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In 185 public tests has ever failed
All parts of a Laminex door, including the plywood pancls, are held together firmly by Laminex cement, which is absolutely waterproof and actually strongcr than wood.
''You can point with pride to the rcplacement guarantcc label and the word "LAMINEX" on the bottonr of Laminex doors, that are obtainable in popular designs from progrcssive distributors. Write for complete instructions for conducting a business-building Laminex door soaking test in your own city.
LAMINEX fiuaruntee
Thla Lamincx door, bullt by our cxclu. alvc prlccar, lr guarantced. In carc ot tallurc not duc to ncglcct or mlauae. we wlll rcplacc lt wlthout chtrgc. THE WHEELER. OSGOOD COIIPANY T.coma. w.rhlngton. U. S. A.