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MacDonald t Harringtoll; Ltd.
RAIL Wholesale Lumber GARGO
Fir-Sp ru ce-Hem lock-Ccda r-Redwood Lath-Postg and Piling-Shinsles
16 California St,, San Francisco
East B.y Hoo-Hoo to Hear Pacific Lumber Co. Announces
Famous Speaker March 29 Changes in Sales Department
Dr. Tully C. Knoles, president of the College of the Pacific, Stockton, will address the next dinner meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club, to be held at Hotel Coit, Oakland, Friday evening, March 29, at 6:09 p.m. He will speak on "T"he Psy,chology of Optimism."
Entertainment committee chairman C. I. Gilbert points out that the talk will not be highbrow, as the title might indicate.
Alonzo A. Stagg, dean of American football coaches, now in ,charge of athletics at the College of the Pacific, will also speak.
All lumbermen are welcome.
The following changes in the sales department are announ'ced by The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco' Herb Klass has been appointed assistant to the president, in charge of sales.
A. L. "Gus" Hoover, Los Angeles, will handle sales in Southern California and Arizona'
Frank R. Adams, Eastern sales manager, with headquarters in Chicago, will direct sales in the territory East of the Rocky Mountains.
A. J. Nolan, Western sales manager, San Fran'cisco, will dire,ct sales in the Mountain territory and the West, with the exception of Southern California and Atizona.