1 minute read

no taminex door 'r

I HfSn cxtrcmely sevcre tests are made simply to show you that Laminex doors can never warp or come apart; to provc that Lamincx doors are absolutely unaffected by climatic conditions.

We don't suggest that you store Laminex doors in damp warchouscs or hang them in buildings that haven't dried out yct, but we do say that Laminex doors will even stand treatment like this, which frcquently causes troublcs with othcr doors. Thc stiles and cross-rails of Lamincx doors arc constructed on a core of stress-balancing blocks. Any attempt of onc block to warp, swell or shrink is immediately counterbalanci:d by forces in thc opposite direction exerted by neighboring blocks.

Committec oI architccts and building olhcieli inspccting a Lamincx door aftcr thc famous soaking tcst. Although often immersed in watcr fot wccks no Lamincr Door has cvcr failcd.

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