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R.y Klots With Schaler Bros. Lumber Industry Prepares for
Ray Klots is no'rv connectecl rvith the Los Angeles sales force of Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co. For the past several years, he was a sales representative with the Consolidated Lumber Co. of Los Angeles in their wholesale Iumber deoartment.
B. Ayer
Winslow B. Ayer, former president of Eastern & Western Lumber Co., Portland, died in Portland, March 3'
Mr. Ayer, one of Portland's most prominent figures, was born 75 years ago in Bangor, Me., and came to Portland in 1883. He was a partner of J. K. Gill in the book business for several years, ancl founded the Portland Cordage Co', which he sold in 1892. He spent the next four years in Europe, and in 1896 returned and entered the lumber busi.r... it Portlancl. Until about three years ago he was president of the Eastern & Western Lumber Co.
During the war he was federal food administrator for Oregon.
He is survivecl by two brothers,'Nathan E' Ayer of Pomona, Ca1if., and Fred W. Ayer, Bangor, Me', and a sister, Mrs. Anna Smyth, Santa Barbara, Calif.
Returns From Trip To Canal Zone
Jerome Higman, Reliable Lumber Co., Rosemead, is back at his desk following a trip to Panama.
Trade Agreements
Washington; D. C., Feb. 26.-trxporters and manufacturers of lumber will be represented at a conference to be held here March 4 with members of the staff of the National Lumber Manufaicturers Association and offi'cials of the forest products division of the Department of Commerce, regarding foreign trade agreements and the proposed National export service of the Association. A brief of the industry's position in regard to the treaty with Canada will be submitted to the conference, and the attitude of the industry in regard to trade agreements with other countries rvill be cletermined. The systematic cultivation of foreign markets {or lumber will be carefully considered with a view to developing a llew department of the N'L' M.A. which will give the industry general assistance, and special groups such particular services as they may be willing to finance.
Leonard C. Hammond, Hammond Lumber Co', San Francisco, returned recently from a business trip to New York and Washington'
Cotati Lumber Company' Cotati, has been sold to Henry Hess Lumber ComPanY.
\D7e are now prepared to give you underpinning treated with either they are real economy.