Brick and concrete arches.
Building Construction 6-A12, Description and demonstrations of construction in modern building. Brick and concrete in cottages.
1-B10, General instruction in selection, storing and use of brick, sand, lime, cement, rock, etc., for various purposes, utilizing the materials and construction on the school premises. Class, group and individual project work covering the every-day use of concrete and brick from crude work, such as footings up to finished articles that are in common use in modern life.
Building Construction
Building Construction 2-AlO, Instruction in form work, scaffolds, equipment, both hand and machine, including
In addition to the foregoing courses in strictly building matters, instruction is given in English, mathematics, gen- eral science, applied science, drawing, cabinet making, metal work, art, sociology, music, and physical training.
M. C. Woodard, president of the Silver Falls Timber Company, Silverton, Oregon, is at present traveling witlr his family in Europe. Mr. Woodard is combining business with pleasure, and is expected about end of April.
Pioneer maaufactrrer a Goutplete line of Roofing and Building Papen.