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THE CALIFOR}.IIA How Lumber Looks
_ A large gain was reflected in the building permits of pacific Coast cities during the month of February- a's compared with the preceding mon1h. Oakland reported- the largest volume for the month with a total of $1,631,4fi2. Los Angeles was second, reporting fl1r555r561, and San Francisco thir? with a total of $6071622.
California continues to rank high in buitfing activity among the leading^ cities of the country. - In February New york Cit| was first, Oakland second, Los Angeles third, and San Francisco sixth'
Lumber shipments for the week ended March 2 were the heaviest- oj any week of the year and were 22 pet cent above those of _the corresponding week last ye"r, ""or-ding to reportg to the National Lumber Manufacturerc Associatioi.
Reports from lr(X)9 mills for the week ended March 2 showed production l52r375rOOO feet, shipments 198,1411000 feet, and ordets 185,533,000 feet.
The T7est Coast Lumbemen's Association, 537 mitts report- ing, gave new business as 9113911979 f.eet for the we.k ended Y"l:! l_ag?lnst-a production of 88,901,601 feet and shipments of 11018541170 f.eet. Current sales were above production bv 2.8 per^cent and -shipments were over productiin by 24.7 pir cent. Orders booked for the week by this group of mills were over.the^preceding week by about 10r000r0-0o feet or approxi- mately 12.4 per cent.
The unfilled order file at these mills stood at 3g315291196 feet, approximately 25rO0Or00O feet under the week before. The agglegate inventories of. 438 mills are 0.3 per cent less than at this time last year.
The Southern Pine Association, 146 mills reporting, for the
Visit Hammond Mill
Walker Buswell, former Portland wholesale lumberman and now special representative of the Hammond Lumber Co. with headqirarters in Richmond, Va., recently spent two weeks at the big Hammond plant at Samoa, California, improving his knowledge of the Redwood business.
C. I. Klopfenstein of Seattle, manager of the California Division, Puget Sound Associated Mills, has returned to the Northwest follqwing a buiiness trip of several weeks iq ealifornia, week ended March ? go" new business as 29r763r(X)0 feet, shipments 27r8Or,OOO feJt, and production Zl,tttr6OO ieet. Orders were 25.74 pet-cent abovi production, and 7.O5 per cent over- shipments. Shipments weie 20.27 per cent abJve pro- duction.
Orders on hand at these 146 mills, on March 2, totaled,55r707r0OO feet, equivalent to 21653 cars. Total stocks on hand at 144 mills on March 2 aggtegated, 44g,t6grilO0 feet, or 96 per cent of normal and 2 per ipt ;Uo;e this time last yeat.
The Western Pine Association for the same week, lll mills reportingr gave orders as 44r!22rOO0 feet, shipments 4trggSrOOO feeg and production 26,O4O,OOO f.eet. Ordeis ."r" 69.4'o. cent above production, and, O.2 pef, cent above shipments. Shipments were 68.9 above pnoduction. Orders on liand at the end of the week totaled 1Zo,425,OOo f.eet
The California Redwood*or]*loon fo,r the week reoorted production from 16, mills as 516621000 feet, shipments ir76gr- 0O0 fee[ and new buiiness 7r304r0@ f.eet. OrdJrs "r, h"id "t the end of the week totaled t5,966,000 feet.
Reports from 191 hardwood mills for the week ended March 2 gave new business as l2rIO6rOOO feet, or 34 pet cent above production, and shipments 913501000 feet, or 3 |er cent above ptoduction. .Production was 9,0421000 feet.
Unsold stocks on the public docks at Los Angeles harbor totaled 510201000 feet on March 4. Cargo anivals-at Los Angeles-harbor for the week ended March? amounted to 61662r00O feet which included 9 cargoes of Fir. 55 vessels'werl operating _in ,the coastwise lum,bir service on March 4; 45 vessels were laid up.
Carroll T. Morton, of Los Angeles, structural. engineer for the California Redwood Association, attended the engi_ neer's convention at Sacramento the earlv oart of th'e month.
L. M. Bullen, of Tacoma, district manager of the Spokane District for Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. was a visitor this week to the San Francisco and Los Angeles ofifices of the company.