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Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany
\7e attribute this substantial gain in our profits to several factors, as follows:
"1. Since Insulite is made of wood, it has not been at all difficult to impress upon the builders and contractors of Detroit that in fnsulite they get a product which has all the advantages inherent in wood itself-as well as the added advantages provided through your patented process of manufacture.
"2. Your cooperation in advertising and other promotional activities has been of the type we can use in our every-day work. It is our opinion that the proper application oflocal advertising is extremely well-handled by your organization.
"Bildrite Sheathing has made great strides in our markets. Contractors and builders find it will do everything you claim for it, and in all of the sales we made this year, we have yet to receive our first complaint of any kind whatsoever. Best wishes for your continued success!"
Signed: H. E. \U7EBB
Red River Lumber Co. Opening Los Angeles Lumbermen !(/ill Participate in Golden
Office-Will Hold Reception March20
To facilitate their service to the rvholesalers of Southern California the Red River Lumber Company is opening a new office in Los Angeles. An open house re,ception rvill mark this event Mar,ch twentieth.
Bert M. Smith is in charge of this office, bringing an intimate knowledge of Red River procluction ancl general sales policy. For the past five years \'Ir. Smith has been the contact man between the company's plant ancl general sales office ancl the rvholesalers of the l\{iddle West and Southern States. Prior to that time he covered California and the States rvest of the Rocky l\4ountains in a similar capacity. His rv,ork with Red River at the mill and on the territor.v covers twenty years.
The prirnary purpose of this office, as announ.cecl by officials of The Red River Lumber Con.rpany is to provide the tracle rvith cletailed information ancl direct contact with the urill and factories at Westwood to facilitate the placing of orclers ancl servicing deliveries.
Visits Southland
John Kenclall, manager of Potlach Yards Inc., Spokar.re, Wash., lvas a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent a few vl'eeks visiting friends.