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Building PIan Service
The wonderful tranrformation in the merchandiring of building materidc can to a large rneasure be credited to building plan senicel.
Attrective picturer of home extet'iorr, compact rdrm arrangementr, with carefully detailed coirveniences, togetrher with the various formr of creative adverthing har enabled lumber merchantr to appeal direct to the public and har offened the very meana of personal cooperetion
The public is, has been and always will be, hungry for practical buildins inforrnation and' tbey have a right to expect rnodern rervice.
They want the new home to refiect attractiveners and be convenient. Drrability, kinda and grader of materialr to be ued are important conriderationr. Good workmanship, competent effortr and tnutrporthineu are alro real factorr, which yor+ with your rubrtantid invectment and recognized home-building autho,rity, should advire upon and rupply.
While rnort lumber dealers have adopted rome form of phn eertticel Gornparatively few have mod'ernized their business to properly display plans and materielr.
A Service Room, Iooked after by a competent atteodant, can be made themort important department of your bulinen, for here ir where both home builderc and contractors will come for information, and the more complete end reliable you can maintain it, the greater will be itr rueftrlneer and productivenela.
Every other burineu in the world har chown you what dirpLay and eervice means. gAVo oi all merchandidng outride of building materialr, ir accomplfuh€d thnougb thece two modern methodr, that'r ufry rilkr,6rq automobilee and the meny other recondary invertmentr are conridered and adopted firrt.
You can change the courre of there mad dollara. .All of the at3umentr and dppealr ever created arc at your command if you are eqrdpped to follow up and satisfy the enthuierrn you inrtill, and it ir profitable burineer too, be' canue creative bucine$ ir non-competitive, and each new horne and catirficd home owner ir a permanrent example of your good intentiolrr to t€rve.
We have and alwayc will endeavor to creete for you to rhow, furnirh and ure, the bert Home Building ldea"r, the moet complete and pracical Building Pla$, Creative Advertiring Copy, etc., a^nd will welcome an opportunity of adviring withyouon Service Roorm by ftrnifiins photographr and planr featuring practical r(xlma ar they are maintained by many progres' eive, succeufut building materid merchants.