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yet a bigger ualue for your customer.
More and more, lumber dealers are realizi.ng it is easier to sell Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles than ordinary shingles-and far more profitable. And on a new or old home genuine CreoDipts mean far greater value to the home-owner per dollar invested, because they are made only from selec[ed cedar, spec'ially stained and preserved to save paint. Lay them right over sidewalls on old homes and save fuel as well as paint. Write for our dealer proposition today.
Creo-Dipt Cornpany, Inc., Oliver St., N. Tonawanda, N. Y. J. C. Skellie, Bldg. Material Ddhibit, Metropolitan Bldg., Broady-ay a! Ft-!t! .qt., L.os Angeles, Calif. Alfied J. Helf, Building I\{aterial Exhibit, 77 O'Farrell St., San Francisco, Calif.