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What Would Wrigley Do in the Lumber Business?
It was not a great many years ago, according to a current story that is now appearing in the public press, that Wrigley, of chewing gum fame, was kicked off a train in Kansas City because he had no money to ride any further.
He now does 80 per cent of the gum business in the United States and is teaching the rest of the world to chew gum.
He owns some of the finest office buildings in the country.
lle owns Catalina Island, the Chicago National League Ball Team and a lot of other things too numerous to mention.
It is not possible {or retail lumber dealers to do what Wrigley has done, but each can do as much locally in his particular line as Wrigley has done nationally in the gum business.
Wrigley keeps people thinking about gum. When they think of gum they think of Wrigley.
Local retail lumber dealers should keep people thinking of building. And when they think of building they should think of the local dealer.
As the matter now stands in many towns the public does not think either of building or of the local dealer !
'We can be just as dominant in our ou'n line in our ou,n locality as Wrigley is in his.
There is not a retail lumber dealer in the United States who cannot afford to do it, and who in doing it would not find it immensely profitable.
Granted Use Of City Docks
Long Beach, Mar. 3.-Permission for the patten-Davies
I,umber Company to unload lumber cargoes on the municipal wharf at channel No. 2, until such t-i-e as it has con- structed dock facilities of its own in the harbor district, was granted yesterday by the city council on the recommendation of City Manager C. H. Windham, who announced that the concern would begin making Long Beach a port of call for its lumber fleet immediatelv.
The Winchester Lumber Co. have purchased from ,the National Lumber Co., the steam schooner Coquille River. The vessel was built at Prosper, Oregon, in lii96, for the Sudden & Christenson Company. Since being built for the Sudden & Christenson Co., the vessel his changed hands several times.
Builderc merely nail a roll of Bishopric Basc over the atudding-ihen apply cement. The cement lock'r between the bevoled boards and formsadovetail-tte rtrongett mechanical keY known. We recommend 18 gauge galvanized wire netting to reinforce the cemgni-1hsn the wall will be stronger and better and cost no more.
Sold by Eastern Lumber Yards for 18 Years !
Lumber merchants in Eastern States know Bishopric Base as one of their biggest selling items. It outsells sheathing and pays a greater pro6t. In practically every state where the law compels l" sheathing, Bishopric Base has been tested and approved for use in place of sheathing because Bishopric Base is stronger.
National magazines have advertised Bishopric Base to Architects, Contractors and Prospective Home Builders for the last | 8 Years Now a separate Los Angeles factory ie producing Bishopric Base in economical quantity. A gmashing advertising campaign in the leading Los .Angele newsPapers ia telling this territory what Biehopric Baae ia-how much better it is-and that it costs no more than other baces which are not a fraction as strong.

There is no question but that Bishopric Basc will duplicate in the West the outstanding success it has made in the East. Dozens of lumber yards have already gtocked Biahopric anticipating the big demand. They sell but little sheathing-and they realiic that with Bishopric Base in stock theY can now sell a wall-building ma' terial for inside and outside walls and get a profit that has formerlY been lost to the material suPPlY dealer.
Send for free sample disPlaY for your sales floor and get full details on how much Profit You can make from BishoPric Base sales. Bishopric Manufacturing Company of California, producing Bishopric Base for Stucco, Plaster, Brick Veneer and Frame Buildings; BishoPric Stuc' co for Exterior Walls; Sunfast Color Stucco; Flooring and Drain Board Composition, 604-626 East 62nd Street, Los Angeles, Phone AXridee 0707.