1 minute read
His Perverted Idea of Patriotism
Some men, due to environments etc., become possessed of a strange slant at things.
Take the case of the old Tenrnessee mountaineer, who was bidding good-bye to his eldest son, who had enlisted and was waiting for the train to take him away to training camp.
Love of country and of his son both swelled the old
Arthur Twohy On Trip
Mr. Arthur Twohy, Los Angeles wholesaler, accompanied by Mrs. Twohy and their two children, are on a three rveeks' visit at Mr, Twohy's ranch in the San Joa- quin Valley. They will return about April lst.
Earnest Johnson Vistts Los Angeles
Mr. Earnest Johnson, of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company, paid their Los Angeles offices a short visit, early this month.
man's chest, and that sort of exaltation that comes to all men at certain times, possessed him, as he gave his son this parting advice:
"Go on out, my son, and fight for your country and for yonrr fag. Do your duty and make your daddy proud"of you. And when you meet them d-d Germans, shoot 'em down, son, jest like you would a bunch of blankety blan-k Revenue Officers."
Matheny Bros. have opened new yards at Marysville and Roseville. The Matheny Bros. have been associated with the retail lumber business for many years, and formerly operated yards at Oroville and Oakland.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller left on March 11 for a six weeks' trip to Honolulu on the Matson Line. Mr. Miller is manager of the Knox Lumber Co. of Sacramento.
Neat-co6pact-orderly. B"ry to handle, easy toilole. 12piecer to the bundle. Every piece branded r.Everlastiagtr, our pledge of rcientific tilndrying and s&ill€d Grand Rapidc crafomanchip.
Oak,maple, beecl4 birch, Q and *, NrcHo[s