1 minute read
As Far As Your Customer is Concerned Your Yards and Reserve Arelnexhaustiblerrrrr
Your cugtomers will talce it for granted that you can 6ll the biggest order for building materials they can give you-if you never have to say-"I'm ghort on that item," and if you deliver their orders promptly.
Your customerg will give you big orders if you can handle big ordere. And big orders mean big pro6ts.
You neitrher have to go bankrupt keeping huge reeerves on hand, nor do you have to maintain a huge fleet of trucks. All you need to do is to remember Hammondtr telephone nun1f,g1HUmbolt | 591.
No rnatter how big lf,g ed6-promise to deliver it on time-then paes the buck to Hammond. We'll help you make good.