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Eureka Qualit
More than 400 attended the Lincoln's Birthday Party, sponsored by the Westwood Hoo-Hoo Club and the Me Kea Post, No. 80, American Legion, which was held at the Westwood Hoo-Hoo Auditoiium on the evening of February 12. Following a dinner, there was a delightful prog'ram of singing and dancing.
Former Lumber Firm Head Dies
Joseph G. Ganahl, former head of the old established lumber company of that nane, passed away February 23 at the family residence, Twenty-seventh and San Marino streets, Los Angeles. Mr. Ganahl, who was 65 years old is survived by a widow, Joseph A., Walter L. and Thomas J., two daughters, Mrs. Marie Schnack and Mrs. Estelle Pain, two brothers, Eugene F. and C.C. Ganahl, three sisters, Otella L. Ganahl, Sister Marie Ignatice and Mrs. Reiss of St. Louis.
Mr. Ganahl retired from business thirteen years ago and for the past several years has been an invalid and closely confined to his home. His passing is regretted by a host of friends made through his long residence in Los Angeles and many old-time residents throughout Southern California, who have known and respected him for his unfailing courtesy and integrity in business relations.
George Knudson Spends Vacation In Los Angeles
George Knudson, W. R. Chamberlin & Co., San Francisco, was spending a few days' vacation in Los Angeles around the first of the month. He made the trip down on one of the company's boats. Jack Rea, manager of the Los Angeles office of W. R. Chamberlin & Co., had George in tow and was showing him the sights of the Southland.