1 minute read
Ihird 0f a Personal Interuiew $eries Uith Palco Folks
Having just returned from a two-month business trip thru the East Edric Brown was elected for this month's interview'
,,I was in such centers of business and opinion as New York, \Dfashington, D. C., Boston and Chicago. Everywhere there was improvement in sentiment. This better feeling is based on an actual and steady improvement' our palco Bark business, likewise, is growing all over the country. As you feporters say, 'news about its insulating and other desirable features are beginning to break.' Sales are bound to follow," said Brown'
Whilp answering inquiries about his Eastern trip, Edric w:rs PreParing to leave for a week at the Scotia plant where Palco Bark is made from bark of the Redwood tree. Stepping'up of production was said to be responsible for Brown,s trip to Pacific's Northern california properties.