2 minute read


Redwood Park Assured

Probably the greatest single achievement yet anlounced by the Save the Redwoods League is the raising of a fund in excess of seven hundred fifty thousand dollars, with which it is expected it will be possible to save the Dyerville Flats and a portion of Bull Creek Flat. These groves. located at Dyerville, Humboldt County, near the northern limit of the present Humboldt State Redwood Park, are amohg the very finest in existence. The preservation of the Bull Creek and Dyerville Flats is essential to the proper rounding out of the first unit of the Humboldt State Redwood Park.

The League has reached a satisfactory basis for negotiations with the Paaific Lumber.Company, owners of these matchless tracts of redwoods, and through the mediation of Major David T. Mason, noted forestry expert, a plan is being worked out whereby these areas will be preserved for park purposes, with assurance that the owners will receivi a fiir-price for their timber and that the plan of preservation will involve the minimum inconvenience to the company in its logging operations.

Kerckhoff Cuzner Opens New Yard

A new yard has been opened by Kerckhoff Cuzner Lumber Company, at Savannah, near El Monte. Mr.J.A. McCain is in charge.

Why Sell Redwood?

l^\NE of our good dealer friends in a recent letter jokingly V remarked that from his standpoint one of Redwood's big disadvantages is its permanence-its great durability makes replacements unnecessary. Nothing short of a cyclone will destroy Redwood. Fungus does not rot it and worms and insects leave it alone. It is a slow burner. Thoroughly painted, it looks well a long time. Even unpainted, it still resists decay. A Redwood house needs little repairing. But this dealer keeps right on ordering Redwood. He finds that telling these sad facts about Redwood to his custorners ddes not drive them away.

Sometimes he even ventures to remark that according to the U. S. Government Report entitled "Physical, Mechanical and Chemical Properties of Redwood" there isn't any other wood, either soft or hard, that averages as high on durab'tlity, lack of shr'inkage, strength as o bean or Post, ease of glueing, uorkability and ability to "stay put'"

The Lor Angeler of6ceg of 'The California Lum5cr lllerchant" are now located at 3llE Centrrl Building, Sixth and Main Streetg. Plcaee change your recordt, rome mail ir rtill being ad' drerged to the Fay Building.


W. P. Sexton, general superintendent of the Weed Lumber Co., was a ricent visiior at the San Francisco office of the Long-Bell Lumber Co. Mr. Sexton has been associated with the Long-Bell Lumber Co. for nineteen years. He was a guest of Kertneth Smith, Long-Bell's -San -Fran^- cisco Maniger, at a meeting of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 where he me1 many of his Bay District lunibermen friends.

Bert Neylan Calls On Valley Trade

Bert Neylan, San Francisco representative of the BoothKelly Luniber Co., has been calling on the Sacramento Valley ind San Joaquin Valley trade during the past moqlh, in addition t" ttis regulai Bay Districi territory. "Hi" Henry, the company's Valley Representative, has been on the sick list buf is-cohvalescing nicely and expects to be back on the job again around the latter part;of the month.

California National Forests Are Mecca Of Recreationists

The report on visitors'to the national forests of California, just releised by the San Francisco headqugig.r-s- of the United States Forest Service, shows that 4,154,761 people traveled into or through these great summer playgroundrs during 1924-a decrease of four pql -cent as compared wtth the total number of visitors lot 1923.

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