3 minute read
Incorpcatcd under thc lawr of Callfornia
J. C. Dlomc, Pror. and Trar.; Fhil B. Hart, Vlc-Prcr.; J. E. Merdn, Sccy, Publtrhed thG l3t rnd l5th of cech nontt .t
4B-O FAY BLDG- I-OS ANGELESi CAL. TELEPHONE VA{DIKE 5,55 Entcred ar S*ond-cla,re Dattcr Srpt.nbct Zi, 194 rt thG Po3tofflc. rt Loe Angela, California, und.r Act ol Mrch t, ft?t
Northwcrtcrn Of6cc
lzt6 NorthwGrtern Bk. Bldg. Portland, Orclon
Subrcription Price, $2.110 per Ycar r OS ANGELES, CAL., APRIL l, lg24
Sinqlc Copicr. 25 centr cach. u
How Lumber Looks
Aftcr thc rain rlwryr comer thc runrhinc. The routhern end of thir rtate hed jurt reccived a good thorough drenching, in e rcricr of rainr and dowipourr that wll mighty checrin! to the heartr of cveryone.
Now wc 6nd e dccidcdly rorc optomirtic attitud., not only in thc ludbcr burinern but in all lince.
At thir writiag, lumbcr ir much morc activc then at any tinc rincc thc 6rrt of thc ycer. Ordcrr erc bcing placcd morc readily, not only by the lelgc buycn, thc linc yard outfitr, but alro by tLc rnaller-yardr. Rlil burincr in Californie har pickcd up in thc lart two wcckr. Two wcckr ago thc country yrrd buriner wal vcry quict, dealcrr wcrc buying -nly for abrolutc irnmcdiatc needr, end ol courto priccr wcrc low. Thir condition har bccn rclicved, and we bclicve thet thc changc har cone, thet fron now on you will find a norG activc nrrkct, and whilc priccr ney not rti.ffcn rt firrt, with thc variour factorr to bc conridcrcd, in thc ac:t thirty dayr it would not bc rurpriring to rcc highcr pricc lirtr.
A great dcal ir bcing hcard ebout curteilmcnt at thc rnillr. Rc' port- hrve bccn corning in for tcn dayr, giving informetion from thir miU and thag ell ebout a gcncral cut in productionr Thc nilb havc not found thc Atlantic Coart narkct that thcy antici' petcd, and outridc of the Middle 'llfcrtcrn rail burincn, they looked to thir rtatc to bring their volumc, Califoraia war not buying, and i. a con.cqucnic they cut down. In a lctte'r thc othcr daj, one California wholeralcr had thir to rey:
"It ie reportcd that the . Co. ir going to run only five dayr a.weck, elro thet nill will takc ofr one rhift, are running their mill 6vc daye l week, are running two rhiftr of four dayr crch, end thc ...... mill har rcduced wegc.' how much I do not Lnow. The log market, ar I undcntand it, ir conridcrably eaeicr than it war."
That ir bound to hevc itr cfrcct.. Thc pcrccntagc of unrold rtocL coming into thc rtatc ir much lowcr than it war. rlt San Pcdro thcrc ir but about 6ve nillion fect of rtoek unrold, conprrcd to about twenty nillion fcct in Jenuary.
Thc fir millr lart roportr from tho Wcet Coert Lurnbcracn'r Arrociation, givcr e wcck'r cut of lfl[XX]'lXfO feet. Thcy rold ovcr 11t000,0(n in thir weck, rnd thc week bcforc ralea were but 9l mil. lion. Thc production of thcrc rcporting millr ie about l9/a abovc norrnal, and their ordcr iu,ri- l?/6 bclow the cut. Unfillcd rail burincl lm/ount. to 61110 can.
UAruir 456
The redwood millr, for a week, rold 6,71X),(XX) fcct, with r cut of a littlc over nine million.
In thc routh, thc Southcrn Pinc Areociation in thc lart r.port' ahowr ralcr of rixty-cight and one.half rnillion fcet, end e cut of 76 rnillion fcct.
Shipnentr iato Californie for thc month. will totel rbout 10,m0,|XX) fcet into Ser Pedro, and poribly 55 to 60 million into thc Bey Dirtrict. Up to thc aight of thc 25th, tl boetr hrd docLcd rt thi routhern port, crrr5ring alittlc ovcn lltrll00r(XXl f..t, whicb would indicatc thc totel ee crtimatcd ebivc. In Fcbrurry, Sen Pedro unloadd 112 nillion, end l,lE million ia Janury.
Building pcrmitr ia Lor Angclcr for March will run wcll ovcr Janurry, wlcn thcy totalcd 16 million dollerr. To thc aight of thc 27th, thc total wer fiftccn and e half rnillionr with thrcc buriacu dayr to go.
Here Is What A Prominent Los Angeleslumberman Has To Say About The Market
"There is less lumber coming into this market than lasC year. Eor three months this year, the average per month in ieceipts is 20 million feet per month less than of lagt year.
"T-hree months ago there was 20 million feet of rmsold stock at the harbor, and today there is but about four and a half million.
"The consumption of lumbcr in the southcrn part of thc state is much lower than of last year, in spitc of ttrc larger pcrmits. Large oil production, tanks, derricks, etc., cxplains ttris. The work in this line last year' did not go into the pcrmits, and this year thcrc is very little going on in tfie oil garne. work that calls for lumber.
- "We do not anticipate any great changc in the next thirty days. at least in priccs. Cutting orders will be placed with a iittlc more rcgaid to the mills ideas of prices, on account of thc number of mills that have cut down."