4 minute read
l. I must be able to determine the cost of building in advance.
2. I shall get my house at the cost to build.
3. I cannot expect to get a bargain when I build.
4, I shall have a new house, and may expect the cost of repairs to be a small item for a long time.
5. I cannot see the completed house, so it may not turn out to be exactly what I had expected.
6. I may or may not have the time and the ability to choose wisely in selecting my architect and contractor, or to work with them to the best advantage.
7. To build successfully I shall need some technical knowledge in order to inspect the rvork intelligently to see that plans and specifications are properly made and carried out.
8. I can plan exactly the house I r,vant, and choose the location that suits me best. It .ivill be a real home. my home.
9. The house rvill require no alterations.
10. I can finance my home to suit my financial abilitv. I may choose to have e;tt.. a straight loan, an amortizing mortgage, or a building and loan association mortgage.
1. I knolv the exact cost.
2. It is probable that I will have to pay the seller a profit.
3. I may possibly find a bargain in a house that is pressed for sale.
4. I may expect a heavy repair bill soon on an old house.
5. I can see exactly what I am getting.
' T shall have no architects or builders to deal rvith.
7. I shall need little technical knowledge to buy a house.
8. I may not be able to find a house laid out to suit me, or in the locality I would like best. It would not be a home created for me by myself.
9. To adapt the house to my needs, extensive alterations may be necessary.
10. The mortgage that is on the house may not be in the most suitable form for me. I may be put to the expense of changing it.
These, then. are the important conditior.rs that u,ill gov_ ern the decision of the homeseeker to build or to buy. After a study of them, one man may decide that for him a majority of the reasons cited impel him to build, while another may decide that for him it is better to buy.
San Die€,o County Notes
The Coffin lumber yard at Carlsbad has been sold to the Bauer-Geib Lumber Co. which oDerates a yard in Los Angeles and one on the Long Beaih Boulev-ard near Comp- ton. The new owners will continue the business.
Mr. O. G. Gray is now manager of the City Lumber Co., San Diego.
Mr. Frank Knowles, who has been temporarily looking after the Lumber & Builders Supply Co., Encinitas, will devote his time to the general interests of the concern at Encinitas and Solana Beach. Mr. Alvin Naas will'be in charge at Encinitas.
The Spreckel Bros. Commercial Co. at La Jolla have secured a new location on Fay Avenue, directly opposite the Gibson yard. The new cement warehouse is up and the shed is well under way.
Mr. Herb Sullivan of the Western Lumber Co.. San Diego, has. been in Northern Michigan some time ofl ?ci count of Mrs. Sullivan's illness following her father's rathef severe indisposition.
Mr. W. P. McPhee of the McPhee & McGinnity'Lumber Co., Denver, is at Coronado Beach for the season.
H. Riddiford, Secretary for the Southern District of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, accompanied by G. F. Hoff, Secretary of the San Diego Materialmen's Association, drove over _to the-.Imperial Valley, visiting El. Centro, Calexico and Mexicali.
L. C. Slade, San Francisco wholesaler, was a recent San Diego visitor.
The Whitney Lumber Co. have moved their San Francisco office to the St. Clair Building, 16 California Street. Their telephone number is Kearny 5568. Harry E. Morgan, manager of their mill operations at Garibaldi, Oregon, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he conferred with B. W. Shipley, their San Francisco representative, on business matters.
The National Forests belong to the American people. You own an interest in them. They are not "Reserves." They are handled by Uncle Sam's foresters, the U. S. Forest Service, to produce the greatest good for the greatest number. When a crop of trees is ripe and there is need for the lumber, it is sold to the highest bidder. The man who cuts it must .do so in such a way that a new crop will gro'w on the same ground. The method of doing this is different for each region and type of timber.
trf the grass and weeds growing beheath the trees are needed by stoclmen, permits are issued to graze sheep and cattle. Sometimes a forest's most important function is to regulate streamflow, providing irrigation, drinking water and water-power. Public campgrounds are set aside for the public, and summer home sites are leased, where mountain cabins mav be built.
Of all the money taken in by the Forest Service from timber sales, grazing and special uses, 25 per cent is returned to the state and county to be used for roads and schciols. The Forest Service also spends money in the forest communities building roads, trails, telephone lines, and other protection or improvement and for fire fighting.
The greatest benefit, however,'is the proper handling and tuse of these forests for the best intefests of the people and the growing of new tree crops for the future.
About one-fifth of the remaining. timber in the. United States is in the National Forests. The remaining fourftfths belongs to states or private individuals.
Homer Derr Visits Orovitle
Homer Derr, J. M. Derr Lumber Co., Elk Grove, has returned from a short trip to Oroville, where he inspected the mills in that section. On his return, he spent a few days with friends in Chico.
Anderson Makes Change
B. A. Anderson, for some time in the sales department of the Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles, is now connected with the E. K. Wood Lumber Company, in the same city.
S.rppose Your Plant Should Burn Tonight-
Would you be able to view the twigte.d, emoldering ruins, consoled.in your miafortune by the sure knowledge that you are adequately insured, with every condition on the policy fulfilled, so that there will be no question of the amound you will recover?
The time to think about this queation is not after, but before the 6re.