1 minute read
Sf/hyisRedwood TurnoverFustefl
-because rnore and rnore people knout
, , tha;t Redwood means better boma, -ft, ltomes, bandsoncr ltontes. \(e are telling the story to miliions every month. Thousands have written saying that they are interested. And dealers arewriting us U2g letters in thelast 30 days] sayrng that the prospgfts we send are aftually buying Redw6odand increasing their business.
nv9.ry d3| er ftockingk/woodis entitled ro receive these prospe& lists. The are yours f91 the asking. \fle refer theprosle&s to you. And we supply Home Plan Books, Mouniain-and cabin Plan Books, an Agricultural series with plans and stru&ural details, 2-color Letter Inserts, various Jbb, yard, and conua&or Slgns, Newspaper Mats, togetherfithsen.rai Booklets on Redwood andbther woods. -
Get in touch with us. s7rite for your complimentary copy of the Redwood sales Manual. It'is an intciestirtg .o;.piirtion of fa&s on dozens of common woo&. You need it for reference.