1 minute read
-Made to order for your business today-fitting right into it without increasing your investrnent or overhead-insuring the added volurne and increased profit you need in 1935
-Takes full advantage of the possibility of greater volurne created by new building, yet is not dependent upon it. Sales in this business during the past two years, with efrorts directed alrnost entirely on rnodernization and repair work, have rnore than doubled
-Gives you the "ed.ge" on all types of jobso large and srnall, and puts you in touch with rnost of thern first. Wipes out a big part of your cornpetition, then gives you a long lead over what little rernains.
There is no guesswork about the benefits of this partnership to you. It has helped dealers like you-in towns like yoursto step up their sales and increase their profits during the toughest selling years they have ever known.
A rnore ealable, more profitable line of multiple purposc nraterialer as much needed in old buildings as in new construcliol-products designed to better meet the definite needs of both new and old briildings. A complete line including-
A well-known and firmly established line of both flexible and rigid insulation, sound-deadening and acouetical materialsFthe demand for which fu increaeing, not dirninishing, from year to ysar
AIrID a new and improved line of interior finish rnaterials which insulatet decorate, and hush noiseo doing serseral iobe at the Price of one
Products already well and favorably known already preferred, recolrmended and specified by contractors and architects . . Products which stimulate the sale of other itemg from your stock
Products that have a constantlY widening market. Every job sold is a perrnanent advertisement for the dealer who eold it, insuring the rapid development of amazinglY large volurne
A controlled policy of distribution insureg a full profit in everY sale.
ASelectivesalesPlan-basedontheexperienceofthousands ofdealers-whichlocatestheprospectsandcreatesthejobsPLUSrnoneytoloantofinancethebusiness-makeathisa successful and profitable partnership for YOU' cotn the monutoc'rr/,y/er of olng line of ptoducts-ot anu nohne -ofter vou an oppor'n.r'/ritg litee thi6 for 7935? Coln the mona' facturer of olng line of prod.rcts-ot similar nafr,r:e-oftet gou an equal opporfrrmitg to rmlorlcemorne44 in 7935?