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Hoo Hoo Ne.ws
Fred Roth, San Francisco, State Hoo-Hoo Counselor, announces that arrangements have been completed for the reception to Arthur A. Hood, Minneapolis,- Snark of the Universe, upon his arrival in Northern California.
On March 11 Mr. Hood will be met at Hilt by Vicegerent Snark, A. E. Stonehouse, where he will be -the-guest it a luncheon. Mr. Hood will then leave for McCloud, where a Concatenation will be staged that evening under the direction of Vicegerent Snark, C. T. Kernohan.
On Saturday evening, March 12, Mt. Hood will be- the guest of the lumberm& of the Sacramento and Stockton Districts, at a dinner to be given at Sacramento. Following the dinner, arrangements have been made for a Cancatenition. Sunday moining will be spent visiting Fort Sutter and the State Capitol grounds at Sacramento. Sunday afternoon will include an automobile drive to San Francisco in time for dinner at Julius' Castle.
Monday morning, March 14, Mr. Hood will enjoy an automobile drive about San Francisco., At luncheon, he' will be the guest of the Bay District lumbermen at a large' luncheon to be held at San Francisco. Peter B. Kyne, former lumberman and one of America's foremost writers, will also be a guest at the luncheon. Arrangements have been made for Mr. Hood to have a meeting with Captain Robert Dollar, in his offices at the Dollar Steamship Co., during the afternoon. In the evening, a monster dinner and Concatenation will be held at the Mark Hopkins Hotel, with Mr. Hood as guest of the evening.
Tuesday, March 15, Mr. Hood will be the guest, of -the East Bay lumbermen, at a large luncheon to be held at Oakland. In the afternoon, he will enjoy an automobile drive through the grounds of the University of California at Berkeley, and other points of interest in Alameda County.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, March 16, t7 and 18, will be spent in the Redwood Region of Humboldt County, where an inspection will be made of the Redwood Reforestation operltions in the Redwood District' Visits will also be made to the large Redwood mills at Eureka, Scotia, Samoa and Crannell.
On Saturday, March 19, Mr. Hood will attend a large meeting of the Coast Counties lumbermen at San Jose, arranged for by Snark Al Hubbard, which will be followed by a Concatenation in the evening. On Sunday, March 20, he will visit the Blossom Festival at Santa Clara.
Mr. Hood will leave for Susanville on the night of March 20, where he will be met by Vicegerent Snark William C. Graf, the following noon. Following a reception at Susanville, he will leave by automobile for Westwood, where a celebration and Concatenation, arranged for by Vicegerent Snark J. N. Boshoff, will be held on Monday evening, March 21. On Tuesday, March 22, accompanied by Vicegerent Snark, William Stoddard of Quincy, IVIrHood will see the sights of the beautiful Feather River Canyon. He will leave Quincy that evening for Fresno, where arrangements have been made by Vicegerent Snark W. P. Johnson, for a large Concatenation to be held at Fresno on Wednesday evening, March 23'
Following the Fresno reception, Mr. Hood will leave for Los Angeles.
The regular meeting of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 2 was held at the Ellte Cafe, Los-Angeles, on Thursday, February ?4. President B. W. Byrne presided. President Byrn:' -whg' had just spent seven weeks as a member of the Federal Jury-in thi case of the United States vs. General Estrada ior-violation of the Neutrality Laws, gave an excellent talk on the proceedings at the trial. General Estrada and about 100 of his followers were on trial for trying to incite a revolution against the Mexican government' The next meeting rvill be held on March 10.
The regular meeting of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 *19 held at the Palaie Hotel, Sai Francisco, on Thursday, February 24. The meeting was designated "sudden & Christenson Day," with J. Edward Tietjen as chairman of-the dqf.. {\e spe.ke. of tLe day was Louis F. Byington, who had for his sirbject, "San Frlncisco." J. Walter Kelly presided over the business session.
Bert Johnson New Bay Dtstrict Scrivenoter
A. B. (Bert) Johnson, Jr., has been appointed Scrivenoter of the day Diitrict, suiceeding Ed. Martin who is now located in Los Angeles. "Beit" is associated with his father who operatei the A' B. Johnson Lumber Co' of San Francisco. He is very popular with the lumber fraternity of the Bay District and ln active Hoo-Hoo worker'
The Tom A. McCann Hoo-Hoo Club, of McCloud, staged a minstrel show, "The Darktown Strutters," on February 5 for the purpose of raising' funds to equip -a ^municipal playground^ at McCloud. Ttre show netted $300 for the cause.
The Club held its regular monthly meeting on February 7 and plans were discuised for the development of *. T"nicipaf playground. The McCloud River Lumber Co' has don^ated the"site, covering about six acres, and the Club is planning to secure fundi for a building and equipment' About 67OOO witt be required to complete the project. .
To piomote the furthir use of Wooden Boxes, the Club has furnished speakers on this subject, to -address lhe Lions' Clubs in-Dunsmuir, Mt. Shasta and Yreka. The Club's activities on this subject will later be extended to include all of Siskiyou County'
Calling On San Diego And Imperial Vallfy Trade
Bruce L. Burlingame, Los Angeles, Southern California representative for -the Santa Fe Lumber Co., is- spending several days calling on the lumber trade of the San Diego District "ttd th" Iirperial Valley. The Santa Fe Lumber Co. are the California agents foi the Central Coal & Coke Co., with mill operations at Vernonia, OrgS91.
In discussing kitn Dried Common, which his companydistributes forlhe "4 C" interests, Mr. Burlingame states, that many of the retail lumber dealers in the Southern California territory look with much favor on Kiln Drigd Co-tnott, and thai his customers are well pleased with the shipments they have received.
The First good level is Right Doctrine. Walk fn fear of Dharmam, shunning all offense; In heed of Karma, which doth make man's fate; i4 lordship over sense.
The second is Right Purpose. Have good-will To all that lives, letting unkindness die
And greed and wrath; so that your lives be made Like soft airs passing by.
The Third is Right Discourse. Govern the lips
As they were palace doors, the King within; Tranquil and fair and courteous be all words Which from that presence win.
The Fourth is Right Behavior. Let each act Assail a fault, or help a merit grow;
Like threads of silver seen through crystal beads, Let love through good deeds show.
Four higher roadways be. Only those feet
May tread them which are done with earthly things, Right Purity, Right Thoughg Right Loneliness, Right Rapture.
-Lord Buddha
Ford On The Right Price
'"The right price is not what the traffic will bear.
"The right wage is not the lowest w?ge a man will work for.
"The right price is the lowest price an article can steadily be sold for.
"The right wage is the highest wqge the employer can steadily pay."
Ford in "Law and Labor."
First Stene-"fsn't it terrible tfie way we girls have to work these days?"
Second Steno-"I'll say so. I wrote so many letters yesterday that last night when I said my prayers, I ended up with "Yours very truly."