JaclsDbnne ,htblfuher wEsT coAsT scREEil co. I lt5 Earr 6!d ShIl t Los ANeEus. cALtFoRNtA . Pioar-ADrn I I100 INSECT SCREEN CLOTH "DUROID" Electro Galvanized "DURO" BnoNze Inouuers Ce
Lumber is pressure-treated with Wohnan Salts* preservative in nineteen plants placed at convenient points throughout the country. They make orditrary lumber into enduring Wolmanized Lumber*, the wood that is resistant to decay and termite attack; the wood that is clean, odorless, easy to handle and paintable.
Every one of these plants lollows an exact roufine in treating the lumber, adhering to rigid, proved standards. AII have the elaborate vacuum-pressure equipment required lor giving wood this dyed-in treatment. Their operations are checked regu- larly by a central laboratory, assuringr unilorm dependability of their products.
You buy Wobnanized Lumber through regular trade channels, under the one identifuinq brand. Write for names of ship pers. American Lumber & Treating Company, t648 McCormick Bldg., Chicago, Ill. rf,eqrirtered TradeMarl
Ios Angeles: l03l South Broadway, PBoepect 43@
San Francisco: 116 New Montgonery St, Sutter l22S
Soft Ponderoscr crnd Sugcn Pine. Industricrl cmdbuilding items kiln dried crrd shed stored. In straight ccns or mixed ccrs.
THE RED RMR ,,ffib. IUMBER GO. (fffiq
Seler Oftce: 715 lTertern Pacifc Bldg., 1O3l So. Broadway
Verehoue: L C. L l7holerde, 7O2 E. Slauron Ave.
Saler O6ce: 315 Monednocl Building
Seler ofice: #ffiIScicater Building
You are reminded that Redwood is the wood to recommend where contact with the soil or exposure to the elements makes essential high resistance to decay.
Cornrnons Foundation Certified Dry Uppers
2350 clerrold Ave., San Franeisco Telephone Mlssion 0901
625 Rowan Building, Lros Angeles Telephone TRinity 5088
"Where you buy your REDWOOD is as irnportant as the REDWOOD you buy."
How Lumber Looks
Lumber production during the week ended March 1, 1941, was 3 per cent less than in the previous week; shipments were 6 per cent greater; new business one per cent greater, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from regional associations covering the operations of representative hardwood and softwood mills. Shipments were 12 per cent and new orders l l per cent above production. Compared with the corresponding week of 1940, production was 2l per cent greater, shipments 24 per cent greater, and new business 19 per cent greater. The industry stood at 136 per cent of the average of production in the corresponding week of 193539 and 127 per cent of average 1935-39 shipments in the same week.
During the week ended March L, 47O mills produced 231,262,W feet of hardwood and softwoods combined; shipped 259,U4,m feet; and booked orders of 255,616,M feet.
Lumber orders reported for the week ended March 1 by 392 softwood mills totaled, 245}42,W feet; shipments werc 248,96,000 feet, and production r,r'as 221,556,0ffi feet. Reports from 91 hardwood mills for the week gave new business as 1O,474,W feet; shipments 10,858,000 feet; and production 9,706,000 feet.
Seattle, Washington, March 10, 1941-The weekly average of West Coast lumber production in February (4 weeks) was 167,196,000 board feet, or 105.0 per cent of estimated capacity, according to the West Coast Lumbermen's Asso-
ciation in its monthly survey of the industry. Orders averaged 165,056,00O board feet; shipments, 158,602,@O. Weekly averag'es for January were: production, 150,095,000 board f.eet (76.2 per cent of the l92GI9n average); orders, 147,930,000 ; shipments, 151,365,000.
9 weeks of. 1941, cumulative production, 1,479,261,M board feet; same period, 19&-1,125,901,00O; 1939-992,468,000.
Orders for 9 weeks of I94I break down as follows; rail, 71I,5?6,m board feet; domestic cargo, 474,8L2,AM; export, 33,809,000 ; local, 179/29,000.
The industry's unfilled order file stood at 7AI394,AA0 board feet at the end of February; gross stocks, at 889,172,000.
A combination of large order files and an open winter has had the effect of expanding West Coast logging and lumber manufacture to more than the estirriated capacity of the industry. Small portable operations have multiplied, and some mills with one-shift rating have been operating two shifts. As a result, West Coast lumber production reached an exceptional peak in February.
The sustained heavy volume of West Coast orders is due to the continued expansion of defense construction, ranging from shipyards to industrial housing, from new Army camps in the States to defense building of many types in Alaska and other national outposts. Defense requirements represent from zCI to 50 per cent of the current demands on West Coast mills.
(Continued on Page 30)
CALIFOR}.IIA W. T. BLTCE 6|5 L.av€neortb St. Sqn Frclcirco PBorpect 3810
W. T. BTACK-Io.o-rl5rroird gadcr rho tcn ot Cctitoratq r r- r ' J. C. Diouo, Pror. cad -Trrc,; J. E. Mcrtir Vtco-Ptm.J W.-t, ftccf, Socrotcry tt1!. IDAMS Aqvenlslng Mqn(rger aro !o,n ^^_L_r D__r , publirhod tLr lrt cnd l5l\_ ol ?qch nolth qt _- _- Girculction Mcacacr 3r&rs'20"Hi"?..'S$1l!"'$ol!:lllilil,t;;::l#"#ffi:4,"$:,;*igg1rvAad*r$ss lgbqciqtion Price, 02.00 per Yecr r /^rc, ANrntr Ee. /-Ar nrAD..Lr rE r^/r f,dvertiring Bctes sinsle -copie",-zi'"Jiii-J;i. --- LOS ANGFLF-S, CAL, MARCH 15, l94l o,r Appriccrion
LUMBERMERCHANT JackDiorrne,pfil*hu
MacDonald & Harringtoilr Ltd. 16 Cqlilornicr Street, Scn Frcrnsieco GArlield 8393 If,THOLESALE LUMBER DEATERS All West Cocst Forest Products RAIL rDd GARGO Creosoted cnd Wolmcnrized Lumber curd Piling tOS ANGEIES Petroleurn Building PBospect 3127 POnTUITD Pittock Block BRocdwcy l2l7
*zomPALCO hrowooD
Redwood for underPlnnrngsn d*ooa for siding-shingles,1t,n, -u""t and out-Posts and picketswherevet tnt:t t: :l: oorura to rnoisture' earth or atr' tu", *.U*""d is Time's onlY rival' ;;;t" itself having furnished docurnentarY Proof of its un' matched durabilitY'
PalcoRedwood cornes frorn Scotia' t"itt-"r' where the unexcelled i".it.t", of The Pacific Lumber toto"r,, assure Redwood at tts
i.*''s.ri Redwood for extra "year' "O."
U* Palco Redwood for ex' tra service'
Sponsots o! the Darable Vads ltstitate
Get Back in the OYerheadtype Garage Door Business!
t|ake money from the dooru that t{tytR. ...8ang shut like this ...0et snowbound ...0r are hard to open
I The Craw-Fir-Dor is making money for dealers all over the country. Are you one ol tltern? You should be for tl:e Craw-Fir-Dor will put you back in the overhead-type garage door business where you belong. Any carpenter can install a Craw-Fir-Dor in less than half a day. There are no installation or service problems that require a special crew.
The Craw-Fir-Dor is a tested, approved garage door with extra strength hardware and an automobile trunk-type lock. It comes pre-fitted for an 8'x 7'opening. Only 2" headroom and sideroom are needed. The edges are weather-stripped; the panels primed for easy painting.
Mode in Four Designs
Ifith all these advantages, the Craw-Fir-Dor is low priced. The 8-panel design retails for only 929 in any U.S.A. jobbing center. The flush-type, which is reversible and comes with a bundle of moulding that can be applied in any desired pattern, is only a dollar higher. The two 16-panel designs are also popular. So push the Craw-Fir-Dor and profit. Every garage owner is a prospect. See your distributor today. SEND l'OR
the popular
FREE BOOKLETS I Fir Door Institute, Tacoma, Vashington, Nou aationally adocttiscd ia Am*ican Home atd Bettet Homes & Oatlets lor rpcctel rcrldcutlal or hduetrlal hst llatlonqwrltc Cnwford l)or Co., I)cfolr, Mlch., *ho na-t o a conplcto lino of *ctioDAl overhead.tylE d@r; SELF
Nobody ever added up
The value of a smile, We know how much a dollar is. And how much is a mile; We know the distance to the sun. The size and weight of earth, But no one's wise enorgh to tellJust what a smile is worth.
There is one qu,estion l"a o*n" agitating my mind a whole lot as I travel around amidst lumber folks and lumber yards and lumber stores, and that question is-what on earth has become of Mr. Pip? I'll swear I can't find him anywhere. And I remember so well the old days when I used to find about ten Mr. Pips to every one Mr. Pep. But things have changed'
Mr. Pip, you remember, is the old-fashioned, old-timey retail lumber dealer who did nothing but keep raw building materials of the plainest character in stock, and sit and wait until someone came in to buy, and then got out his sharp pencil and went to figgerin'. He didn't merchandise, he didn't advertise, he didn't carry fancy building materials in stock, his place of business was dingy and unattractive, and he did nothing to create a demand for those things that his materials would construct. :F
Mr. Pep was the opposite of Mr. Pip. He was the live, energetic, active, hustling retail lumberman, who kept in stock all sorts of building materials that he thought his trade could or should use I who displayed them well and attractively; who kep,t an up-to-date place of business that advertised in every way the good judgment of the operator; who did the building thinking for his community, and sold buidings at a price, rather than building materials at whatever he could get; who took part in everSrthing that went on for the good of his town, and was in every way one of its most useful citizens.
We have used tons of paper and barrels of ink in these columns preaching FOR Mr. Pep and against Mr. Pip. Someone said to me not long ago-"I notice you don't spend
much space talking about Mr. Pip any more," and I said "No, because there are too few of him left to be worth worrying over, and preaching to." As a matter of fact Mr. Pip has practically disappeared from all those parts of the earth that I am familiar with. If there are any of his type of retail lumber dealer left, I don't encounter him, or hear anything about him. Practically speaking, every lumber dealer today is more or less a live building merchant.
Just the ot-her day I visited in a town of about twenty thousand people, and went the rounds of the retail lumber yards. And when I got through and had looked them dll over, I scratched my head in vain trying to make up my mind which of the yards I had seen was the most modern and attractive. All of them were keen, all of them displayed their wares in admirable fashion, all of them were on their toes to furnish their trade with the latest things in building materials, plans, and ideas for building. Surely the builder of today gets a whole lot better service than he did thirty years ago.
And in this same a*" t "rUted a wholesale building material establishment that undoubtedly has the most attractive and beautiful office display of building materials and home modernizations that I have ever seen. Everything they have for sale, beautifully finished.and displayed in dazzling fashion, is to be found and shown in that big front display office. And as I looked it over, I said to myself-"Mister, things HAVE really changed in the building material business."
The exhibit departme; : ;. various retail lumber association conventions furnish a splendid illustration of the great change in the direction of better merchandising that has come to the retail lumber business. At each convention you will find scores of attractive booths, every one of them a living, breathing illustration of what the live lumber merchant can do to better serve his trade. Every booth furnishes him, or at least offers him, new ideas that he may use. The man who wants to get out of a merchandising rut, need only make the rounds of the exhibits at his annual lu.rnber convention, and take notes of the things he can get
* >r<
,1. *
* {<
and the changes he can make. Ideas galore await his gaze. He doesn't have to do his own figuring along merchandising lines any more. ft is all being done for him. All he has to do is apply what they show him to his own needs and situation.
postgraduate course in merchandising And so it should be considered, and so
Eigh Eaily Strength PORTIAND GEMENT
Guarcrnteed to meel or exceed requirenents ot American Society lor Testing Mcrtericrls Sppcilicstions lor High Ecrly Strength Portlcrnd CenenL cs well qs Federcrl Speciliccrtions lor Cement, Portlcnrd, High-Ecrly-Strength, No. SS-C-201.
(28 dcry concrete strengths in 2{ hours.)
f can't help wondering what Mr. Pip would do if he were obliged to visit and study every exhibit booth at a 1941 retail lumber convention. He would either become converted to the beliefs of Mr. Pep, or he would do like the old story of the chameleon that the colored brother told. He said: "I puts dis heah chameleon on a red cloth, an' he turned red; I puts him on a green cloth, an'he turns green; I puts him on a yellah cloth, an' he turns yellah; den I puts him on a piece o' Scotch plaid an' he jus' busted hissef wide open tryin' t'make good." That's about what Mr. Pip would do if he visited a live lumber convention today, and saw the exhibits.
Calitornia Leads in FHA Building
Washington, March l.-The Federal Housing Administration today reported that California led the nation in new home construction under the FHA system last year, accounting for nearly one-fifth of the 162,333 mortgages valued at $721 ,462,431 u'hich were insured in 19,10.
The California totals lvere 30,943 mortgages worth $131,715,900. This state was followed by Michigan with 14,625 mortgages totaling $67,617,2ffi.
The FHA also reported the number of mortgages insured and their aggregate value in other states:
Arizona,779 and $2,U7,8O0; Colorado, l7O7 and $6,805, 500; Idaho, 756 and. $2,695,700; Kansas, l77O and, $7,3@,- M; Montana, 544 and $2,197,7N; Nebraska, 780 and $3,380,100; Nevada, 222 and $1,111,200; New Mexico, 736 and $2,800,400; North Dakota, 126 and $532,500; Oklahoma, 3O24 and $11,668,850; Oregon, 1475 and 95,664,300; South Dakota, 325 and $1,281,800; Texas, 10,626 and $,+0,756,550; Utah, 1373 and $5,580,900; Washington, Y72 and $14,106,800; Wyoming, 499 and $2,@2,300; Alaska, 58 and $278,ffi; Hawaii, 303 and $1,305,800.
(Result oI compound compoeition cnd usuclly lound only in specicl cements desigmed lor this purpose.)
ilnffiItM DXPAII$0I| and C0tlTRAgTI0il
(Extrenrely aerrcre cnrto-clcvc test results consistently indiccrte prccticclly no expcrnsion or contrqction, thus elimincrting one ol noel ditlisgtl problens in use ol cr high ecrly stength cement)
Mcnulcctured by
Yes, the exhibit oooanr-"a-arrJ ,"t"it lumber convention this season are a building materials. it should be used. ***
Any man who has a latent idea in his bean that the merchandising of building materials is not a progressive thing, can get his thinking straightened by studying these convention exhibits. They tell him what, and how, and why, as well as a few other things. They show him the latest thoughts in the materials themselves, but also the latest ideas and plans developed into concrete form for SELLING and MERCHANDISING THEM.
our Vidorrillc.
Proccs" MilL ?27 Wosl Seventh Strcct lan Argolcr, Cclil-ontc
(Uaers' csaurqncc ol lresh stocln unilormity cmd proper resulb lor concrete.)
C-lilorntc, "Wct
Committees Appointed For 9th Annual Reveille
Announcement is made by Jas. B. Overcast, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, general chairman for the 9th annual Reveille, to be held at Hotel Oakland, Oakland, on Friday evening, May 2, that all the committees are already hard at work to make the Reveille another successful affair.
The various committees appointed by Mr. Overcast are as follows:
Finance-Shirley Forsey, chairman, Wm. Chatham, Jr., C. I. Speer, Henry M. Hink, Tom T. Branson.
Entertainment-John J. Helm, chairman, Lewis A. Godard, Charles Gartin, Kenneth Shipp.
Golf-Ross Kinney, chairman, Ed. J. La Franchi, B. E. Bryan, L. J. Woodson.
Publicity-George Clayberg, chairman, George M. Cornwall, W. T. Black, F. "Tom" Tomlinson.
Banquet-H. "Abe" Lincoln, Jr., chairman, Clement Fraser, G. F. Bonnington, H. Sewall Morton.
Program and Tickets-G. W. Sechrist, chairman, D. Normen Cords, Lu Green.
Ticket Sales-Art Williamson, chairman, Miland Grant, John Freeman, 'Wes Farrar, Earl Davis, Frank Teakle, Frank White, Forrest K. Peil, Victor Herrman.
General Committee-Jas B. Overcast, chairman, Lloyd Harris, C. I. Gilbert, B. E. Bryan, Clement Fraser, Shirley Forsey, John J. Helm, Ross Kinney, Henry M. Hink, George Clayberg, H. "Abe" Lincoln, Jr., G. W. Sechrist, Art Williamson. Tom T. Branson.
General Secretary-Treasurer, Carl R. Moore.
C. R. Buchanan, well known San Francisco Bay district lumberman, who has been secretary of Hogan Lumber Co., Oakland, for the past several years, has resigned to take over the position of general manager of Feather River Pine Mills, Feather Falls, Calif.
Western Pine Annual Meeting
J. M. Brown, Long Lake Lumber Co., Spokane, was elected president of the Western Pine Association at the annual meeting held at the Portland Hotel, Portland, on February 27-28. Swift Berry, Michigan-California Lumber Co., Camino, Calif., is the retiring president.
Following are the other officers elected:
First vice-president, John R. Gray, Diamond Match Co.. Spokane, Wash.
Second vice-president, T. S. Walker, The Red River Lumber Co., Westwood, Calif.
Treasurer, Truman W. Collins, Grande Ronde Pine Co., Portland, Ore.
Directors at large-J. P. Ilennessy, McCloud River Lumber Co., McCloud, Calif.; W. E. Lamm, Lamm Lumber Co., Modoc Point, Ore.
Representatives on board of National Lumber Manufacturers Association-Swift Berry, Michigan-California Lumber Co., Camino, Calif.; J. M. Brown, I-ong Lake Lumber Co., Spokane, 'Wash. ; C. L.fsted, Shevlin-Hixon Co., Bend, Ore.; R. R. Macartney, Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., Klamath Falls, Ore.; Walter Neils, J. Neils Lumber Co., Libby, Mon. tana,
The Promotion, Grading, Research, Traffic, Statistical, Executive and Economical committee meetings rvere held on February 27.
President Swift Berry presided at the general meeting on Thursday. Among the speakers were President Berry, Treasurer Truman W. Collins, Secretary-Manager S. V. Fullaway, J.., W. E. Griffee, Walter Neils, A. J. Voye, W. E. Lamm, A. J. Glassow, W. P. Marsh, and R. A. Colgan.
The importance of the industry's part in defense, promotion and research were among the subjects discussed. The directors approved the 1941 budget, making changes in grading rules and statistical reports in accordance with the consent decree, recommendations from committees, and authorized the employment of association counsel to analyze the consent decree. ft was the opinion of all those present that they cooperate with the government as much as possible and that priority should be given for materials for defense needs.
A meeting was announced for March 1 when President Ralph Hines of the new Ponderosa Pine Woodwork Association would tell the Ponderosa pine manufacturers about the promotional program of that organization
Car ond Cargo Shippers OUTUTY FIR YIRII STOCI Arizone Reprelenativc C"lifornir Rcprcrcatrtivc T. G. DECKER O. L. RUSSUM P. O. Box l&i5, Phocair ll2 Merlct St, San Frencirco Tclcphonc 31121 Tclephone YUkon l4d0
suoilH??"*' PONDEROSA PINE ? DOUGIJAS FIR? REDWOOD?\TBILf,'' DUNNING tl38 Charnber of Cornrnerce Bldg., Lros Angoles PBospect 8843 IMMEDIATE SENVIGE L I. CAAN 6 CO. SACRAMENIO
Iag. B. Overccst
H. C. Maginn Elected Vice-President of Calaveras Cement Comptny
H. C. "Pat" Maginn recently was elected vice-president of Calaveras Cement Company and was placed in charge of the sales and traffic departments.
Mr. Maginn has been with the company since it was started in 1926. Prior to his long association with this concern he was connected $'ith another leading cement company in California.
Mr. Maginn was trained as an engineer and for some time was associated with the electric traction industry. Previous to that, he rvas rvith the County Surveyor's office in Sacramento.
He is a director of the Associated General Contractors of America and is a member of the Olympic and Commercial Clubs of San Francisco.
F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, director of the National Retail Lumber Association, attended the annual convention of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association at Seattle on Februarv 2A22.
Lerv Go<lard, sales manag'er Co., San Francisco, spent a ferv office last rl'eek. He made the route.
VISITOR of Hobbs Wall Lumber days at the Los Angeles trip both ways by the air
SUGAR PINE DOORS cqn be hung with minimr::n elfort ond time. They cre light to hondle, eosy to plone ond bore, will hold their shope, toke point economicqlly cnd give losting scrtisfqction.
Detcril Front Door Sticking Hecrvy Pqnels Bcrised Two Sides Pccilic
only in
6-8 x l%
Type "G" Front
3-0 x
CAI.IFONNI.A SUGAR PINE Used Exclusively on crll Pine Produc'ts 3600 Tyburn Street Los Angeles, CqliL Albqny 0l0l
PONDEROSA PINE SUGAR PINE DOUGLAS FIR HARDWOODS MOULDINGS PANELS CUT STOCK Be Asgurcd ol the Highest Quality by Purcha3:nit for Direct Mill Shipm€nt 2035 E tSth St, tOS A]IGELES, (ALIF. Tclcphonc PRorpcct 5l3l
Mullin Lumber Co. Has Unique Speed and Efficiency in Building Industry Red Cedar Shinsle Display lVifl be Developed in 1941
Bror Dahlberg, president, The Celotex Corporation, and chairman, Certain-teed Products Corporation, says :
"The shortage of housing in many key industrial sections of the country has brought expressions of apprehension that the speed of the defense program may suffer therefrom. This housing shortage is not a new development but rather an old problem being brought out into the open in a rather dramatic fashion. Actually, this current clamor about housing shortage may prove a blessing in disguise for the building industry in that it wiil force the correction of numerous fundamental factors that have in recent years retarded the expansion of low-cost housing.
A little ingenuity on the part of the Mullin Lumber Co., 1950 W. Slauson Avenue, Los Angeles, has transformed what might probably be considered just another yard building into an A-1 display of red cedar shingle roof types and applications.
The roof of a long storage shed has been partitioned into sections, each showing one of the many methods of achieving variety in red cedar shingle roofs. Customers inquiring for something different for the roofs of their homes are shown the display, which gives an instant visualization of the results obtainable.
Both the conventional, popular sawed shingles and handsplit shakes make up the exhibit, which is attractively advertised by a sign placed along the roof's ridge: Architectural Beauty in Shingles, Low Cost-Long Life.
Tommy Myers, Southern Pine Lumber Co., I-Iouston, Texas, was a Los Angeles visitor on March 8 and took in the Santa Anita handicap. He was enroute to the Northwest where he has some timber interests.
Leo T. Campbell, manager of the Perry E. Canfield wholesale yard in Burbank, Calif., returned recently from a trip to the Pacific Northwest. He spent several days at the Seattle office and called on a number of shingle mills and plywood plants. He also paid a visit to Vancouver, B.
"Through the growing urgency of the need for more housing, entirely new methods for speed and efficiency in the building industry will be developed in 1941. Mass prcrduction methods will make for attractive. well-built houses at low cost, which in turn r'vill rnake homes available to an income group never before sold. The building industry will come to the realization that houses can be built cheaply and in volume.
"The need for modern, lou' cost houses runs lnto the millions of units regardless of current needs of the defense program. Thus, the building industry, facing a virtually untapped market for low-cost housing, may now be aptly compared to the automobile industry early in the century. The automobile industry, bI using mass production methods to provide better cars at cheap prices, created a nelv era of American prosperity. The building industry, using similar methods to take advantage of the same type of lorv income market, has its opportunity to create another new phase of American prosperity for years to come. Events have decreed that 1941 should be the year in rvhich rhis nerv era commences."
Tacoma Lumber Petroleum Building, and more convenient on the fourth floor.
Sales recently moved to suite 837 Los Angeles, where they havc larger office space than in their old quarters
They have had Fir-Tex acoustical tile applied on the ceilings of the general office and private offices.
C ourte sy-Promptne s s-Fri en
\\Dependable Personal Serviee" ATKITSON-ST VTZ GOTUPAIU r12 MARKET STREBTGArfeld PORTLAND OFFTCB: 6408 S.W. Burlingame ATryater 7866 TEIJTYPB NO. r8O9SAN FRANCTSCO LOS ANGBLES OFFICE: 628 Petroleum Bldg. PRorpect 4341 s. F.230 YES SrR, WIIOI.ESAI.ENS ol Douglcr Fir Ponderorc 6 Sugcr Piac Cedcr 6 Bedwood Shiaglcs Cedsr Poles Fir Plywood Doors dliness. Y Your Businesa is Apprecicted Let Us Help to Solve Your Buying Problems
are just some of the factors that make up our
Association Officcs Moved to San Diego
Announcement is made by the Southern California Retail Lumber Association that Orrie W. Hamilton has been appointed secretary-manager, effective March 1.
Mr. Hamilton is well known to the majority of the members, having been in charge of the Lumbermen's Service Bureau at San Diego since 7927, a position he n'ill still retain. He u'as previously connected with retail lumber concerns and also served for several years as a director of the State Association.
The new offices of the Association are at 1348 E Street, San Diego. Telephone number is Main 5153.
C. W. Pinkerton, former secretary-manag'er, r,vill continue the legislative work for the retail lumber industry of California and will be in Sacramento for the next three months during the Legislative session.
A. E. Fickling, Fickling Lumber Co., I-ong Beach, is president of the Association; Harry Whittemore, Benson Lumber Co., San Diego, is vice-president, and Gerald Curran, Curran Bros., Pomona, is treasurer.
E. C. Stone, manager of Stimson Mill Co., Seattle, which is represented in Southern California by Burns Lumber Co., Beverly Hills, recently spent a week in Los Angeles on a business and pleasure trip.
Mr. Stone is an ardent racing enthusiast and made several profitable visits to Santa Anita during his stay. He is an admitted expert at selecting winners, but he must surely have consulted the oracle on the day of the Santa Anita $100,000 Handicap, for he is reported to have had enough "on the nose" of Bay Vierv to enable him to retire. It is now history that a $2.0O win ticket on this horse returned $118.00.
Now Mr. Stone is being deluged with requests lrom his many friends for information as to how he does it.
Flag raising ceremonies were held at the Hammond Redwood Co. No. 2 plant, Eureka, Friday afternoon, Febntary 21, rvith hundreds of visitors attending.
Promptly at 12:3O p.m., E. T. Sullivan handed the flag. supplied by the Hammond company, to Claude Morrorv, Commander, Fort Humboldt Post of the American Legion, and r,vith the assistance of Dayton Murray and Verne Jol-rnson, the flag rvas slowly raised to the top of a new flagpole while the Eureka High School band, directed by Louis Weichselfelder, played "The Star Spangled Banner."
Thomas Cotter of Eureka rvas the speaker of the dav.
R. T. Titus, Seattle, Wash., director of trade extension for the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, is spending a few weeks in California calling on the trade and holding conferences with West Coast lumber salesmen.
Saves 10% LAB0R on Any Galking Job
Here is tta Eorl Prccticcl cnd cfliciert ccllciag locd on the nqr- ket. Ir is gtlicnliled lor quicl, clcan qpplicqlion ol NuCALf, Cc&' inc Cohiouad, lhc world's norl ef,ective - calkiac uqlerial. No nessY lidg to removc, aolid ptrcl, no cir poclelr to clog gu wilh dried ou1 conpouud. -Sp-ciol oir prooled conlcincr. prqcticsllY vscuum pcca. You cqn ccrh-ia on tbe quality lecluror ol Specd Locd cud build c prolitcble, Crowiag Yolume.
Loads to Carton
1O7o More Calking In Each Loed
Tbere's one lull gcllon ia every cqrton ol Specd Locd-10% nore cclkiaE ia this inproved locd.
and in SPEED LOAD you sct Genuine affiCatr
You PROFIT con€3 troE repa(tl cusiom€rs who tmde witb you dcY clter dcy. Tbougca& ol declerg sell Nu-Cclk beccuao ita dependcble lectur€s mcke "rePecl" cuttonora ol every user.
Mr. Dealer: see Page 23 of our General Catalog for further information' or write us.
R"o. U. S. Prt. Ofi. Pttontr t677603 203 t495 2.t8. t936 Othon Pnd0.
ilV a]ouuilfe Shn+ aa
BV laal Sioma
Age not guaranteed---Somc I hrve told ]or 20 years---Somc Less
The Curse o[ Oil
The pastor of the "I Will Arise" Baptist Church, colored, rose to preach on his announced fsxf-"fs there a Hell?" This is how he went at it.
"Bredern, de Lawd done made de yearth round lak a ball.
"He made two axles fo' de world to go round on, an' He put one axle at de Nawth Pole, and de othah axle at de Souf Pole.
"An' de Lawd done put a heap o' oil an' grease in de centah of de yearth so as t'keep dem axles well oiled an' greased all de time. He put ernuff oil an' grease on 'em to las'ontil Kingdom Come. Yessah, dey wuz plenty of dat oil an' grease, as measu'ed out by the Ole Mastah's hand.
"An' den whut happens? I axes you, Bredern an' Sis-
Mcin Ofiicc
110 Market Stcct
Plttock Block 5915 Vil$ire Blvd.
tern, whut has done happened to dat oil an'grease? I tells you whut happens ! A whole lotta sinnahs whut doan keer nuthin' 'bout de plan o' Salvation comes erlong an' stahts diggin' oil wells, an' stealin' de Lawd's oil an' grease whut He put on de axles of de yearth to keep 'em greased, an' keep em'fu.rn runnin' dry an'hot.
"An' whut next? I tells you 'bout dat, too. One o' dese days dem sinnahs is gwine ter git de las' o'dat oil an' grease whut de Lawd done put round de axles of de yearth, and den dat oil an'grease is gonna be all gone, and den dem axles is gwine ter git mighty, mighty hot widout no lubrication. An'when dat time comes-an' h'it ain't gwine ter be long-dat will be Hell, Bredern sn' $isfsin-dat will be Hell !"
People chore home coastructiou raq- i€rialr that hqve ncdc good with neighbon. Tlci'a why eyc-Iilling rtucco iobr that retaia lheir rncrt cppoccrce plcy such @ iDportant pcrt ia wilailg new businesr lor plc:teriag corlrcctor8. It isn't hqrd to build stucco tho b.st wcy-wectbcrprool ald durqble. Oac ol tbe beri corlrqctora puts it lbir ntcfr: Mcke ccrlaia thot the slruciuro is rigid crd well"lrcmed, and the bqre O,f. Psol.ctivo gtructurcl de-
tcils propcrly dcsiEned ., . reblorcenoDt conpletely enbedded ia the morlqr , Uge oaly atucco mcde with POBTLAND CEMENT or WATERPBOOFED PO8TLAND CEMENT lor cll costrnixed, qpplied od cured according to cpproved methods.
PoRItlltD GEfilEl{I ASS0GIArloil Dept, I 3b-2{, 8tO W. Filth St. - Log Aagcles, Cclil, A tratlonal organlzrtlon to lmprwo and cxtcrd thc us3 of con0rcto,.. througfi slcntlio ro$arch &nd 0n0lnoerlne icld wofk.
News Flasheg
Dean Johnson, president of C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation, Toledo, Ore., recently visited San Francisco, where he conferred with Arthur Griswold, manager of the San Francisco office.
R. M. Cross, Nevada Lumber Company, Reno, Nevada, was a recent Los Angeles visitor.
H. C. Baskett is now associated with his brother, Val Baskett, in the Baskett Lumber Company, Whittrer. He was formerly with the Burroughs Adding Machirre Co. as representative in cities in many foreign countrres.
Ken Smith, California Redwood cisco, spent several days in Los business.
Association, San FranAngeles on Association
Frank Alley, Alley west. Bros., Santa Monica, is in the North-
Ross Blanchard, Blanchard Lumber Co., North Hollywood, is a member of the Draft Board at Van Nuvs.
D. H. Doud, sales manager pany, Tacoma, recently spent business.
of Defiance Lumbcr Coma week in Los Angeles on
Alfred L. Hart of Hart Mill Co., a recent Los Angeles visitor.
Raymond,'Wash., was
W. H. Wood of Hart-Wood Lumber Co.. San Francisco, was in Los Angeles recently on a week's business trip.
F. J. Dunbar, manager of Robert Dollar Company, San geles on business last week.
the lumber department of Francisco. was in Los An-
A. N. Beals, sales manager of Kesterson Lumber Corp., Klamath Falls, Ore., spent a week in Los Angeles and left March 12 lor Phoenix on his way to Denver. He rvas accompanied on the trip by his wife.
H. E,. Tenzler, president of Northwest Door Co., Tacoma, is on a business and pleasure trip to Southern California, which included a stay at Palm Springs.
Charles Walter, manag'er of the Company, suffered a broken right leg to brake a toboggan rvhile engaged in San Bernardino.
Fallbrook Lumber when he attempted rvinter sports near
Owen Fanning, Hynes, has been appointed manager of the Norwalk Lumber Company, Norwalk. He was formerly with the Clearwater Lumber Company.
Dud Else of Sudden turned March 3 from & Christenson, San Francisco, rea business trip to the Northwest.
DUT the "good I taste" of Curtis Architectural Woodwork in your stockfurnish it on jobs of every size.
It sells itself. Fot people want the best. And the low cost of Curtis Architectural \Yoodwork puts it within the reach of all.
When you sell Curtis Architectural Woodwork, ;'ou furnish the ffnest in architectural design; cabinetwork beyond comparison; smooth, satin-like wood srrfaces ready for any beautiful finish. All that is "good taste." It can't help but sell itself!
You'll benefit from handling Curtis Architectural Woodwork. It's profitable and it will help you sell other items. It means lasting satisfaction.
Are you up-to-date on the Curtis Woodwork line? Let us give the Curtis story for 1941-just write or mail the coupon,
Tell us how to sell Curtis Architectural
Name City .-...-..\Iute
)TAKERS 0F THE F roUS Sil.E]{ItrE WI{DoW FAtil[V-0Rtcr{AT0Rs Of THE KIICHE]I PLAiITII{G SERVICE Cunrrs CoMper.rrps Spnvrcn Bunneu, Clinton.
Package Selling
By l"cA Sawp
An Arkcnstrs lumber de<rler, ncrmed C. A. Stuck hcrs gone to severql ol the lumber conventions in the North, Ecrst cnrd West this winter, tclking interestingly cbout "Pcckcge Selling." He cdvocqtes selling the building mcrtericls AF' TEB it hcs been translated into q building, cr building addition, or cr building function by cr live lumber deqler who hcnrdles the trctrsdction, and controls the fincrncing cnd the building. He sells cr turn-key iob. And he tells qbout it well. Here crre some oI the scrge observations and remtrrks lrom Mr. Stuck's speech:
"We decrlers down in Arkcnrscs have nbout the scsne conditions you lolks hcrve out here. We hcve the lellows thcrt truck in lumber once in cr while. We hqve the decrler down the hack, blegs his heqrt, been there three yecrrs, thought he'd eet the town on fire, lound out the town wcs mcrde ol asbeslos, so pulled out. Went bcck lor rrore m<rtches, I guess."
"[ mcke c price on cn extrc room, The prospect scys "Well I'm not going to do thcrt right now, I hcrven't the money." I scry "Okey." Bless my soul, in sixty dcrys she's driving q new 8uick. There went my pcckcrge. I didn't lollow it up. Too mcrny don't work hcnd enough. We mcke cr price cnd lorget it. We need <r lollow-up system."
"Buy cr ccrlendcrr. Mcuk it up lor cr certcdn dcy. On that dqy, go see her."
"We need to go out qnd sell. Every iob should sell lour more. When you put on c new rool your sqlesmcn ought to ccrll on every house in the block <rnd see iI he ccrn't sell them <r rool. Crecrtion oI prospects-crecrtive selling."
"Convert the contrcctor to the p<rckcge selling idec. How's the best wcy? Go out cmd sell your iob mcking sure you have mcrde the proper estirncrtes. Then ccll him in crnd scry 'Listen, Bill, one oI our sclesnren wenl out and sold cr iob cnd I need somebody to do the work. I wcnt you to contrcct the lcbor lor me.' I don t scry 'Whcrt is your best cqih price?' II I do he'll ask me whqt is the lecst I'll tcke when he comes to buy something lrom me. I don't know cr single contrcctor who doesn't like to get business thcrt wcry."
"We don't try hcrd enough. w"'". "], o ro, ol METALLIC lumber deqlers. They hcve SILVEB in their hcir qnd GOLD in their teeth, cnrd LEAD in their pcnts. They don't work qt it hcrrd ;nouS*h."
"\ilfhen thct ccrpenter finishes with thcrt work, he gets pcrid. I don't know ol cr better wcry to convert him than by giving him c good iob cnd pcying him when it is done."
"I crm oI the opinion thct the next ten yecrs cre going to wipe out the decrler who doesn't do some sort ol crecrtive selling."
Lumber Delivered by Plane
Redwood Sales Company, San Francisco, selling organization for Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., Holmes Eureka Lumber Co. and Hobbs Wall Lumber Co., recently had an interesting letter from E. H. Mauk & Sons, wholesale lumber dealers, Toledo, Ohio. This was signed by E. H. Mauk and reads as follows:
"It may interest you to know that last week the East Clinton Lumber & Coal Co., Port Clinton, Ohio, were asked to furnish 1000 feet of 1x6 "Sequoia Brand" Redwood Drop Siding for a house being built at Put-in Bay, which is an island in'Lake Erie.
"On account of ice conditions it could not be delivered by boat so it was l.oaded on a Ford tri-motor plane and in a few minutes it was on the job. This is the first instance I know of lumber being delivered by plane,"
Ukiah Pine & Lumber Co. will start operation of a mill on a site on the Eel River about 40 miles from Ukiah as soon as weather permits operations in the woods.
C. H. Mimnaugh of Portland, Ore., is general manager and superintendent of the mill, which will cut Pine and Fir. The Ridgeway Resort will be used as headquarters by the lumber firm.
C. C. Lowe and C. H. Wheeler, Oregon lumbermen, are principals in the company, which has sufficient timber for a l5-year cut.
Lumber Group Urges Labor Law Revision
Members of the Independent Lumber Dealers of Southern California, Inc., have petitioned Southern California's Assemblymen and Senators to support certain labor legislation pending in Sacramento.
The bills, according to Charles A. McKeand, secretary, would make collective bargaining agreements enforceable at law, prevent interference from any source with the selforganization of employes, prohibit secondary boycotts and forbid making labor union membership or non-membership a condition of employment. Numbers of the Senate bills are 975, 976, 974 and 877; Assembly bills are numbered 1557, 1559, 1560 and 1666.
Defiance Lumber Company, Tacoma, has joined the group selling organization of Tacoma Lumber Sales, Los Angeles, which is now acting as their selling agents in Southern California.
This mill is freighting its lumber to Southern California on the steamer Whitnev Olson.
Glick Brothers Lumber Company, Los Angeles, are putting in a new lumber yard at Burbank and Victory Boulevards, Burbank. Construction of the office and shed buildings are now under way.
According to cr Recent Dealer Survey
Bosrd Buyers
Mcke This Demond Build Your Strles By Stocling The Entire Celotex Linel
America knows the excellence of Celotex Cane Fibe Insulction Boord. Its quolity story hos been told repecrtedly, to millions of recrders, through nineteen yecrs oI consistent odvertising. Its fuel-soving, comfort-producinq performonce in millions ol homes hos proved the truth ol thqt qdvertising. No wonder 8 out ol every l0 insulction bocrd buyers qsk lor Celotex by ncmel
Other Celotex Building Products now shcne the quolity
reputotion so thoroughly established throughout the world. Yotr cqn build your scles by stocking the complete Celotex Line. When qn owner qsLs lor Celotex Insulotion Board, thqt's your cue to tell him crbout crll Celotex Products. When c new home is to be built, the Celotex nqme cctr help you get busiaese which might otherwise go elsewherel
Celotex Roofing Products-Celotex Gypsum ProductsCelotex Hcrrd Boords ond Rock Wool Products all belong in your slock. Mcke the most of thct "8-outoll0" demandl Write {or complete {qctsl
Helps You
easiest selling lumber an all purpose wood,
of them all. It is truly and is adaptable to an
I Ponderosa Pine is often .referred to as the exceedingly wide field of use.
Its soft, easy-cutting texture is a distinct aid to the carpenter who is fitting sash or installing door locks and hinges. Ponderosa Pine contributes toward the economical production of millwork. Because of the excellent working qualities of this species, fast production schedules can be maintained with a minimum
of material spoilage. Mortising and tenoning, boring, gluing or assembly of all Parts can be done quicklyand accurately with Ponderosa Pine.
The painting qualities of Ponderosa are well and favorably known. Its ease of nailing and absence of splitting offer time advantages in the installing of millwork.
Some of the great volume uses of Ponderosa are: sash, doors, window and door frames, siding, sheathing, roof boards, subfoors, screens, lawn and garden furniture, paneling,
Tblt Eod.rn Wrycrhqcurr nlll lr qdvolsg.ourly locol.d-. lo r.ad.t ilcopdoacl rarYlc. to W.rt Cossl drslrrr. Oprrcdlg oD q tsalv. nonlh rcbcdulc, odaquql. ttocll of cll grcdrr cnd rircr laru. lqrl deliv.ry aarYlcc.
shutters and trim, millwork, cabinet work, mouldings, shelving, concrete forms, light framing, scaffolding, lath, pattern boxes and crates.
As a lumber retailer, if you could handle only one species of lumber in your yard, you undoubtedly would choose Ponderosa, because of its versatility. By featuring this superior species, you also stimulate sales for every item in your yard. That's why more and more dealers ^re adopting Ponderosa Pine as the leader to greater lumber volume.
A boiler and a kettle lid, Some plates that Maggie broke and hid, A chopping block, a knuckle bone, A phonograph that doesn't phone; Some lingerie that lingered long, A mattress with the mat all gone, $, bustle out of Grandma's trunk, A rat trap and some other junk; A demijohn of faint borlquet, (Sweet hundred-proof of yesterday) ; The sticks and tail of Johnnie's kite, A table lamp I dropped one night;
Tomato cans of auld lang syne, A hundred feet of washing line;
One pair of pants (demobilized), One garden hose (derunnerized);
Gas fittings from a former age, One rocker, one canary cage; A niblick and a baseball bat, A bedstead with a broken slat;
The box in which the rabbit died.
The bike that mother used to ride; Of many things a sundry cropAll but the car; that's in the shop.
A Chinaman, who had lived but a short time in this country, \rrote a letter back to a friend in China, and discussed American customs in this fashion:
"You cannot civilize these foreign devils. They are beyond redemption. They will live for weeks and months without touching a mouthful of rice, but they eat the flesh of sheep and bullocks and even swine in large quantities. That is why they smell so badly. Every day they take a bath to rid themselves of their disagreeable odor, but they do not succeed. Their meat is carried into the room where they eat, in large chunks, often half raw, and they cut and slash and tear it apart like savages. They eat with knives and prongs. ft makes a civilized person very nervous to watch them" One fancies himself in the presence of sword swallowers. They even sit down at the table with women, and the women are served first-reversing the order of natu,reyet the women are to be pitied, too, for on festive occasions the men grab them in their arms and drag them around the room to the accdmpaniment of the most awful music.',
The teacher had been reading to her young class about the forests of America.
"And now, boys," she said, "Who can tell me which of the pines has the longest needles?"
Up went a hand in the back row.
"Well, Tommy?"
"The porcupine," said Tommy.
The old story of the New York bank that wired to a distant city for a description of a man who wanted a draft cashed, and got this answer: "fle is tall, dark complexioned, and drunk," and cashed the draft on that description, is well seconded by that of the woman who presented a check at the teller's window, and was asked curtly if she had anyone to identify her.
She snapped back: "I don't need anyone to identify me to YOU. I'm the 'red hebded hen' next door to you whose 'imps of boys' are always running across your lawn. When you started for town this morning your wife said to you: 'Now Henry, if you want anything to eat for dinner this evening you'll have to leave me some money because I can't run this house on Christian Science.' Now do you know me?"
He handed over the money.
fsn't it strange that princes and kings, And clowns that caper in sawdust rings, And common folks like you and me, Are builders for all eternity?
To each is given a bag of tools, A shapeless mass and a book of rules, And each must make, ere life be flown, A stumbling block or a stepping stone.
The old Corinthian philosopher and thinker, Diogenes, was noted even in those dangerous days, for his independence. It was charged against him by his critics that he never offered sacrifice to the gods of Greece, and there were murmurs against him. Men had died for less. So one day when there was a great gathering in the temple, the old man who lived in a barrel on the city dump, appeared in their midst, and ostentatiously cracking a louse on the altar rail, he proclaimed in loud tones:
"Thus doth Diogenes sacrifice to all the gods at once !"
Curtis Using Enlarged Advertising and Sales Promotion Program
All sales representatives of Curtis Companies Incorporated, Clinton, Iowa, manufacturers of Curtis Woodwork, are now exhibiting the company's 1941 merchandising and advertising program. Each year Curtis makes available for the use of their men a large and very effective portfolio for the purpose of illustrating and describing the year's advertising and sales helps.
The Curtis sales portfolio for 1941 is more elaborate than in former years. In commenting on their new sales prog'ram, H. H. Hobart, sales manager, stated:
"1941 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Curtis business. In looking over our new sales promotion portfolio, I can't help but be impressed by the many sales tools we have today which were not available in my early years in the Curtis business. Selling has changed tremenously since the 'old days' but the Curtis institution tries to keep pace with changing trends and conditions and to offer the retail lumber dealer selling helps he can use to his own direct advantage. While this old world has changed a great deal since 1866, when the first piece of Curtis Woodwork was made, the Curtis policy has not changed and we find sound business practices, backed by aggressive selling, still moves merchandise for both manufacturer and dealer."
In L941, Curtis Woodrvork will be advertised in several national consumer magazines and in leading trade papers. There are available nerv sales helps and several new and interesting pieces of literature for the dealer to use.
The Curtis advertising cam,paign this year is the largest since 1929 and Curtis dealers everywhere have been exceedingly enthusiastic in their acceptance of the entire merchandising program.
Since the Curtis business was founded in 1865, this nationally known woodw,ork concern has contributed many improvements to the building industry. Probably the best known Curtis product today is the famous Silentite Window, introduced by Curtis in 1932, and heralded at the time as the first major improvement in double-hung windows in nearly 300 years. Today this improved window is sold throughout the United States, in Canada and Alaska.
Cal-Board Panels Easily Applied on New or Old \(/alls
Cal-Board Oak panels were used for wainscoting in the new office of Baker Steel & Tube Co., McGarry Street, Los Angeles. Gold Bond planking was applied on the walls above the wainscoting and Gold Bond low density acoustical tile was used on the ceiling.
Cal-Board panels are distributed in Southern California by California Panel & Veneer Co., 955 South Alameda Street, Los Angeles. These panels are available at about half the cost of most hardwood plywoods. Cal-Board is readily applied to new or old walls, being nailed directly to the studs or to furring strips over existing brick or plaster walls.
Lumber dealers find Cal-Board an easy line to sell for remodeling jobs and for paneling walls of living rooms, dens, rumpus rooms, etc. It is manufactured in one standard grade and size,4'x8' sheets, and can be had in Tabasco Mahogany, Plain Red Oak, Sliced Walnut, Birch, IJnselected Gum, Ribbon Grain Philippine, Rotary Cut Philippine and Elm.
Lumber Group Enters Consent Decree
The Redwood Lunch Club and six Redwood companies were indicted by the Federal Grand Jury in San Francisco on February 26 fior violating the anti-trust law and all the defendants entered pleas of nolo contendere.
Federal Judge St. Sure levied a fine of $5000 against the Redwood Lunch Club, and the following lumber companies were fined $2500 each: Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., Hammond Redwood Co., Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., The Pacific Lumber Company, Redwood Manufacturers Company, and Union Lumber Company.
C. C. "Sti" Stibich has resigned his position with Dant & Russell, Inc., San Francisco, and has become associated with Tarter Webster & Johnson, San Francisco.
Doug Cronwall, salesman for the Hammond Redwood Co., Los Angeles, has resigned and will be associated with the mining business in Nevada.
tutBER - t[lLtwoRK
Since 1888 OFFICE,
MODENN ttGad O BEAUTIFT'L O ECONOMICAT , Solid Philippine Mohogcrny Wcll Pcmelling A Sensational New Product That Sells on Sioht GAIIWALLAIIER.GIBSII}I Cll., II{C. tlls AltcE[Es, cALtF. *BUY FROM A MIII."
Alice Sts., Ocrklcnd Glencourt 6861
New Method of Beddins Glass
Application of Pliable Compound by Cornpreased Air Effects Great Saving in Beddingr Glass-Does Better Job
By L. A. Macklanburlg President, Macklanburg-fhrncart Co.
It is generally acknowledged that the bedding of glass in wood sash, prior to applying the glazing compound, or putty, on the finished job, is very advantageous and makes a much better sash. In fact, a properly bedded glass eliminates any leakage around the glass even though the glazing material should become loose.
In the past it has been the general practice to apply a coat of
putty, by hand, either on the edge of the glass or on the sash and then drop the glass into position. And, this method is acknowledged as very slow, and naturally prevents the securing of an even distribution of the putty. The reason that a non-drying compound has not been used for bedding in the past, by the hand method, is that the viscosity or "stickiness" of the material is such that it could not be practicably applied by hand.
For a number of years we have manufactured Nu-Calk calking compound that has been used in great volume and with much success throughout the entire United States. And, all along, I have been conscious of the fact that if it were possible to set glass in a compound having the same essential features as our calking compound, it would create "the perfect job," because it stands to reason that if calking compound IS superior for closing space between window and door frames and walls, it most certainly is superior for the bedding of glass.
As a result of our experiments and tests
we perfected a special type air pressure gun, known to the trade as "SPEE-D" bedding gun, which is used in connection with our SPEE-D Bedding Compound. This compound has the same characteristics as our Nu-Calk calking compound. However, it is made to a consistency to work properly in an air gun.
This equipment provides the first practical and efficient method of bedding glass with a pliable compound by mechanical means, and affords the user a saving of 75o/o labor. Also it provides the means of assuring an even, uniform seat for the glass around the entire glass. Flow of the compound is regulated so that there is no exposed compound to clean from glass after it is dropped into position. This is a most desirable and important feature in the production of clean, trim sash.
SPEE-D Bedding Compound and equipment is already being successfully used by a number of sash manufacturers. Among the selling features they are able to point out for their product is that the natural expansion and shrinkage of wood sash is compensated for by bedding the sash with SPEE-D Compound and glazing with Nu-Glaze, both of which set to a rubber-like consistency
The SPEE-D Bedding Compound load (patented) consists of scored collapsible tube filled with SPEE-D Compound. It is closed at each end with patented disc. Each load is in protective paper-board can. To use, remove lid of can, drop load into gun barrel, replace gun cap with nozzle. When load is used, remove gun cap and take out collapsed tube of used load. Gun is always clean. inside and outside.
L f,. Mccllcaburg
Sudden e, Christenson Lunber end Shlpplng 7th Floot, Alaska-Comrnercial Bldg.r 310 Sansome Street, San Francisco AGBNTS STEAMERS Amcricen Mill co' ' Abetdeen' warh' Ryder Hanify Annie chrirrcnroa Hoquiarn Luober & Shirr3lc C.o. Hoquiam. Werh. F)orothy Crhi' Edwin Chrirreruo! Hutbett MiIt Co. ' Aberdeeo" Verh. Jane Chrirtenroo Catherine G. Suddcn Viltape Flarbor Lunbcc MiIb - Laymond. Waeh. Charler Cbritcaroo Eleanor Chrirtenroo Braoch Oficeu LOS ANGELES SEATTLE PORTLAND 630 Board of Tradc Bldg, 617 Arctic Bldg. 200 Henry Bldg.
Sash Doors Millwork Panels \flall Board
700 6th Avenue, Oakland Hlscte 6016
15th a Sperr Sts. Sacramento COmctock 1777
$1,140,000,000 Placed in Savings, Building and Loan Associations in 1940
Chicago, March l-Approximately $1,140,000,C00 was placed in savings, building and loan associations in 194O, the United States Savings and Loan League reported this week. Morton Bodfish, Chicago, executive vice president of the League, said that this was 19.4 per cent more money than was newly invested in these community thrift and home financing institutions the previous year.
December was the third highest month of l94O in the inflorv of new money both from first-time investors and savers and from those who already had some cash in these institutions. The net gain in funds during December soared to the highest in eleven months, not only because of the large volume of new money but also because less money was withdrawn than in any month since June.
"Obviously, there has been no notable retrogression in the thrift of our people as a result of the deflationary years," said Mr. Bodfish. "The upturn in jobs and incomes and margin of income over living expenses in 194O was reflected immediately in increased savings, and the home financing institutions obviously received a good share of the 1940 practice of thrift. Today they hold an approximate 9 per cent of the savings of the nation."
Francis G. I{anson, head of West Coast Screen Company, who fell and broke his leg in several places last November 3 on the back porch steps of his home, is now able to be back at his office part time, following a long stay in the hospital and convalescence at home.
Jack Fenley, salesman for Coos Bay Lumber Company, has been moved from the Wilmington office to the Oakland office.
Ten Years Ago Today
From March 15, 1931 lssue
A two-days' conference of the retail yard managers of The Diamond Match Company was held at the company's main office, Chico, Calif., February n-zl. The two-day session was taken up largely rvith discussions pertaining to sales, collections, credits, expenses, and advertising. I. E. Brink presided.
Weyerhaeuser Sales Company offrce from 26O Calif.ornia Street
moved their San Francisco to 149 California Street.
The February meeting of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club was held at the Elks Club, Anaheim. President Harry A. Lake of the State association was the principal speaker of the evening. President Henry Adams presided.
An exhibit of forest rproducts was prepared by the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club as a feature of the 28th annual convention of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association held in Tacoma. The West Coast Lumbetmen's Association aided in obtaining material and arranging the display.
H. W. Bunker, president Coos Bay Lumber Co., San Francisco, was the speaker at the San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club luncheon on February 26. A. J. Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Company. introduced the speaker. President Jim Farley, The Pacific Lumber Company, presided at the meeting.
The California Redwood Association moved its San Francisco office from 24 California Street to the Financial Center Building, 405 Montgomery Street. An invitation was sent to all retail dealers and the trade generally to be present at the official opening.
Port (lrforrl Cedar
LumberTies -
WHOLESALE-Pccific Coct Woo& WATER IT BTIL SHIPPERS JAMES L. HALL 1032 Mille Eutlding, Sca Frocisco, Ccl. Pboao SUttcr fliZl
(AIso known cs White Cedar or L<rwson Cyprere)
PlcnksDeckingTunnel TimbersVenetian Blind Stock AIso Suppliera ol
J. S. "Ter" Hardin Elected President of Hoc-Hoo Club No. 62
J. S. "Tex" Ilardin, manager of Merced Lumber Co., Turlock, Calif., was elected president of Central Valley Hoo-Hoo Club No. 62 at the regular meeting of the Club held at Hotel Stockton, Stockton, on Monday evqning, February 24.
. Burt Gartin, Home Lumber Co., Turlock, was elected vice-president, and Ray Van Ide, Hobbs Wall Lumber Co., Stockton, was elected secretary.
Directors elected were Geo. E. Ground, Ground Lumber Co., Modesto, and Don G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co', Stockton.
The speaker of the evening was Warren Atherton, Chairman for National Defense for the American Legion, who gave a very interesting talk on a recent inspection trip through a number of airplane factories.
Retiring president Tom Jones of Midstate Lumber Terminal, Stockton, presided at the meeting.
Los Angelas Hoo-Hoo Club Meets
Dr. D. G. H. Siew was the speaker at the monthly luncheon meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club at the Mona Lisa Cafe, Los Angeles, Wednesday, March 5. Ife gave an interesting talk on "China and International Relations," and also showed sound motion pictures of China.
Roy Stanton, chairman of the golf committee, announced that a golf tournament will be held in April'
The gathering stood in silence'for a few moments out of respect to the late T. B. Lawrence and Frank Trower. A. W. Donovan. Hobbs Wall Lumber Co., was chairman of the day, and Vicegerent Snark J. E. Martin presided at the meeting.
The next meeting rvill be held Wednesday, April 2, and Geo. E. Ream, Geo. E. Ream Co., will be chairman.
The Salted Report
Pat Higgings jumped a mining claim And clamped his name upon it, But when he found it warn't no good, He wished he hadn't done it. He had to do assessment work And pay back taxes too,
So when the pay streak petered out, Old Pat was mighty blue.
He tried his best to sell the dump, But none of us would buy it, And rvhen we said, "it's just a fake," Pat couldn't well deny it;
But soon he swore a wicked oath
And yelled, "I'll sell that diggings, I'll shunt i1 off on some galoot, Else my name ain't Pat Higgings !"
One day he lured a canny manA sort of city sport, Who, on the status of the claim, Demanded a report.
No sir, we wouldn't write the thing, 'We knew that claim was salted, So Pat's financial enterprise Was definitely halted.
Pat fumed about that thar report And then he snarled, "I'll write it,"
So with a sputtering pen in hand, He sat down to indite it.
He read the screed when it was done
Then gave a joyful yell, And cried, "I see by this report My claim's too good to sell !"
And Pat still holds that worthless claim, And when we jibe in sport, He pulls a grimy paper out And reads that old report.
"But Pat, you wrote that thing yourself, Intending to deceive,"
But Pat says, "do you think I'd write Reports I don't believe?"
A. Merriam Conner.
SheYlin Pine Sales Gompany
SELLTNG THE PRODUCTS OF lb. llccloud Bivrr Lunbcr Coapcny McCloud,
Fott FroDG.r, Oltsrio Tbr Shovlia.lfixoo Conpmy Brad, Or6ol r Metnbor ol the Western Pine ABsociqtion, Porllond, Oregon DETilBUTOES OP EHEVLIN PINE Rec.U. S. Pct, Ofi. EXECUTNTE OFFICE Sn Fir.r Natiolcl Soo Lbr Bulldlag MINNEAPOLTi, MINNESOTA DISTNICT SAf,ES OFFICES: NEW YORK CHICAGO 1604 Grqvbcr BldE. 1863 LcSollc-Wcckcr Bldg. Mohcrwl 4-9117 Telaphone Ceorrcl 9182 SAN FRANCISCO 1030 Moac&roct Blds. EXbr€oL ru{l LOS ANGEI.ES SALES OFTICE 330 Petrolaun Bldg. PRorpcet (Fl5
CoEpaDy, Limil€d
'\(/estern Retailers Hold Annual Convention at Seatde
W. H. Hermsen, Schockley Lumber Co., Baker, Ore., was elected presi{ent of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association at the thirty-eighth annual convention held at the Olympic Hotel, Seattle, Wash., February 20-22. Fred Robinson, Grogan-Robinson Lumber Co., Great Falls, N{ontana, is the retiring president.
Other officers elected were:
Vice-presidents-Idaho-Lawrence Poitevin, Eastside Lumber Co., Idaho Falls. Montana-J. L. Odette, Monarch Lumber Co., Great Falls; A. L. Kind, Linder-Kind Lumber So., Helena. Nevada-Roy M. Cross, Nevada Lumber Co., Reno. Oregon-C. J. Claus, Lakevierv Building Material Co., Lakeview; Leo L. Gorman, City Lumber & Supply Co., Astoria; A. D. Collier, Swan Lake Moulding Co., Klamath Falls. Washington-Morris Kleiner, Model Lumber Co., Tacoma; Charles L. Coffman, Exchange Lumber Manufacturing Co., Spokane; George H. parks, Woodbury Lumber Co., Okanogan.
Directors-Idaho-Tom Gamble, Boise-Payette Lumber Co., Jerome. Montana-E. M. Christensen, Gimble Lumber & Fuel Co., Anaconda; W. B. F{ennessy, Hennessy Lumber Co., Conrad. Nevada-J. R. Coffin, Elko Lumber Co., Elko, Oregon-Ed Alger, Independent Lumber Co., Springfield; F. W. McRae, Burns Lumber Co., Burns. Washington-T. A. Williams, T. A. Williams
Lumber Co., Walla Walla; Harry Stowell, Stowell Lumber Co.. Everett.
Managing Director-W. C. Bell, Seattie.
Secretary-T1s25111s1-Ifarold F. Ostergren, Spokane.
Among the speakers at the convention were: President Robinson; Managing Director W. C. Bell; Stephen F. Chadwick, Seattle attorney and former head of the American Legion ; Stewart H. Holbrook, lumberjack author; L N. Tate, vice-president and secretary of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., St. Paul; Chas. Stuck, C. A. Stuck & Sons, Jonesboro, Ark.; Reno Odlin, Tacoma banker, and Folger Johnson, FHA director for Oregon.
At the meeting of the Women's Club of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association, Mrs. Dominic Brace of Seattle, was elected president, succeeding Mrs. A. O. Shedon, of Salt Lake City.
The annual banquet, dance and floor shorv was held in the Spanish Ball Room of the Olympic Hotel, Saturday evening, February 22.
Roy A. Dailey, Western manager of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association and president of the Seattle Lumbermen's Club, was chairman of the general convention committee.
Milton V. Johns, manager of Redwood Sales Company, San Francisco, has ieturned from a business trip to the Southern States. He called on the company's sales connections from Texas to Florida and reports a steacly increase in the sale of Redwood lumber in that part of the country.
Scll lumber thct yields. d protit dl-d lcsiing sotislactiod. eC, rne protected lunber, is cle@, odorleaa drd pointoblc. If b !9r.Fite_ g_ng d_e_cqy resrstot od fire retcrdinE'. V-ou io reii it for F.H.A., U. S. Government,-Los Ange_lee?ity otra County qnd. U-nilorn Building Code iobs. CZC rrecf6,a -t-mper s
"J9:\9d t"l immedicte shipDent in coDmcrciql size8 st Long beqch dtd Aldmedo. Ask cbout our e:chcurge eervice ctnd mill shipmant pldn.
oCdlarh Sals Agmts. I|ESI.G0|ST W00D pRt$ERytt{c G0 Sldil. 6{ll -W. Filth St., Lo8 Aagclce, Cclit., phonc Mlchica! 629l 333 Monrqonery St., Scn Flcacigco, Cct., phono tOuita, i8g3
Lumber Production in the United States
Nearly a trillion (1000 billion) board feet of lumber have been cut from timber taken off American forest lands sincd 1909, according to a summation of reports of the U. S. lumber indstry to ihe Bureau of the Census and the U. S. Fotest Service.
Of this aggregate, the timber stands in the eleven Southern states-Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia-yielded the greatest share, approximately 43 per cent, or more than 43O billion board feet of lumber.
The forest of the eleven Western states-Arizona, California. Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming-contributed the next largest lumber cut for any U. S. area with approximately 37 per cent, or 370 billion board feet-
Between them, the South and the West have in the last generation furnished 79 per cent of the Nation's entire lumber cut. From 1909 through 1925, the South held undisputed leadership with an average annual share of 46 per cent in the Nation's total cut, ranging from 43.1 per cent in 1911 to a high of.50.2 per cent 1n 1921. In 1926, the West took the lead with 42.9 per cent of that year's lumber for the Nation, but the South was right behind with a 42.2 per cent mark. From that year onward, however, the West has retained the lead, contributing 46 pet cent of the total cut through 1939, the last year for which complete totals are available.
In 179 {., when this Nation 'ivas still young' the annual lumber cut was 300 million board feet. By 1839, this had risen to a billion and a half feet. Ten years later, in 1849, the total was over five billion feet; in another decade it had passed the eight billion mark, and in 1859 the Nation's total lumber cut was over lZ/a billion feet. Through all the iears follorving, for which' data are available, the annual iumber cut exceeded the 1869 total until 1932 when it fell off to a little over ten billion feet. The biggest year was 1909 when the lumber cut equalled 441 billion board feet' Lumber census figures tell a revealing story of the migration of this industry from the Northeast-New England and the North Atlantic states-to the Great Lakes and Central states, thence to the Southern states and finally to the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Coast.
Up to 1869, the Northeast produced most of the'lumber
cut in the U. S. In 1869,36 per cent of the total U. S. lumber cut was reported by mills in the Northeast. Ten years later, however, the Great Lakes area took the lead with 35 per cent of the Nation's total, only to yield to the South in 1899, after maintaining leadership for two decades' By that time, the Northeast had fallen back in the race with only 16 per cent of the annual lumber cut to its credit, while the South had risen to top rank with a ratio of 32 per cent, the Great Lakes area being second with 25 per cent.
For the next 27 years, the South held the lead, only to yield, in turn, to the West in 19'26, since which time the Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountain areas' together, have retained top position. Meanwhile, the Northeast and Great Lakes areas, once the leaders, had by 1939 declined to a ratio of 3.9 and 3.1 per cent respectively of the Nation's total annual lumber production.
At the Censuses of 1859, 1879 and 1889, Michigan was the leading lumber producing state. In 1899, 'Wisconsin assumed lthe lead and retained it until 1905 when Washington moved; to the front. Washington held the top position among lumber producing states until 1914 when Louisiana forged ahead for one year but in 1915 Washington again took the lead yielding to Oregon in 1938 and since.
In order of rank, as shown at lGyear intervals since 1869, the five leading lumber producing states have been:
1869-Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Wisconsin and Indiana.
l879-Michigan, Pennsylvania, \Misconsin, Nerv York, and Indiana.
1889-Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Washington.
1899-Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Arkansas.
l9O9-Washington, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Arkansas.
1919-Washington, Louisiana, Oregon, Mississippi, and Alabama.
l929-Washington, Oregon, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama, although 'the lumber production of the California-Nevada area, reported together, was slightly larger than the Alabama total.
1939-0regon, Washington, California-Nevada, Alabama and Mississippi.
Statistics on total U. S. lumber production, by years, with
T. M. GOBB WHOLESATE GO. . SASH t8O Ceatrql Ave. tOS ANCEI.ES ADqnr llllT DOORS MOUtDINGS PLvIVOODS 4th d f Steets SAN DIEGO ItfrLrin 6673 Two Warcfiouses to Serve You
percentages of the cut in the South, West, and for all other states combined, since 1909, are given below:
II you require quick dependoble service, coll "Colil. Pcmel" when you need plywood. We hcrve c lcrge, well diversilied, quolity stock of hqrdwood and soltwood plywoods olwcrys on hand lor your convenience.
lifornia neer6
955-967 sourg ALAMEDA srREE'r Telephone TRinity W57
Moiling Address: P. O. Box 2094, TenIurr.rer. ANr.rBx I,os ANGET.ES, CALTFORNIA
Fritz Hawn has resigned his position as salesman with the Hammond Redwood Co., Los Angeles, and will be associated with his father who operates two mills in East Texas, assisting him in the lumber sales of the mills. He also plans on going into the wholesale lumber busi'ness with offices in Dallas or Houston, selling West Coast lumber products.
C. E. Burnell, who has been assisting M. P. Hale at the Sterling Lumber Company's yard at Morgan lfill, has been appointed manager of the company's yard at San Martin, succeeding Victor DeVore, who has been called into the U. S. army. Mt. Burnell has had many years experience in the lumber business, most of which was in Bellingham, Wash.
Office loot of Scotcr Clcrrcr.[,ve.
Long Eecch BB2-41 TH'EPllol{Es: wilrniagton 2091
I I I I \ \ Arrf I \ \
T r
Largest Gapacity Gar.rnd.Cargo
in 0regor.-.{?M [t. Per Hour
Regulcrr soilings to Colilornic ports. Pockaged lumber stowed in even lengths ond widths. Solt, Old Growth Yellow Douglas Fir, Sitka Spruce cnd Hemlocl.
Rcil shipments Stored qnd Loaded Under Cover. Quclity the very BEST thcrt skilled worLmonship crnd modern, precision machines con produce!
f,. B. Grirwold- B. T. Gbeol
A. B. McCulough Pctrolcun Bldg. Ncwhcll Bldg. 7ll Olynpic Blvd. 260 Ccliloralc St. Phoac PRoepcct 1165 Phoac, GArfcld 858
Year South tw 44.8 1910 43.6 1911 43.r t9r2 6.3 1913 47.7 t9t4 47.6 1915 48.6 I9l6 t9t7 West 18.4 22.0 22.7 2r.7 23.7 22.5 22.O 24.3 27.8 31.3 D.l s5.7 30.2 38.2 39.r 37.9 39.6 42.9 43.8 45.2 43.4 46.6 50.7 50.2 489 47.3 46.6 48.r 47.8 45.2 8.2 36.8 34.4 34.2 32.0 4.6 D.9 D.4 ?6,.4 24.3 25.5 24.3 21.8 19.6 16.3 16.6 16.9 15.7 t4.9 14.3 13.9 t4.7 14.4 13.1 11.0 9.8 14.5 13.4 12.8 12.6 11.6 t2.r Other Total M ft. b.m. 49.3 47.9 1918 43.2 I9r9 46.6 r9n 42.5 I92r 50.2 44,5@,761 n,018,732 37,ffi3,n7 39,158,414 38,387,009 37,36,023 37,011,656 39,807,25r 35,831,239 31,8m,494 34,552,O76 33,798,8m 26,9&,W 31,558,888 37,165,505 35,930,986 38,338,&1 36,935.930 34.532,4n 34,142,t23 36,886.032 26,O'L,473 16,522,&3 taJ't,232 13p61,134 15,493 639 19.538,731 24,354,8U 25,996,857 ?1,646,271 24,975.474 t9D 4r.9 1922 t923 1924 1925 1926 t927 t9n 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 45.5 44.3 45.2 44.7 42.4 4r.9 40.9 39.0 36.2 38.8 41.3 38.2 40.0 39.1 39.6 43.2 39.7 Totals 43.3 19.9 9ffi.467.939
rco" ti*"ilotlilo',io
A most plecsing result hqs been cttqined in the exterior oI this unique lrcrme home with its round corner entry porch and attrqctive windows. And oI special interest is the compcctly arrcngred interior, efficiency kitchen with connecting dinette qnd cbundance oI closet crnd ccrbinet spqce.
This home is lectured in the "Distinctive Modern Homes" plcn book issued by the E. M. Dernier Service'Burecu, 3443 Fourth Avenue, I,os Angeles, Calilorniq, whose plcrnning service is under the direct supervision oI Wm. E. Chcrdwick, Registered Structural Engineer.
26 THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT March 15. l9l -BaoRoo'Y|. It'o'r l?.g' i rl rI u; F-'o T Odxd<f .Oll{lt{G'RFl. rc o'a tt'o' .LrvrNc. tlM,
a$a' x
Government Adopts Lumber Purchase System Simifar to Industry's Original Recommendation
Washington, March 3.-After five months, in which the Government has forced the price of lumber skyr,vard by bidding against itself, the Quartermaster General has finally adopted the original suggestion of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, made last September, to "accumulate a reaso.nable reserve of lumber." (See release from OPM below.)
In a letter to the Quartermaster General, dated Septem- .ber 25, 1940, the lumber manufacturers urged that an artificial stimulation leading to a possible sharp rise in .lumber prices could be avoided if the Government .ivould, "in addition to asking bids for specific authorized camps, also accumulate gradually, as promptly as they can be bought at reasonable prices (and for delivery over a period of time to specific projects as they may later be authorized) a reasonable reserve of lumber and timber products of the various species eligible under the approved specifications, making such products available to contractors as may from time to time be necessary or desirable.',
Last rveek, for the first time since the start of the emergency, the Quartermaster asked for bids on lumber for future delivery that will result in the accumulation of an extensive lumber stock pile by the Army at a fair stabilized price. For example, one day last week the Government contracted for 95,000,000 feet of lumber at an average price of $26.4I per thousand feet, f.o.b. mills. This price seems to average considerably less than the prices which the Government has been paying for spot-delivery lumber. A leading lumber spokesman offered this comment on the new purchase system:
"I{uch of the adverse publicity to which the industry has been subjected during the past two months could have been avoided and the complaints of Government agencies automatically eliminated, had the Government realized that the industry was best equiprped to suggest an efificient means of lumber procurement."
General Somervelle, assistant to Quartermaster General in charge of the Construction Division of the Quartermaster Corps, testifying before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations of the House, explained to the members just exactly what happened. "One contrac-
tor," General Somervelle said, "would call the rnill and ask for quotations on siding, for example, and be told the mill had already sold out its supply. He would ask what the price r,vas and they would say: 'Well, $32.' He would say: 'Well, I will give you $34 for it.' They would say: 'Well, we have these commitments and we cannot furnish this lumber at that price.' And about that time he would say: 'Well, I will give you $36 for it', and by that time the resistance of the sales force had gone and it went for $36."
Following is copy of the release from the Office of Production Management, Division of Purchases, of February 28:
"An important ste'p to stabilize lumber prices at a fair level through acquisition by the Army of an extensive lumber stock pile was announced today by Donald M. Nelson, Director, Division of Purchases, Office of Production Management.
"lfis announcement followed meetings of southern and west coast lumber manufacturers rvith the Construction Division of the Quartermaster Corps. The plan is endorsed by the Division of Purchases and the Price Stabilization Division of the National Defense Advisory Commission, whose representatives attended the meetings.
"The stock pile will be built up with the cooperation of lumber manufacturers, who have agreed to make and carry the necessary stock until the Army calls for it. Prices were established by competitive bidding, and the lumber will be invoiced and paid for at the time of shipment.
"The Army will continue to buy lumber in the usual way for current needs, both under the existing construction program and under any new ones r,r,'hich may be started. The stock pile will be drawn on lvhenever there are unexpected demands for immediate deliveries; thus the Army will not have to come into the market suddenly with large rush orders, and will not have to face a possible shortage.
"This should have a steadying effect on the market, Mr. Nelson pointed out, and will benefit lumber manufacturers and dealers as well as the Army. He added that the reserve stock is being acquired at very fair prices."
"the Perconal Seraice
Telcphonc YOrk 1168
Rcprerenting in Southern Calilornia: The Pacific Lumber Conpcny-Wcndling-Nathan Co
5995 Vilshire Blvd. Lor Angelcr
Frank \(/. Trower
Frank W. Trower, one of the best known wholesale lumbermen on the Pacific Coast, passed arvay in Oakland on March 1, after a short illness.
He was born in Oakland, Ca 1 i f o rn i a, September 10, 1876, and in a few months would have completed 51 years of service in the lumber business. His first job was as office boy with the Mendocino County Redwood Association, San Francisco, at the age of 14. When the Association dissolved he became office boy for Heywood & Hackley, agents for the Gualala Mill Company, and before he was 19 was given a responsible position with the firm.
From 1893 to 19O3 the business was conducted under the name of Gualala Mill Company, and Mr. Trower was secretary of the company and in charge of sales, remaining with them until the business was sold.
He used to recall that as a boy he was in the era of the small lumber sailing vessels from 75,000 feet capacity and up that were discharged by hand labor, "shoving" a piece or two at a time "over the rail." He saw the gradual upbuilding of the steam schooner fleet from the time when a boat carrying half a million feet was considered a large steamer.
With his brother, A. E. Trower, who had been with the Gualala mill for some time, he organized in 1903 the firm of Trower Bros., wholesalers and mill agents, with offices at 5 Market Street, corner of East Street, now the Embarcadero.
Bur,ned out by the great fire of 1906 they were one of 15 lumber firms that built the first office building east of Van Ness Avenue, a one story structure knowrt as the Lumbermen's Building, located at Folsom Street Bulkhead. They moved to 110 Market Street in 1908 and incorporated as the Trower Lumber Company in 1917.
He helped organize the Wholesale Lumbermen's Club, of rvhich he was president, and later the Douglas Fir Club of San Francisco in 1913. He was the latter club's president for the first two terms.
A few years ago health considerations compelled Mr. Trower to discontinue his own company's operations, but after a few months' rest he was able to be active again and since that time has been associated with Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland.
For more than 25 years he was active in Hoo-Hoo ci:cles. After serving as Supreme Junior Hoo-Hoo in 1911 he was elected to the order's highest office, Snark of the Universe, at Asheville, N. C. in 1912. In August, 1939, he succeeded to the office of Seer of the House of Ancients, the fourth man to hold this office and the first active lumberman
to be so honored. He did a great amount of work for the Order over a period of many years and believed that in friendship, goodwill, confidence and cooperation would be found the means to overcome many of the industry"; troubles.
Mr. Trower had a host of friends both in and out of the lumber industry and he will be greatly missed.
He was a member of Oakland Lodge, Number 188, F. and A. M., and of the First Congregational Church of Oaklanci.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Naomi Trower; a daughter, Miss Betty Blake Trower; two brothers, Charles E. Trower of Napa and Albert E. Trower of Oakland, and two sisters. Miss Violet Trower of San Francisco and Mrs. F. M. Curry of San Jose.
Masonic funeral services, held in Oakland on l\Iarch 4, were attended by a large number of lumbermen. The eulogy was given by Reverend Clarence Reidenbach, pastor of First Congregational Church of Oakland.
A. J. Todhunter
Arthur J. Todhunter, a member of the firm of Hummel-Todhunter Sash & Door Co. of Los Angeles, passed away Wednesday, March 5, at the Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena, follorving a short illness. He rvas a resident of Pasadena, and rvas 49 1*ears of age.
He was born in Peoria. Illinois, and was associated with his father there in the sash and door business before coming to California in 1919. He was with the Hammond Lumber Company of Los Angeles for fifteen years and lrom 1925 to 1935 was in charge of their sash and door department. When they discontinued this department he went with the Hipolito Co. where he was an official of the company. In 1939 he and Ed Hummel organized the Hummel-Todhunter Sash & Door Co.
Mr. Todhunter was widely known in lumber and millwork circles in California, and was active in the affairs of the Millwork Institute of California, serving as an officer of the Institute. He was a member of the Code Authority of the NRA as a representative of the millwork industry for the Pacific Coast, and made many trips to Washington, D, C. in connection with this work when the NRA was in effect. He was a veteran of the World War.
He was very popular and enjoyed the affection and esteem of the entire lumber and millwork industry of California. In his passing, the millwork industry mourns one of its outstanding members.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Marguerite Todhunter, and two daughters, Mrs. R. E. Culver and Alice Todhunter.
Funeral services rvere held in Pasadena, Friday afternoon, March 7. Burial was in the San Gabriel cemetery.
Sav-A-Space Sliding Door Sales Show Steady Increase
A steady increase in the demand for Sav-ASpace Sliding Door units is reported by A. J. Koll Planing Mill, Ltd., Los Angeles, manufacturers. These are suitable for 7'x(' partitions, designed for room-to-room openings in homes, apartments, offices, hotels and department stores.
Sav-A-Space sliding door units are furnished complete as illustrated and can be quickly and easily installed'ivithout the use of soecial tools or heavy hardlvare.
The door units are manufactured in all sizes from 2-Ox6-8 to 3-Ox6-8. They are sold through dealers. Full information may be obtained by writing or telephoning
A. J. Koll Planing 1\{i11, Ltd., 42L Colyton Street, Los Angeles. Telephone Mlchigan 7807.
Northern California distributor is Hogan Lumber Company, 2nd. & Alice Streets, Oakland. Telephone GLencourt 6861.
Boy Scout Essay Contest
Judges for the Los Angeles County Boy Scout essay contest will be announced at the next County Council meeting of the American Legion.
A great deal of interest has already been shown in a number of Legion sponsored scout troops. The sublect is "Why American Legion Posts Should Sponsor Boy Scout Troops."
Lumbermen's Post No. 403 has put up prizes totaling $25.00. It is divided into two divisions: Junior Contestants, 12 to 15 inclusive; and Senior Contestants,.16 to 20 inclusive. The first award in each division is $7.50 cash and the second is $5.00 cash.
Every Legion sponsored Boy Scout, Explorer Scout, or Seascout is eligible and as many from each troop can compete as care to. All Legion Committees should see that every troop is notified.
All essays must bear a post mark not later than 1941. I,
Edwin Clyde Johnson
Edwin Clyde Johnson, secretary-treasurer of Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., Eureka, Calif., passed away February 9. He had been connected with Holmes Eureka Lumber Co. for 14 years. He is survived by his widow, a daughter, a brother and several sisters.
Mr. Lrumber Dealer:
Use our stocks oI TIIE BEST in:
E. r. sTAItTotf & sotf
4lst d Ala,rredcr
Los Angele* Ccrlil.
'Wholesqle lumber & direct mill shipmenls.
Chief oftfte RDDWOODS
When lumber is to be exposed to the earth or weather, furnish Redwood for lasting satisfaction. Ample timber, two mills, convenient warehouse stocks and personal service from ONE organization make NOYO a dependable source of supply.
,"Once a Noyo Dealer - Always!"
orderlronN O Y O
UNIOTU LUMBEN GO. Scn Frcacirco 3 Lot I'agctcr Mills st Fort Bragg and Mendocino. Calif. Membets of Durabla Woods Instituta and CaI ilor n ia Rcdw od Ass@iat io n
Small or medium-sized yards anywhere south of Stockton. fnformation kept confidential. Write Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., P. O. Box 1551, Los Angeles, Calif.
Lumberman with several years' experience as yard foreman wants position with retail lumber firm as yard man or front end man. Thorough knowledge of all building materials and mill work. Capable of taking full charge of yard. Married-middle aged. Prefer Southern California. Address Box C-864, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumberman with ten years' wholesale and retail experience wants position. Los Angeles metropolitan district preferred. Can handle general office work, bookkeeping and typing. Last position with Los Angeles wholesale firm. Address Box C-865, California Lumber Merchant.
If you want to sell your Southern California yard, get in touch with us. We have a number of inquiries for small and medium size yards. Twohy Lumber Co., 801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles. Lumber yard Brokers.
(Continued from Page 4)
The retail yard trade is experiencing its usual seasonal slump from the late-winter slow-up in home construction. In several sections residential and farm building has been practically stalled by severe weather. Shipments to the Atlantic Coast remain slack because of space shortage.
The Western Pine Association for the week ended March 1, tOO mills reporting, gave orders as 76,265,NO feet, shipments 73,598,000 feet, and production 58,611,00O feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 306,629,ffi feet.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended March l, I24 mills reporting, gave orders as 36,474,ffi0 feet, shipments 34,756,000 feet, and production 29,664,W feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 1O3.115.000 feet.
Lumber cargo receipts at Los Angeles Harbor for the week ending March 8 totaled 22,675,W feet as compared with 9,181,000 feet the previous week.
We have q number oI Cqrriers ol vcrrious sizes' Ask for prices cnd description
Ilg have lor Innediate Sale
One Willamette Model C P
Size 66" Bolster 74" Inside Height
\Yz years old-Good operciing condition
Write or wire us lor prices.
Dallas lllachine & Loconotive Works
Dallas, 0regon
Hardworking, intelligent lumberman wants a job . any job that will utilize his ability and pay a living wage. Many years' experience, mill, wholesale and retail, softwoods, hardwoods, logs and veneers. Thoroughly capable of relieving an. overburdened executive or to take full charge of a branch office. An ideal right hand man: "the fellow you have been looking for," at very moderate cost. Will go anywhere. Address Box C-867 California Lumber Merchant.
The 31st National Orange Show opened at San Bernardino Thursday night, March 13 and will continue for an 1l-day run. T'he premier event of the year for California's $100,000,000 citrus industrv was opened by Governor Olson who was a dinner guest of the exposition officials at the California Hotel prior to the opening ceremonies. The seventeen feature exhibits and the decorations create a fiesta atmosphere in the large exposition building covering 140,000 square feet. Robert F. Garner, Jr., is president of the Orange Shou'.
The U. S. Maritime Commission has suspended until June 28 its proposed increase in established intercoastal rates from $16 to $17, following protest by Leon Henderson, National Defense Commissioner in charge of Price Stabilization.
Mr. Henderson stated that this increase constituted a threat to the defense program, particularly in view of the fact that West Coast lumber was being used in the construction of cantonments and housing projects on the Atlantic seaboard.
30 THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT March l5; l94l Rate---$z.SO Per Column Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING +++++++++++++++r+vyy+yyyyyyyvYYYYVVYY+++YYYY+Y++++++++++l'++++++r+++++++++++r++++++++++++
+++r I I I I I I I I I I
Atldbrcn-Stutz Conpaay, fll MrL.t Str..t ................GAridd fE00
Bolrtavor-Mom Lunbc Co., 525 Mrlct Srret.................. HXbruL l?15
Dut & Ruucll, Inc., 55? MrL€t Strct............,.....GArfieH |Z9Z
Dolbecr & Cuon Lubcr Co., 72E Mcrchutr E::chugc Bldg......SUttcr ?{56
Gmcrrtu & Gm, 1600 Amy Strt...................Atwat6 1300
Hall, Jmor L., 1032 Millr 81ds................. ......Suttrr 752C
Hamond R.drod Compuy, aU Mdttmry Slr..t............DOuglar 33tt
Hobba Wall Lunbc Cr.. 235c Jcrold Avauo................M!dm 0ell
Holmor Ewckr l{nbd Co., lll5 Ftnu.td Oenta Bldg........GArficH r92l
C. D. Johnro Imba Corporatlonr 26c Cdtfoml. Stnt...............GArfield 625t
Carl H. Kuhl Luba Co. O. L. Rurm, ll2 Merkct Strct...YUkon 1160
Lamon-Bonnin3ton Company,
16 Califomia Stmt................GArfic|d 6EEl
MacDonald & Hanin3ton, Ltd..
16 Califomia St. ..................GArfield 6393
Pacific L"nbc Co., Thc
l00 Busb Strat....................GAnfidd rrEl
Popc & Talbot, Inc- Lunbor Divirion {61 Market Strrct............ ....,DOusla5 255f
Rod Rivcr Lmbcr Co.
315 Monadno& B1d8...............GArfiGtd CgZ Santa Fe Lumbcr Co.,- l5 Calilomia Strot...... Exbrook z0?l
Shevlin Pinc Salcr Co-
1030 Monadnocl Bids..... .......EXbrok ?0tr
Suddcn & Chrirtuon, 3I0 Sanomo Strat........ -..GArfield
Marir Plywod Corporation, 540 roth Str€t... .....,,.......MArkct 6705-67fi
Whitc Broth.ru. Fifth and Brannan Streets.,..,.,.,.SUttGr l3C5
Wbeler Osgcd Salcs Corporatim, 3045 fgth Stret.............,.....VAlencia 22,11
Amcrien Lumbcr & Troatlng Co., 116 Ncw Montgomcry Stret. ......Suttcr t225
Butor, J. H. & Co., 333 MortSomGry Strct...,.......DOuglar 3tt3
Gamd.ton & Gren, 9tb Avouc Piar...,,..,............Hlrat. 2255
Gomu Lunbcr Co. {521 TidGTrt r Avonm...........ANdovcr 1000
Htll & Morton, Inc., Dooafuon Strcet Wharf ...,ANdovcr 107?
Hogu Imbq Conpany, 2nd & Allo Strut!,....,.......Glencourt 6t6l
Rcd Rlvs Imbcr Co., laE Finilcial Cotc Bldg.,.....TWircakc 3{|t0
F- K. Wood Lmbcr Co., Frcdaric& & King 3tcts...,...FRuitvdc 0u2
Hall, Jamce L., 1032 Mill. 81dg.... , .SUttsr Ttill
Callfmla Buildcr Supply Co., ?00 6th Avcnuc,.......,.............Hlgat. 016
Hogu Lunbcr Cmpany, znd & Alie StrGGts.,...... Gl.cncourt 0EOl
Weatm Doa & Safi CoSth & Cyprc$ Strcctr..........TEmplcbar E4ll0
Wbitc Brothce, 500 High Stret.............,......ANdovar 16110
Anglo Calliomia Lumbcr Co., 655 Eart Florue Avenm......THomwall 3llrl
Atklnmn-Stutz Curpany, 62t Pctrcloum Bldg.....,.........PRopoct {3lt
Burne Lunbr C;mpuy, 9155 (xrarlcvlllc Blvd., (Bcvcrly Hlllr) ..,..,........,BRadehaw 2-3ittt
Carr & Co., L J. (W. D. Dulnr), a3t Chanbcr ol Commccc Bldg. PRorpcct t8,13
Copor, W. E,, at35 E. rSrh 3L ....PRo.FGr 5l3l
Dant & Ruercll, lnc., ' UZ E. 59th St.............,.....,...ADan. tlol
Dolbccr & Carm Lumbcr Co.. 9e I Fidclity 81dg........ .... ....VAndilce t?ez
Hrmmond Rcdwood Conpaay, l03l S. Breadway.................PRotpcct 13l'3
Hobbs Wall Lmbcr Co., 625 Rowu B|dg.........,...........TRinity 50Et
Holmcr Eurc&a Lubcr Co., ?ll-7l2 Archttccte 81dg.,....... ....Mutual gltl
Hovcr, A. L.
5225 Wihhiro Blvd....................YOrk ll6t
C. D. Johnon Lubcr C.arporation, 606 Petrcleu Bldg........,......PRospect 1165
Lawrene-Phllipr Lubcr Co., 533 Petrclcu Bldg................PRorpcct 6U4
MacDonald & Harington. Ltd.
Petrcleum Buildlng ..,,...........PRsFct 3lZ7
Pacifrc Lunber Co., The, 5225 Wilrhirc Blvd. ..................YOrL llSt
Pattan Blinn Lunbcr Cr.
521 E. Sth Strut..................VAndikc 23Zl
Popc & Telbot, lnc, Ilnbcr Dlvlrlon. 6ar vy. Fltth Strct .......,........TRh|ty Szal
Rcd Rlvcr Lumbcr Co.
702 E, Slaumn.. .CEntury 29f,lt l03l S. Brcadway......,..........PRo.pcd Gff
Rcltz Co., E. L., 3:13 Pctrclcun Bldg...............PRopcct 8e
Smta Fc Lmbcr Co.
3ll Flnuclal Cetq Blds........VAndiL. {tf
Shevlln Pina Salcr Co330 Pctrcleum Bldg..........,....PRoepcct 0615
Suddcn & Chrirtcnrcn, 530 Board of Trado Bldg.... .....TRtnity lErll
Tacoma Lumbcr Salcr, EilT Pctrolcm Bldg.,,...........,PRorpcct llet
Unlon Lumbcr Co-
923 W. M. Garlard Bld3. ..........TRlDtty 242
Wcndling-Nathu Co., 5225 Wilrhirc Blvd....................YOrk ll6E
\ilert Orcgon Lmbcr Co., 127 Petrolem Blds..............Rlcbmond @8l
lV. \il. Wilkinron, 316 W. gth Strct..,...............TR|nity {Ol
E. K. Wood Lumbcr Co.,
4?01 Santa Fe Avenue............JEfim 3tll
Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., 920 .lf,/. M. Garlad Bldg.........Mlchigu Gr51
.Amcrican Lumbcr & Trcating 6., l03l S. Broadway,.......,.,......PRosp.ct 136l
Baxtcr, J. H. & Co., 6el W.tt Sth Stret...,..........Mlchigu 629l
Cadwalladcr-Gibon Co., Inc., 3628 E. Olymptc Blvd..,........ ..AlYgrlur lll6l
Stston, E. J. & Son, aa$ Errt SEth Str..t............CEntury a.zll W.rtlm Hardwood Lurnbcr Co.. 20f4 E. f5th Str.ct.,...,....,....PRorpcct 6ltl
Califomla Dor Conpany, The 237-Al C.ntral Avc....... ,.... .TRlnlty 7l6t
Calliomia Pucl & Vcmc Co., 955 S. Atancda Str.rt ........,..TR|n|ty e05?
Cobb Co. T. M., StllC Central Avcnuc......,....,...ADanrr UU?
Eubanlr & Son, Inc., L. H. (lnglcwood) l0l0 E. Hydc Park Blvd.........ORcgon E-1660
Kohl, Jno. W. & Son, 652 S. Mycrr Stret,...............ANgclu tltl
MacDougall Dor ll Plywod Co., 2035 E. slrt Strut...........,.....Klmbd| 3f6l
Orcgon-Wuhington Plywmd Ca. 3lt Wlst Nintt Sre€t...,.......,TRin|ty firl
Prcific Wood Prcductr Corporation, 36{10 Tybum Strut..,.............,Al.bmy 0lOl
Pacific Mutual Dor Co., 1600 E. Washington 81vd........PRotpect gszt
Rcm Conpany, Gs. E., 235 S. Alucda StrEt.....,......Mlchigu ltg
Rcd Rivcr Lmbcr Cn., lCZ E. Slaurcn., .CEntury 290?t
Wcgt Coart Scrccn Co., lr$ E. 63rd Strct................ADmr llttE
Whcclr Orgood Salcr Corporation, 922 S. Flowcr StrGet...........,...VAadltc 6!2a
E. K.
Lmbcr Co..
Building ...................SUttcr 6l?0 Wcndline-Nadtan Co..
Mrtt t gffi ...................Suttc $63
Qrcaon Lubcr Co..
Evur Avc. .,.....,........ ..ATtetor 5C?t
Wood Lunbc Co-
Dmm StGt...................E)(bmL 3?fl Waycrhacurcr Salcr Co.
California Strct..