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An Established And Reliable Brand Of Red Cedar Shingle With New Value And Color Added
On account of the rapidly,growing demand for stained shingles -carrying our Peerless Brand we have equipped o,r, *ill" [o1t.itr shingles in any grade and in all colors.
All shingles stained by us are made on our well-established and reliable standardsfrom ""r"f"iiy-".i"?t.d
effrcient American laborers-in modern, well-equipped mills-subject to strict expert insPection.
We can ship any quantity of stained shingles in the same car with our regular grades of unstained shingles.
'We can give you the color or colors you want in quick shipments.
The stain we use -gta1ks-is the highest grade creosote base shingle stain manufactured. Only -thl firr""t pig-.nt colors "re u""dlareTully ground on our formulae in pure linseed oil.
Our machine staining produces a perfect product.- It gives us a uniformity in staining and .r, "r"r, "olot "tr "i ""1 pEsiUt. with hand dipping. Also much greater absorption of stain. And our shingles are completely stained from butt to tip'
By our process we stain the shingles while hot from the kiln and free from moisture. We give more uniform and brighter colors than secured by other processes.
All excess stain is removed from the shingles, immediately after staining, by our-centrifug.l pro""*". We do not allow excess_stain to dty-ott the shingles,.producing mottleg and ir;";Jl;;;Lrir,g "" itt-h""J dipping. Our stain is kept constantly *il.d and agitated during the en-tire staining process by *..h"ii..l *..ns-ne[ stirred occasionally with a stick.