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A frieal Value THIKBUT Strip Shinsles
I The THIKBUT STRIP SHINGLE is a 8eo.l Value because it has many Ieatures not found in ordinary asphalt shingles. Be sure to bring this outstanding shingle and its added features to the attention of your customers.
l. Added Life-note the double layers of asphalt and mineral surfacing on the exposed tabs where the wear really comes.
2. Added Beauty-deeper shadow lines and richercolors...Red, Green, Tile-Red, Clover-Green, Blue-Black, Forestry-Red and Forestry-Green.
3. Added Weight-65lo olthe weight of the shingles is on the exposed area, the tabs, where it is needed most.
4. Added Thickness-givinq extra protection and smoother laying.
S. Added Economy-8o Thikbut Strip Shingles (2 bundles) cover one square of roof area, with less labor and fewer nails.