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Many house ills can be traced to a faulty foundation. The first cardinal priociple in the de. velopment of lfeyerhaeuser 4Square Demoostratioo llouses is that the foundations be adequate-that they resist gtound movernent' set' tling, and exclude moisture.
2. srnonc, RtctD FRAl,tE out trimming. frame assured
S. secunE
Each Demonstration House rs designed for the use of factorysquared, exact length framiog members. Studs, ioists, and "short-cut" window and door framing are ready for use with' Costs are lowered and a rigid by accurate, full-bearing joints.
By the use of 4-Square Endless (end-matched) sheathing' aPplied diagonally on walls aod sub-{oors, you increase the ri. gidity of the frametremendous' ly. Yet your application cost is lower and waste almost entirely eliminated.
The lumber soecified in these Nl od:',:'o"'jd:1ff '?#l'"u IJI; NF:ffiJ w3lpjag' and uneven settling' FNif;iilrrZ which cause corner cracks, sag-
5. connEcT SPEclEs
Douglas Fir, Genuine White Pine, Ponderosa Pine, !?'estero Red Cedar, and others best suited to panicular usage are included ii the material list for each house.
Smooth and square ends of 4. Square assure full bearing for all framins members and tighter ioints thrduchout. Standardized iengths savelabor and time and avord waste.
Desisns of definite architectural charicter are used. Standard size ceiling heights, wiodows and doors assufe the most efrcient use of standardized l'-ber and stock millwork. Modern plumbing and heat-iog installations are recommended-
IN th" 12 4'square Demonstration Homes, lufeyerhaeuser brings together familiar materials, accepted methods, and sound planning- They are evidence that small houses of long life and low upkeep expeose' costing less than $i,ooo.oo and as little as S2,5oo.oo, cao be built. - through Allied Building Credits, Inc., new houses such as these, and re' modeliol iobs as well, can be financed through the retail lumber dealer io many sectioos. rVrite today for detailed informatioa.