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Duncan Matheson Addresses Hoo Hoo Club No. 9
Duncan Matheson, Captain of Detectives, San Francisco Police Department, wal the Speaker of tie Dav at the Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 luncheon 6eld at the palace ilotel on Februarv 26. Captain Duncan spoke on the ,,Relations of the Police Department to the Business 'World.,, Captain Duncan's address was very instructive and interesting and was ve_ry much enjoyed by the large gathering. R. F. Hammatt, Secretary-Manager of the California Redwood Association was the Chairman of the Day. Merideth parker, accompanied by Tom Tomilson at the piaho, sang several excellent vocal numbers. William WiGon. R. O: Wilson Lumber Company, rvon the Attendance Prize.
Milton Hendrickson, Secretary-Treasurer of the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club, gave an interesting talk on the new East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club and invited thJmembers of HooHoo Club No. 9 to attend their next meeting on March 18, Professor Emanuel Fritz, University oi California, who had just returned from a month's trip to the Atlantic Coast, spoke on eastern lumber conditions.
I{enneth Smith, Long-Bell Lumber Co., will act as Chairman _of the Day on March 12. Henry Hink, Dolbeer-Carson Lum-ber Co., will have charge of the meeting to be held on March 26.
L. R. Gaynor, Jr., Sales Manager of the Nettleton Lumber Co., Seattle, has returned north after spendi'ng several days in San Francisco looking after the company's business interests. While in San Francisco, he was a visitor at the offices of the J. M. Hrrddart Lumber Co., rvho are their representatives in Northern California. Paul W. Masters, their Southern California representative, came up from Los Angeles, to confer with Mr. Gaynor.
C. H. McDonald, Seattle, Manager of the Pacific Coast Lumber Department of L. H. Ives & Co., was a recent California visitor. While in San Francisco, he conferred with A. A. Dimmick, Dimmick Lumber Co., their Northerh California representatives. Mr. McDonald also was a caller at their Southern California office in Los Angeles, where he spdnt several days looking over lumber conditions in Southern California.
Fred Palmer On Eastern Trip
Fred Palmer, 'ivell known San Francisco distributor of California White Pine and Sugar Pine, is in the east where he will attend the meeting of the National American Wholesalers Convention at Atlantic City, on March 18 and 19. While in the east, he will meet John P. Hemphill, Vice President and General Manager of the Sugar Pine Company. Mr. Hemphill, who made the trip east through the Panama Canal, in February, will return to San Francisco with Mr. Palmer. They plan to return to San Francisco about March 25.
We believe we are getting mighty good returns from our advertising in "The California Lumber Merchant" and. we think it is the closest to a I@/o advertising medium for the California territory that we know of. R. A. STEVENSON. Eagle Lumber Co., Portland.