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Raa--t2.50 Pcr Colunur
Retail Yard For Sale
Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half lnch.
Located in San Bernardino Valley, doing good volume at good prices. Established on cash basis over 90/s cash sales. Finest location in valley, no city taxes, no city Iicense. Especially low lease. Good buildings and equipment, small mill. Address Box C-650 California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Wholesale Lumber Salesman
Large lumber manufacturing firm wants live wholesale lumber salesman to call on the Southern California retail lumber yards. Must be experienced and lrnow the trade. Address Box C-656. care California Lumber Merchant.
Appoints New Yard Managers
Jerry H. Sullivan has been appointed manager of the Ocean Beach Lumber Company, one of the branch yards of the Western Lumber Company of San Diego. He has been connected with the Ocean Beach Lumber Co. for the past several months, and previous to that tvas at the cornpany's main yard in San Diego.
Mr. Sullivan is the younger son of the late Herbert L. Sullivan, who rvas an executive of the \Mestern Lumber Company, and a nephew of Jerry Sullivan, Jr., president of the 'company. He is a native of San Diego where he attended HLigh School and the State College, and is n'ell knorvn in lumber circles in Southern California.
The company also announces the appointment of J. E. Speer as manager of the Pacific Beach Lumber Companv at Pacific Beach. Mr. Speer comes from Florida rvhere he was identified with the lumber business.
Retail Lumber Items
Wallace A. Woods has purchased the W. F. Sechrest Lumber Co. yard at Salinas and doing business under the name of the Woods Lumber Co.
D. H. Schroebel tr". rJrr lt.l "o president and general manager of the San Joaquin Lumber Co., Stockton, succeeding the late W. H. Falconbury. Newton Rutherford has been elected vice-president, and D. E. Bowen, secretarytreasurer.'Mr. Schroebel was formerly secretary-treasurer of the company.
John E. Morley r,". p,ir.fJ...ltf,. interests of his late associate, A. E. Nelson, in the Homestead Lumber Co. at Sacramento. Mr. Morley is now the sole owner and manager.
The C & S Lumb., Jo. *n"J oo.n.d a retail yard at Compton. A. P. Shepperson is manag'er. lle rvas previously manager of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. yard at Lancaster.
The Pacific Co".t Coul* CJ. ;, purchased the Henry's Lumber Exchange at Arroyo Grande.
Snappy office manager wanted by large lumber company for their Los Angeles office. Must be thorloughly experienced in office work, know the lumber business, and a good man on the telephone. Address Box C-657, care Catfornia Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
Cash and Carry lumber yard on Boulevard near Los Angeles. Improvements and equipment $1,200. Stock 93,000. Leased ground. Also other yards for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 549 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Will Open Yard At Santa Paula
L. R. Byers, secretary and general manager of the Citizens Mill & Lumber Co., Ventura, announces that they har-e taken an option on a site in Santa Paula, and contemplate the establishment of a retail lumber yard and builcling material store at that point in the very near future. They also operate a yard at Oxnard.
The building site is on the northeast corner of the intersection of Harvard and Eighth streets with a frontage of 252 feet on Harvard street, and 1537/z feet on Eighth street. The company plans the construction of a modernistic building for their general office, shop and display rooms to face on Eighth street.
I\Ir. Byers has also announced the appointment of Fred Hootman as manager of their Ventura plant. In the future, Mr. Byers will devote his time to the supervision and buying for their Ventura, Oxnard and Santa Paula yards.
Coast Counties Club Meets At Salinas
(Continued from Page 29)
R. P, Davison, Sr., Secty., Salinas Lbrmn's Club..........Salinas
C. D. Young, Salinas Lumbermen's Club... .......Salinas
P W. Henry, Southern Pacific Milling Co... ......King City
Homer Hagerman, Southern Pacific Milling Co.. ..Sitinas
H. T. Alzina, Santa Cruz Lumber Co...
Charles E. Colburn, Union Supply Co.. Monterey
H. B. Chadbourne, Salinas Lumber Co.. Salinas
C. L. Frederick, Salinas Lumber Co..... ...Salinas
Will Jenkins, Salinas Lumber Co..... ......Salinas
E. Corey, Wood Bros. Co..... ....Santa Cruz
J.Larsen,WoodBros.Co..... ....SantaCruz
W. Wood, Wood Bros. Co..... ....Santa Cruz
E. Francis, M. J. Murphy, Inc.. ......Carmel
J. H. Kirk, Southern Pacific Milline Co. . .San Luis Obisoo
L. M. Tynan, Tynan Lumber Co..... ........Salinis
James M. IVfaddock, San Lorenzo Lumber Co..........Santa Cruz
E. J. Scribner, San Lorenzo Lumber Co..... ....Santa Cruz
G. A. Karnes, San Lorenzo Lumber Co..... ....Santa Cruz
Fred A. Witmer, Secty., Monterey Lumbermerr's Club, Pacific Grove
J. O. Handley, M. J. Murphy, Inc.... .....Carmel
Henry-Hanson, IJnion Supply Co..... .....Monterey
J. F. Murphy, M. J. Murphy, Inc.... ......Carmel
S. G. Truitt, Pacific Coast Coal Co.. ......San Luis Obisoo
Otto W. Rogge, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co......Watsonviile
Glenn Bronson, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co......Watsonville
Frank Sparling, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co.. Hollister
9, E Williams, Sterling Lumber Co.... . .. .Morgan Hill
\d. -P. Hale, Sterling Lumber Co.. . Morgan Hill
C. S. Tripler, Secty., Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club. Waisonville