4 minute read
The Philosophy of Mr. Pip
California has Climate, Floridp has Real Estate, Kansas has Wheat an California has the Edditer of THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT, but beeleeve me the only thing this town of mine is over producin at present is CREDIT fer some of them glib tongue fellers that thinks they is franking themselves over the River Styx by efficieolt sellin has by usin the methods of Demostheekness an Annernias has propper an well sold more an menny of them necessary an essential things that folks only needs to buy oar the installment plan fer to be worn out before they are paid for if they ever is, an at present I air:r't figgerin menny bills, an I cant in the near future see:rny reason fer people to come and buy Lumber an Putty from me unless some of the Business men and Bankers that profits by this kind of credit business an the Nals Papers, an other periodicals that gits lots of advertisin out of the installment sellers will begin an commence right npw an tell folks to begin agin an save their money to buy Lumber an build houses an then I figgers things will agin come my way fer I has THE CHEAPbsr r.ulrsER AT THE cHEAPEST PRrcE.
4 cats l)/1622% face Clear Maple Flooring;
? cats 13/1622% face No. I Maple Flooring;
2 cars l3/16x2% face Factory Maple Floor' ing; t cats l3/l6z2Y+ face Clear Birch Flooring;
2 cats l3/16x2/t face No. I Birch Flooring;
2 cats l3/16x2% face Factory Birch Flooring;
1 car n/rc1% face Clear Maple Flooring;
I car l1/l6xl% face No. I Maple Flooring; l0o,ooo f..i-1t6 and wider Sel. oc Btr. Kiln Dried Birch; also a nice stock of t/H/4 and 8/4 Birch'
'Western Representative JEROME C. GRIPPER 714 West l0th St. ' Los Angelec KNEELAND-MCLURG
Southern Pine Association Plan To Organize Salesmen Into Sectional Groups
The success of the Southern Pine Association's efforts to organize into sectional groups the salesmen of its subscriber mills becomes apparent now that the initial work in this direction has been completed. This idea of holding group meetings of Southern Pine salesmen resulted from answers received to a quegtionnaire which the Association circulated among the salesmen soliciting suggestions for the better merchandising of its product.
Secretary-Manager H. C. Berckes put into motion this plan in the beginning of December when the first meeting of Southern Pine salesmen was held in Chicago. So outstanding was the success of the meeting in question that the original plans of the Association were greatly amplified and an extensive program of 10 similar meetings was scheduled for January and February of this year.

The excellent advantages of these group organizations is notable in the enthusiasm aCcorded them not onlv bv manufacturers and salesmen of Southern Pine but aiso'by the the retailers in whose territories the meetings were held. Although the Southern Pine Association was the creative force behind the organization of the groups, local representatives'of its subscribers in each district were encouraged to conduct the business of the meetings.
It is evident that the present number of groups will multiply in order to cover thoroughly their designated territories. For instance, in Syracuse the nucleus of three organizations was formed. ' The committee appointed at this meeting is expected to resolve itself into groups to embrace, first, the New England States; second, the New York City area, and third, middle and western New York State. Moreover, at the Memphis meeting it was decided that two similar groups should be created for Tennesseeone for the eastern and another for the western half of the state, the latter including the state of Mississippi.
In view of the beneficial results of these activities, it is certain that the sectional groups will continue to function, holding meetings at regular intervals to increase the efficiency of Southern Pine sales representatives.
Ship To Bring Lumber From Mexico
Upon the arrival of the S.S. Jalico today from Salina Cruz, Mex., the first shipment of Mexican lumber to be brought into a Pacific coast port for several years- will be unloaded here for the Benson Lumber company. The Jalico's cirgo will consist of 100,000 feet of Spanish cedar in three-foot logs.
This lumber shipment may mean the beginning of an extensive lumber trade with Mexico for San Diego, since this city is the first port of call for steamers coming up from the south, and is well situated to be a good distributing point for the lumber.
Members of the Annual Meeting Committee of the National-American Wholesale Lumblr Association recently met at Pittsburgh to discuss convention and other assdciation plans. The meeting to be held at the Ambassador Hote-I, Atlantic City, April 2O-2L, will consider practical problems of vital interest to the wholesaler, particularly with a view of meeting a desire from the members to develop more efficient distribution.
Such questionc as thc follo,wing will bc discurscd; Will the ndrolcsalcr of thc future bc a rrclumc dietributor? Hqry can he bect convince manufacturcre that romc existing mcthods of ro-callcd dircct selligs opcratc to ^the_ mills' disadvan-tage, ctc, Live, wide-ar& wholesalcrs r-ccognize the value of their filnction and it il erpoctcd thc convcntion discussion will dcrrclop ideas wtrich will ma&c ttrir function of greatcr value to both mill and curtornsr.
The wholesalers' responsibility in the Trade Extension campaign will be considered and report submitted of the results to date. Steps will be takenlo broaden this effort throughout the industry.
The Committee on the Cost of Conducting a Wholesale Lumber Business is underway with its survev and. it is evident from the response do far received. that ihe c'or.tn.tttion will have interesting data before it in the way of definite cost exhibits-something heretofore not available.
Lumber Credits constitute one of the most important questions to the distributor today and J. H. Tregoo, Ex- ecutive Vice-President of the National Associationbf Cred- it Men, and recognized as a national credit expert, will lead a discussion on this subject.
_.The social arrangements will be ample to provide enough diversion from the business side of the meeting, and Secietary Schupner states that the plans this year-will bring a large attendance.
Those who attended the meeting at Pittsburgh were: President F. S. Underhill, Philadelphia; C. A. Goodman. A. man, Marinette, Wis. ; F. R. Babcock, Pittsburgh; Dwight Hinckley, Cincinnati; Max Myers, Clevelind; W. -H. Schuette, Pittsburgh; G. I\{. Stevens, New York, and W. W. Schupner, Secretary.
To Open New Logging Camp
The Pickering Lumber Company will open up this spring a new logging camp below Strawberry, the area including some 4500 acres. The land is said to be the finest in the state, experts estimating that it will yield 4O,000 board feet to the acre. For the first time tractors will be used in their logging operations.
Work Started On New Lumber Yard
Work of clearing the ground for the Dill Lumber Comqaly's new- yard at Arlington was started on Monday, February.2l. Several thousand dollars will be spent in constructing a new modern lumber yard, which will also include an attractive office and store foom.