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Can you think of ^ new test for taminex doors?
Tbese unusual tests haae already been rnade
Thc scnsationel soaking tcsts of Lamincx Doors at lumbcr association convcndons, building shows, mills eod rctail lumbcr yards havc hcld thc attcntioo of thousands of pcoplc, yct dremetic es thcsc tcsts arc, wc frequcntly hcar of othcr Lamiocx Door tcsts.
Somc of thcsc othcr tcsts arc accidcntal, but most atc intcntional-and all of them provc agaio and rgain that Lamincx Doors stand rc.tmcnt tbat would ruin ordinary doors. Rcad about thcsc tcsts. Scc if you cen think of a ncw tcst. Thco tcll us thc rcsults.
Thc dw fun tse A Mssrchusetg distributor. Mr. E. .V Tibbetts. Secrctrrv of thc Bro&wavSmith Corpontion. Boston.-Mrssrchusctts. tiid weights to e L.mios Door rnd sunL it io thc Chadcs Rivcr. I7hen thc door wrs 6shcd out months htcr it qr unhrmed, acept for e dight nBroS ol the 8run.
Tlw gafllqhoutar: At Memphis e stock Lmincr Door wu erposcd m the weathcr for vcnty days duing June end July and choroughly soaked with mter from a hose. Rcsults:-"No shrinkiog, swell. ing ot wrping." sid Mr. Liooel Rey. "No opcn joints. No pcling or mcl<ing."
Trof. Srondal'soriginal test
The 6rst of these famous laminex Door soeking tests wes made by Prof. Bror L. Grondal at the Forest Producs laboretory in the Universiry of \Peshington. After immcniog a I:minex Door in water for 24 hous, Prof. Gtondal reported, "Thc complcte absence o[ wcping of the panels end the door rs a whole, and the partioldly slight expansion due to absorption of moisrure was especially noticable. The door was not drmSed in any way."
Tllc flooil tqtz Duing the great dood et Cumberlend, Merylmd, in M{ch, 1924, thc doos in lrae wuehouse were submerged in ten fet of wrter. IThen the f,ood reccdcd no hmioer Dor had split, oeeled. buckled or comc eorn. Orher &iom did not farc so well.
Thcboilcrhow tcrr: All winter long e laminer
Doot wes left on the roof of e boiler housc. Blezing heet beneath: snow and ice eborie! Yet when teleo down for inspection, "we found the door did not swcll, spring or w4rp," lay Eest Deyton Sgh & Door Compeov
Thetwboat tcrt: "About cwo yas ago I uscd someofyour three-ply S0eterproof Fir Proelr for the bott6m of a secionel boat " says Mr. Comoton of thc Allen Manufacturing Co', Shr*e' oort.-Iouisianr. " excepr for some small abm' iioni eurd in handling, ihe Fir Panels uscd for the boftom wm a Sood es whm first puc in."