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From Our Deafers
alf oy er the \(/est we heard this story
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thinking about repairing and remodeling of all kinds . it is sure to mean business for us. BUT many of our prospects can't get the money to finance the jobs they wanr done. What are we going to do about it, and can you help uC?"
CERTAINLY wE cAN HELP. we are now giving you the very thing you need to close those prospects . . a Non-Recourse Finance Plan at NHA Rates, that makes it possible for you to cut all red tape, do away with delays, and give your customer the money he needs. You know the Pioneer-Flintkote reputation for quality . unsurPassed in the industry. You have the Pioneer-Flintkote NHA plan . giving you all the material you need to identify yourself as local NHA headquarters. Now, with the Pioneer-Flintkote Simplified Finance PIan your setup is complete . . there is no reason why you should not be able to close every Iive prospect in your territory at once and get your full share of NHA profits.