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"Cash-ln" on the Demand For WOOD CRAI}IED SHEETROCK
The Fireproof Wailboard
Main Office: I l0 Market St. SanFrancisco _also_
American Bank Bldg., 700 So. La Brea
Pottland, Oregon Los Angeles
USG Helps You to Profits with a Notionql Compoign
I Home owners, prospective home ownerg, architecte, builderg and carpenters throughout the country are reading about Wood Grained Sheetrock*, in national magazines. They are learning about its rich beauty, its fire protection, and its economy. They are learning that no other lireproof non-warping unit material has lhe gorgeous beauty oI the natural wood liuiehes of Wood Grained Sheetrock.
Get your share of the spring demaud lor Wood Grained Sheetrock by stocking it now. Remember, Wood Grained Sheetrock makes sales for mouldings, and other of your items, too ! Mail coupon for a large sample of Wood Grained Sheetrock. Plan to include a stock in your next order o{ Gypsum products. uos 'Beg. Trade-Mark