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Backing Y0UR Reputation
With Ours
f T IS one thingto PROMISE lumber, firm in I texture,free from wormholes, able to hold its finish, etc.
It is another thing to MAKE GOOD on this pledge. WE CAN, because \re are the ONLY lmporters with our own timber resources and o.r, ottt, Mills in Luzon. Our Trade-mark PROTECTS YOU. It 's onthe end of every board. Look for it, when you order
For 18 Yea,rr
..CHrcKASAW BR^ANTY' OAK FU)ORING har bccn e rtendard of Grade-Quality-Manufacure
Manufacturcd By
Bataan Bagac Orion
And Dbtributed By
Lamao for RICH GRAIN EFFECTS, at moderate cost. Inyour self interest, let us tell you more about them.
The ONLY Importers with their own Timber Supplv and Mills in Luzon, and with PACIFIC COAST HEADQUARTERS
5th and Brannan Streets San Francirco
Oahland Sdlc Ins Angelcs