8 minute read
Our well assorted stocksr our well known dealer poliry and our central location guar' antee the kind of SERVICE you demand.
For remodeling and modetnizingthey are red economy.
Gate Bridge Fiesta
California's redrvood industry rvill participate in the Golden Gate Bridge Fiesta next May, oflrcial dedication celebration of the world's longest single span suspension bridge, norv in the final stages of completion.
L. C. Hammond, president of the H,arnmoncl Redwoocl Company; A Stanwood Murphy, presiclent of The Pacific Lumber Company; and Otis Johnson, executive vice-president of the Union Lumber Company, have been appointed to the general fiesta committee.
Carl W. Bahr, president of the California Reclr,vood Association, has been named to the exectrtive committee in direct charge of the fiesta plans.
James Farley of The Pacific Lumber Conrpany and Edgar A. Brorvn and Lawrence J. Klein of the California Redwood Association have been named to the Arts and Decorations committee for the fete.
Redwood took an important part in the construction of the huge bridge, having been used for the cable ,cat-walks and other phases of the work. Redu,oocl trees are to be planted along the Marin county approach, beckoning motorists to the Reclr'r'ood Empire as they drive from San Francisco across the Golden Gate.
Plans for the Fiesta are under the clirect coutrol of the City and County of San Francis'co, with NIal'or Angelo J. Rossi as honorary chairman ; Supervisor Arthur M. Brorvn. Jr., general chairman; and Eric Cullenrvard, general manager.
C. D. Johnson lumber Corporation
95t#7 SOtrrE ALAMEDA STREET TclcpbncTRinitT cr'57
Mziling,lilnss.'P. O. Box 96, Arcadc Station
This airplane view conveys some idea of the size and extent o{ our plant-with the largest capacity, namely, 47M per hour, of any car-andcargo mill in Oregon. We hope it will give an impression to you of our complete modern facilities lor giving prompt and satisfying service to wholesalers and dealers on their requirements {or So{t Old Growth Yellow Douglas Fir and Sitka Spruce. Cargo and rail shipments. Weekly sailings to California ports; packaged lumber stowed even lengths and widths. Write the Portland. office for list of "specialg" issued weeklXr-qftentinr,es you uillfind real bargains in surplus itents that are aaailable Jor either uater shiprnent or all ra'il.
Charles H. Griffen , Jr.
Charles H. Griffen, Jr., prominent California lumlterman, and sales manager of the Monterey Red'ivood Company, passed away at Santa Cruz on N{arch 5. He rvas the son of Charles H. Griffen, Sr., pioneer Los Angeles and Artesia retail lumberman, u'ho retired from active bnsiness several years ago.
Mr. Griffen rvas born in Clinton, Missouri, in 1887, and came to California rvithhis family rvhen he rvas four years olcl. He attendecl the public schools in Los Angeles, the University of Southern California for one vear, and completed his education as a mining engineer at the IJniversity of California, ir.r Berkeley, graduating in 1910.
After follorving the mining lttlsiness in the Western states for five years, he decided to enter the lumber business. and in l9l5 rvent to t'ork for the Frank Graves Sash, Dot,r & Mill Co. in Los Angeles.
He left this position to become assocrated rvith the Hayr'vard Lumber & Investment Co., and for the next few years rvas with this firm's branch yards at Riverside and Rialto, Calif., and Yuma, Ariz.
When the Homer T. Haywarcl Lumber Co. rvas organized, 1919, he left Yttma to take charge of their Paso Robles yard, and later mar.raged the Santa Cruz yard. In 1926, he rvas made superintendent of this company's chain of 1'ards.
He rvas rvith the Homer T. Hayu'ard Lumber Co. rrntil January 15, 1932, u'hen he rvas appo;nted manager of the California Redrvood Association. He resignecl this position January 15, 1934, to become affiliated rvith the Monterey Redwood Company of Santa Cruz, r,vhich concern he continued with until his passing.
X{r. Griffen married Catherine Hayward, daughter oi Homer T. Hayrvard, in 1913.
He was active in lumber association affairs, having served as a director of the California Retail l-umbermen's Association for many years, and rvas president of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club in 1923. He u'as a Rotarian, being a former president of the Santa Cruz Rotarl' Club, and 'il'as a member of the Elks l-odge.
lle is survived lty l-ris rvidorv, Mrs. Catherine l{avu'ard Griffen and a son, Charles H. Griffen, III. of Santa Cruz; his father an<l mother, N{r. ancl Mrs. Charles H. Griffen ; a sister, IVIrs. -fames Jarrott. ar,d a brother, Dr. Reclforcl Ciriffen, all of Los .Angeles.
A large number of lumllermen attended the {uneral services, .,r'hich were held at Santa Cruz, Monclay aftertroon. N{arch 8.
Hobbs, Wall & Company, San Francisco, chased the lumber schooner Santa Monica Hanify Company, San Francisco.
"WOLMANIZED LUMBER," the clean, paintable lumber, protected against decay and termites, is holding for wood its place ip the forefront of the building market.
!7ood homes that now combine durability with wood's unique beauty are permanently protected by the use of pressure-treated "\TOLMANIZED LI(JMBER" in the areas exposed to decay and termite attack.
The lumber dealer who recommends and sells this quality material, immune to rot and damage by insects, is armed with a convincing sales argument and a new entre to sources of business and profit. Consult your wholesale connections for prices, or write to our Los Angeles Sales Office for details.
The "WOLMANIZED" trade-mark is a warranty of character and reliability that safeguards the consumer as well as the dealer against imitations and substitutes. Recommend and sell "WOLMANIZED LUMBER"-the trade-marked lumber, pressuretreated for protection against. decay and termites.
recently purfrom J. R.
Vood Conversion Cornpany entered the insulation field with Balsarn-Wool-a rnoieture- protected insulation giving lasting satisfaction. Balsarn-Vool was right from the start.
Right to begin with, BalsamVool was rteadily irnproved to give the owner even greater satisfaction and greater value for his rnoney. Soon, the moisture protection was extended to all sides of BalsarnWool, as shown in the accornpanying photograph.
NOV, Balsarn-'Wool is DOUBLE SEALED against rnoisture and wind. heavier liners . . . double asphalt coated improved reinforced nailing flange for easier, faster, permanent application.
Today, the modern way of heating, cooling, humidifying and ventilating requires Balsarn-Wool-an insulation which is rnoisture protected. Today, air conditioning dramatically points orrt the weaknesses of insulation which is rlot so protected. And today, Balsam-WooI, the DOUBLE-SEALED, MOISTUREPROOF insulation reaches a new peak of quality.
Spokane Paper & Stationery Co., Spokare' Wash. L";b"; S";pt a w.*h-i*-c,i., s*ttl., w""h. Nicolai-Neppach co" o Balsarn-Wool with its outstanding, exclusive features has been consistently right frorn the start-and occupies a position of leadership today. o Balsarn-Wool is sold only by authorized retail lurnber dealers. You are protected frorn outside competition-you get full profit on every job. o Balsarn-Wool is the only attic insulation sold under a worthwhile rnoney-back gJuarantee of satisfaction. o Balsam-Wool rneets every lequirement of your present and future insulation market. o Balsam-Wool's high efficiency means protection against wind, rnoisture, decay, verrnin, terrnites and fire. o Dealers everywhere have been consistently rnaking rnoney with Balsarn-Wool. Actual records show dealers have rnade outstanding profits selling this better, right-.from-the-start insulation.
If you want to increase your insulation volume and profits in 1937, write for the complete Balsam-Wool story today.
The Genuine Craftsman
You don't have to preach honesty to men with a creative purpcse. Let a human being throw the energies of his soul into the making of something, and the instinct of workmanship will take care of his ho,nesty. The writers who have nothing to say are the ones you can buy; the others have too high a price. A genuine craftsman will not adulerate his product; the reason isn't because duty says he shouldn't, but because passion says he couldn't.-Walter Lippmann. ***
She: What do you suppose I should do if you tried to kiss me?
He: I haven't the faintest idea.
She : And haven't you the faintest curiosity ?
By Reta M. White
Upon my face is strongly etched
The tracery of years; f see each petty jealousy, And all my selfish fears.
I wonder if my mirror
Would a little kinder be, IfI had thought more of my friends, And a little less of me.
HE wouI,il tr",rt" rt
An old Scotchman had a peculiar habit of holding his nose whenever he took a glass of whiskey. When asked why he did it, he replied:
"Mon, if I smell it,it makes ma' mouth water, and I dinna want to dilute my drinks wi' anything."
Cato said: "r had rathel ,"ln lnt"ru ask why my statue is not set up, than why it is."
A Half Hour
A half hour a day put intelligently into music will make you a musician.
A half hour a day put into public speaking will make you an orator.
A half hour a day put into hard work w:ll make your fingers creative.
A half hour a day put into purposeful reading will give you a liberal education.
A half hotrr a day put into study of any subject will, in a few years, make you master of it. It is being done every day.
A half hour a day put into vigorous outdoor exercise will keep you healthy and hard, and able to keep the pace.
A half hour a day on your knees will make you a saint.
-The Witnesssrrl;, t,r*o*"
An old darky was sent to the hospital and one of the nurses put a thermometer in his mouth to take his temperature. Presently when the doctor made h:s rounds he asked: "Well, Mose, have you had any nourishment?"
"A lady done gimme a piece of glass to suck on, boss, but I'se still pow'ful hungry."
I think that I shall never see A billboard lovely as a tree. Perhaps, unless the billboards fall, I'll never see a tree at all.
AND How .;; lo or"*o""
The class was studying magnetism.
"Robert," asked the professor, "how many natural magnets are there?"
"Two, sir," was the surprising answer.
"And will you please name them?"
"Blondes and brunettes. sir."
East Bay Club to Hold Reveille
Aprif 23-24
President N iland R. Grant of East tsay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39, Oaklarrcl, announces the appointment of B. E. Bryan as general chairman of the Fifth Annual Reveille of Central and Northern California lumbermen.
April 23 and 24 have been set as the tentative dates for this annual get-together at lvhi,ch a banquet and entertainment, as u'ell as the annual golf tournament, lvill entertain and amuse the five hundred lumbermen expected to attend. The committees appointed are as follows:
Entertainment Committee-Clem Fraser, Chairman
Vice-Chairmen: Ias. B. Overcast. llenrv M. Hink. Jack Ferri
Golf Committee-Sewall Mo'rton. Chairman
Vice-Chairmen; Larue Woodson, C. I. Speer, M. L. Booth, Tom Bronson
Publicity Committee-Jas. B. Overcast, Chairman
Vice-Chairmen: G. F. Bonnington, C. S. Lamb, W. T. Black, Earl Davis, C. M. Wininger
Banquet Committee-A. D. Williamson, Chairman
Vice-Chairmen: S. C. Forsey. Lloyd Harris, R. G. Hiscox, F. R. Lamon, L. R. Krohn
Programs and Posters-G. D. Pierce, Chairman
Vice-Chairrlen: K. J. Shipp. C. I. Gilbert, W. A. Farrar, H. Lincoln, Jt., D. N. Cords
Ticket Sales Committee-Henry M. Hink, Chairman
Vice-Chairmen: Ross Kinney, F. K. Peil, Lloyd Harris, W. H. Nigh, G. B. Warner
Masonite Openr Lor Angeles Warehouse
The Masonite Corporation has opened a new warehouse at 721 East 62nd Street, Los Angeles, where they have a complete stock of genuine Masonite produ'cts and Nlasonite Canec insulation in all sizes and thi,cknesses to serve the trade. Exclusive dealer distribution is the policy of the company.
The rvarehouse has a 75 feet frontage on East 62nd Street zrncl is 20O feet in length. Shipments can l>e made b;- rail or trnck; a sprlr railroad track rnns to the rear of the building, and in the front there are two truck loading doors. They will carry about tu.o million feet of stock at all times.
Masonite products are manufactured at Laurel, Mississippi. rvhere or'er a thousand rnen are regularly employed. It is the largest industry in Mississippi ; has the largest payroll. and is the State's largest individual shipper. Canec insulation is made at Hilo, T. H.
W. P. Frambes is Western Division sales manager of the N{asonite Corporation tvith olfices at 315 West 9th Street, Los Angeles.
Partnership Dissolved
The partnership of the Davis-O'Connor Lumber Co. has l>een clissolved by mutual consent as of Februaty 28, 1937. C. T. O'Connor will complete the affairs of the DavisO'Connor Lumber Co., continuing in business at the present address, 925 Monadnock Bldg., San Francisco, under the firm name of C. T. O'Connor Lumber Co.