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\(/estern Retailers Hold 34th Annual Meeting
The 34th annual convention of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association was held at the Olympic Hotel, Seattle, Wash,, on February 18, 19 and 20. The attendance was large, numbering about 850 delegates.
The convention urged the extension of Title I of the National Housing Act to July 1, 1939, the same as the guarantee feature of Title II which was recently extended by Congress. The Robinson-Patman Act was also discussed by several speakers.
A. D. Collier, Swan Lake Moulding Co., Klamath Falls, Ore., was elected president for the ensuing year. Spokane, Wash., was chosen as the next convention city.
President Carl Blackstock called the meeting to order Thursday morning, February 18. Following the invocation by Dr. Mark A. Matthews, the convention was welcomed to Seattle by Mayor John F. Dore and Nathan Ekstein of Seattle, representir{g Governdr Claren,ce D. Martin. The delegates were greeted by Dominic Brace, president of the Seattle Lumbermen's Club, and the response was made by Henry \M. Trask, Inter-State Lumber Co., Missoura. Mont. President Blackstock then delivered his annu:l message, which rvas followed by the annual reports of Secretary-Manager W. C. Bell, and Treasurer Harold Ostergren.
At the Thursday afternoon session, the first speaker 'was Eric A. Johnston, Brown-Johnston Co', Spokane, Wash., his subject being "Business Ahead." "As the Wholesaler Sees It," was the topic of Harry Aldrich, Aldrich-Cooper Lumber Co., Portland, Ore. R. M. Ingram, representing the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, talked on "What Certigrade Means to You." Walter B. Nettleton of Seattle, president of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, had for his subject, "Opportunity of Low-Cost Housing." Col. W. B. Greeley, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, spoke on "Manufacturer-Dealer Relationships and Grade-Marking."
Two breakfast conferences were held Friday morning, February 19. Conference "A" on "Rural Merchandising," was discussed by Prof. L. J. Smith, department of agricultural engineering, State College of Washington. I. E.
Snyder, Snyder Lumber Co., Enterprise, Ore., acted as chairman. V. R. Kinert, llome Lumber Company, Spokane, was chairman of Conference "B". Dr. Henry A. Burd. professor of marketing, University of Washington, was the speaker and his subject, "Metropolitan Merchandising."
At the Friday afternoon session, Dr. K. C. Kole, professor of political science, University of Washington, addressed the meeting on "Current Legislation." "Financing Plans" rvas.outlined by C. A. Gartrell, real estate loan department, First National Bank, Portland, Ore. A. C. Eberhart, special assistant to Federal Administrator Stewart McDonald, of the National Housing Administration, gave the final talk on "FIIA Activities."
George W. LaPointe, Menomenie, Wis., president of the National Lumber Dealers Association. addressed the meeting at the Saturday morning session, February 20, on "National Association Activities."
The officers and directors elected at the meeting were:
President-A. D. Collier, Srvan Lake Moulding Co', Klamath Falls, Ore.
Vice-Presidents-(Idaho) A. O. Sheldon, Tri-State Lbr. Co., Salt Lake City, Utah; (Montana, Eastern Division) J. B. Schlitz, Thompson Yards, Inc., Billings, Mont.; (Nevada, Western Division) Earl W. Brown, Brown Bros. Lbr. Co., Helena, Mont.; C. M. Oliver, Hobart Estate Co., Reno, Nev. (Oregon, Eastern Division) I. E. Snyder, Snyder Lbr. Co., Enterprise, Ore.; (Western Division) H. A. Thierolf, Big Pines Lbr. Co., Medford, Ore.; (Washington, Eastern Division) V. R. Kinert, llome Lbr. Co., Spokane, Wash.; (Western Division) Conrad W. Johnson, Johnson Lbr. & Fuel Co., Bremerton, Wash.; (Central Division) Erling Helliesen, Helliesen Lbr. Co., Yakima, Wash.
Directors For Three Years-(Idaho) R. J' McCaslin, Home Lbr.& Coal Co., Boise, Idaho; W. J. Lloyd Lloyd Lbr. Co., Nampa, Idaho; Claude Bistline, Idaho Lbr. & Hdwe. Co., Pocatello, Idaho; (Montana) J. Earl llealev, Neihart Lbr. Co., Belt, Mont.; L. K. Miller, Missouri River Lbr. Co., Fort Benton, Mont.; (Washington) F. C. Kendall, Potlatch Yards, Inc., Spokane, Wash.; Walter Mix, Wash- ington Veneer Co., Olympia, Wash.; H. R. Brownson, Brownson Lbr. Co., Wenatchee, Wash.
Many features of entertainrnent were arranged for the delegates. Wednesday evening, February 17, the "Old Guard Dinner," for officers, past presidents and guests was held. Thursday evening, "A Night in a Logging Camp," provided an evening of fun and frolic for everyone.
Friday morning the delegates enjoyed a cruise around Puget Sound on the streamlined ship, "Kalakala."
Friday night, the men attended the annual stag dinner 'and hi-jinks in the Spanish Ball Room of the Olympic Hotel when a 1937 Broadway All-Star Revue was presented. The same evening, the Women's Club of the \Mestern Retail Lumbermen's Association attended the Tenth Anniversary Dinner at the Washington Athletic Club where there was a special showing of the Penthouse Players in a revival of "The Second Man."
Saturday, the ladies r,vere guests at a luncheon held in the Venetian Room of the Olympic Hotel. A reading, entitled "New Frontiers," rvas given by Mrs. Lois Beil Sandall. At the short business session of the Women's Club, Mrs. C. W. Gamble rvas elected president for the ensuing year.
The convention was brought to a brilliant climax Saturday evening with the annual banquet and grand ball.
The members of the Seattle Lumbermen's Club were hosts for the occasion and arranged for the many enjoyable entertainment features. Those on the executive committee of the club for the convention were: F. S. Dickinson, g'eneral chairman; George S. Rich, vice-chairman, and Dominic Brace, chairman of the finance committee.
Those in charge of the ladies' entertainment committee were: Mrs. W. C. Bell, chairman; Mrs. H. W. Blackstock, Mrs. Dominie Brace, and Mrs. L. R. Allen.
C. L. lsted Elected President of \Testern Pine Association
C. L. Isted, manager of Shevlin-Hixon Lumber Co., Bend, Ore., was elected president of the Western Pine Association at the annual meeting held at Portland, Ore., on February 17. He succeeds J. F. Coleman, president of Kinzua Pine Mills Co., Kinzua, Ore., rvho served as president of the association for two years.
O'ther offi,cers elected 'rvere: J. P. McGoldrick, Spokane, Wash., first vice-president; James G. McNary, McNary, Ariz., second vice-president; Truman Collins, Pondosa, Ore., treasurer; J. M. Brorvn, Spokane, Wash., and J. D. Tennant, Longview, Wash., directors at large; S. V. Fullaway, Portland, Ore., secretary-manager.
C. L. Isted; J. F. Coleman; James G. McNary; Walter Neils, l,ibby, Mont.; Swift Berry, Camino, Calif., were elected Association representatives to the board of directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association.
Returns To Northwest
I. Rovig, Seattle, \Mash., formerly associated with the retail lumber business in the State of Washington, has returned to the Northrvest after spending several days in Los Angeles.
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