1 minute read
Boost Vertical Grain Shingles
They lay fat on the roof-They don't warp, cup or curl
We shipped the first car of 24 inchRoyal C,edar Shingles into Southern California. The dealers cabe back for more.-- We alsoget repeat orderc on 6/2 Perfect and 5/2 Pefiect Shingles
We manufacture 4/2 Royal6 inch Dimension Shingles, all clear, allvertical grain. You can retailthem for one-half the price of shalres and they will cover two-thinds the surface, per unit M.
.A,rchitects Now Specify Arhansas Oak Floorins
It will pay to carry Arkansas Oak Flooring in stock. Archi-. tects, contractorsand builders have found over a long pcriod of years that greatest satisfaction has come from "Perfection" Brand Oak Flooring. Their specifications more often call for "Perfection" than any other one brand. You can build a greater volume of business on "Perfection." All stock is uniformly graded, and perfectly matched. Two large mills enable us to assure you prompt delivery. Our nationaladvertisingcampaign in the leading home lovers' magazine is creating bigger interest in the superiority of "Perfection" Brand. Write for full information.