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Here k a page of beautiful home-ouming ideas that could be used to advutage b! an! liae merchant. "Hotneistns" k a feature itt three San Dbgo dail! fa\ers, credit behg giaen to .Mr. Chris M. Anderson, of the Klicha Lumber ComPany, San Diego. A nean chapter of the series uppears each tpeeh,
"Homel" What a word! It conjures up memories that are dcar .to us; memories of the old home place of years ago. No wonder the poet sang, "IIow Dear to My Heart Are the Scenes of My Childhoodl" There is something about that old home of ours, no matter how humble it may have been, that holds us yet with cords of affection.
Modern homes have conveniences and comforts unknowri in the old days, but they fail to create that peculiar "home" atmosphere thpt seemed to be attached to the old cast-iron range, the wooden churn, the handturned washer and wringer and the pump. You know the old pump. In winter it needed to be thawed out, and in summer it dried out. Did you ever stick your tongue on the handle on a frosty morning? And taste the refreshing coolness of the clear, pure water on a hot summer day? Did you ever get such thrills by turning a faucet, or pressing an electric button ?
Some men think their duty is done when they provide a living for their family. They are vitally wrongl A man has not fulfilled his duty as a father or husband until he has provided his family with a suitable and comfortable place to live. A good home is the inheritance of everv Americah boy and girl-and father ani mother. Truest Happiness and Contentment cannot come without it.
A _Ggod Thing is a Better Thing the Quicker you get itl Begin now to plan for that (HOME OF YOUR owN."
Every home, when completed, is the materialization of a dream-a vision. It is built 6rst in the mind and imagination of the owner or builder. To wish for a home is not enough-but it is a good beginning, for if we wish hard enough, and strive hard withal, the attainment of our hope is sometimes brought within the realm of possibility.
A warranty deed to a home is more than title to a house and lot. It is a share of stock in the community, a Certificate of Happiness, and a Bond of Love to every member of the family. .& * .!.
A glowing fire in the fireplace, a great big armchair drawn up close, your favorite book or ma.gazine, and the soft light of the reading lamp by your shoulder-wllb could ask for more for a lon! pleasant eveningl
And isn't the pleasure and satisfaction multiplied when the chair, fireplace and house belongs to YOU?
A Glorious Feelingi
Think of the joy, comfort and ionvenience of having a home-all your ownl
Done with crowded, stuffy rooms and apartments! Done with the everlasting rent problem!
On the road to Savings and Independence at last! Isn't it a grand and glorious feeling?
There are some folks who live entirely too much in the future. They live a cramped life, denying themselves every comfort and convenience, always looking forward to the time when they have accumulated enough to retire upon and enjoy themselves.
This idea, however, is giving way to the opinion that each day ought to have its complement of pleasures and happiness-that tife ought to pay a$ it goe&
This might be a dangerous doctrine if applied to anything but a home. It can safely be recommended here.
To delay the construction of that "Home of Your Own" is to deny yourself and family the comforts and joys to which they are entitled. Every month spent in the otd surroundings, in the rented house or the crowded apartments, robs you of a month in the new home, with its newer atmosphere and comfortable surroundings.
It is not necessary to wait until you can build a big ten or twelve-room house, with all the latest devices and installations. This would be fine. if you coutd have it.
But why not begin to enjoy the privileges of home-ownership in a more modest bungalow or cottag'e, one suited to your present needs and circumstances?
Home-ownership is a means of Economy. You save while you are ehjoying it. You pay while you are living in it, in many cases.
Get started. Begin making plans. It isn't nearly as difficult as you probably think
Get on the road to Savings and Independence !
Billy Sunday once said, 'Thc. man who sings'HOME, SWEET, HOME' in a rcnted house ls kidding himse[ and serenading his landlord."
Building a "Home of Your Own" is evidence of your faith in the community in which you live, as well as of good judgment in the selection of a homesite and a profitable investment.
A good home is the best investment you can make. ' It often pays for itself in the saving of rents alone. In most cases, the property increases in value as the community goes forward.
In addition, it pays dividends in Joy, Comfort and Happiness that cannot be measured in monetary values.
Comfort and convenience in the home produce two great results: The lightening of household tasks, and the making of the house into a "real home" that will be a joy to you and your familv. -
"Stay, at home, my Heart, and rest, Home-keepins hearts ji'""!?1,0,:T:'" .t+.'
Surely this is a worthy ambitionto become the owner of an attractive and comfortable HOME, a place we can call our own, and of which we can be justly proud.