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MaclDonald tS Harringtor[ Lrd.

RAIL Wholesale Lumber CARGO

Fir-spruce-Hemlock-Cedar-Redwood-Ponderosa and Sugar Pine Plywood-Lath-Posts and Piling-S hinsles-Fir-Tex

Los Angeleswolmanized Lumber

Pcrroleum Sccuritio Blds.

PRorpect 3197

16 California St., San Francisco



Terminal Saler Blds.

GArScld 8393 BRordway 1117

Gorman Lumber Company, San Francisco, purchased the steam schooner Horace X. Baxter from J. H. Baxter & Company, February 26, and renamed her the Port Orford. The ship is of 70O net tons, 211 leet long, and has a capacitl' crf approximately 1,2@,00O feet of lumber.

The Port Orford arrived at San Francisco on Nlarch 8. carrying over a million feet of lumber for California ports from Trans-Pacific Lumber Company of Port Orford, Ore., for which Gorman Lumber Company is California sales reoresentative.

Moore-Cawston to Manufacture Moore Dry Kifnr at Vancouver, B. C. Plant

N{oore-Cawston Dry Kiln Company, Ltd., is the nan.re of the new organization resulting from .combining the Carvston Dry Kiln Company., Ltd,, of Vancouver, with the wellknown Moore Dry Kiln Company.

The new firm brings together two of the oldest names in dry kiln manufacture. Cawston Dry Kiln Company has been building dry kilns at Vancouver for more than twenty years. The Moore Company has been in business since 1879. Now that the trvo companies have joined forces, Canadian lumber and woodworking plants rvill be able to get full advantage of all the modern patented "Moore" improvements in kiln design, including the famous Moore Cross-Circulation drying System, the split-hub dry kiln fan, and other improvements covered by more than forty Canadian and U. S. Patents.

For several years Cawston Dry Kiln Company I-td. has been acting as sales agent for Moore Dry Kiln Company in British Columbia, during which time representative installations o{ Moore CrossCirculation Kilns have been made at Westminster Shook Mill Ltd., Nerv 'Westminster,; False Creek Lumber Co. Ltd., Vancouver; Cameron Lumber Co. Ltd., Victoria; Hillcrest Lumber Co. Ltd., Duncan; and other prominent British Columbia mills.

New machinery is norv being installed in the Vancouver, British Columbia plant formerly operated by Cawston Dry Kiln Company Ltd., and manufacturing facilities and personnel increased. Manufacture of all equipment for Canadian destirration 'il'ill be in the Vancouver plant, thus saving Canadian mills and rvoodworking plants the "duty" which would otherwise have to be paid on equipment produ,ced outside Canada.

Sydney H. Car,vston, founder of Cawston Dry Kiln Company Ltd., is managing director of the new Moole-Calvston Dry Kiln Company, in charge of the Vancouver plant. Other officers are: Chas. J. \Arilliarns. president; Forrest Cobb, vice-president: Gorclon Duncan. treasurer. N{r. Williams is also presiclerrt of Moore DryKiln Company of Jacksonr-ille, Fla. and Portland. C)re. Mr. Cobb is also manager of Nloore Dry Kiln Company, Portlan<l, ()re. Mr. Duncan is Seattle representative of the N{oore Company and is rvell-knorvn to British Columbia lumberrnen.

Public RelationsManager for Red CedarShingle Bureau

Frank H. Alcott has been appointecl manager of public relations for the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau at New York City, where the bureau has just opened large new offices, W. W. Woodbridge, bureau manager, announced February 15.

Mr. Alcott, who for the last several years has been secretary-manager of the New York Lumber Trade Association, brings a varied and valuable experience in the lumber business as well as a wide association among the trade, to his new position. A vigorous defender of lumber, he has fought for its proper recognition in building constru'ction and for other uses. His work on building codes and his efforts to prevent unjust and discriminatory legislation against the use of wood, have brought him in close contact with the industry throughout the east. Mr. Alcott is married and lives at Jamaica, Long Island.


Lee M. Mapes has been transferred from the Cottonwoocl yard to be manager of the Ukiah vard of The Diamond Match Company. He succeeds J' R. Johnson, the former manager who recently passed a\\'ay as a result of an attack of influenza.

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