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Western Retail Lumberman's Convention
Robert M. Graham, Great Falls, Mont., was elected presi- dent for 1927, and Salt Lake City was chosen for the 1928 convention, at the 24th annual cbnvention of the 'Western Retail Lumbermen's Association held at Tacoma. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 24, 25, and'26.
A. J. Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco. was chosejr as vice president for California, Northern Division, and David Woodhead, Woodhead Lumber Co.. Los Angeles, as vice president for California, Southern Division.
Elmore King, Bakersfield, and George Burnett, Tulare, were elected directors for California. to serve three vears.
The convention voted to affiliate with the Nationil Re- tail Lumber Dealers Association, and C, T. Baldwin. re- tiring president was elected as director t6 serve on the board of the national association.
Resolutions adopted included approval of the reforestation tax legislation rccently adopted by California, a recommendation to encourage the use of short lengths of lum.ber.wherever possible, a resolution condemning direct selling by ma:rufacturers or wholesalers of forest p"roducts or other building materials, and a recommendation for the reduction of the capital stock and excess profit taxes.
Nearly four hundred delegates were registered from ten states, and the attendance at each session was excellent, stimulated no doubt by the attendance prizes, the first and second grand prizes being two carloads of fine quality lumber products donated by Tacoma manufacturers. Entertainment was looked after by a capable committee of the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club.
The Thursday morning session was opened by songs rendered by Mrs. Henry Skramstad. This was followed
!f 1tt. invocation by Rev. C. W. Weyer. Mayor Melvin G. Tennant of Tacoma welcomed the delegates, and J. M. Brown, Long I-ake Lumber Co., Spokane, iesponded tb the address of welcome.
President Baldwin in his address expressed the belief that the time had come when all retail lumbermen should fit up their places as building material stores where every man, womah and child will be eager to go when in need of advice or help regarding building. They should be able to offer the customer the finished producl in the shape of house, garage, barn or granary at so much for the compieted article, he said, just as the automobile dealer sells tie car or truck ready to drive away.
Secretary-treasurer Roy S. Brown presehted his report, and also read the report of the Traffic Department and of the auditing committee.
_ In the afternoon John Dower, John Dower Lurnber Co., Tacoma, spoke on, "What Is Wrong With the Retail Lumber Business." Mr. Dower said that anything that is wrohg with the business can be charged to those engaged in it rather than to the business itself. Elmore Ring, King Lumber Co., Bakersfield, led the discussion on this sub-- ject. He said they all had the wrong sign over their doors, as they are all in the building mateliaf business, and that the way to eliminate the direct selling of building materials b_y rvholesalers and commission men was to woik through their associations, and concluded his talk by an appeal for more cooperation among yards in the same district.
"The Problem of Cut Price Competition" was the sub- ject of an address by Arthur A. Hood, Minheapolis IIoo(Continued on Page 10.)
Everything In Hardwoods
Our. battery of modenr kilnsr-operated under the direction of an e:rperienoed kitn engineierr aasurles our trade of a complete stock of c.orrectly reasoned-handrroods to meet tlrc climatic conditions of Southern California.
Everyone Is Better Knows A Than A Dry Lumber Home Wet Lumber Home

California has been buildins with Green Fir for years because it got into a bad habit, and habits of long standing are hard to throw off.
Of late Fir has been fooding the Middle West and Southwest (Texas'Oklahoma) districts. First they shipped them Green Fir. But the trade tooh less than a year to discover tfiat Green Fir makes a far inferior buildins to Dry Fir, and now the mitls are shipping Dry Fir to those territories.
And the difference between a green lumber home and a dry lumber home is just as great in California.