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fitv Engineer Talks to Hoo-Hoo / Club No. 9
l/Rt tne Hoo-Hoo ClubNo. 9 luncheon at the Palace Ifotel, San Francisco, on Thursday, March 13, Vice-President J. Walter Kelly presided. Chas. R. Wilson, Jr., Chas. R. McCormick & Co., lvas the winner of the attendance prize r,r'hich was a beautiful Hoo-Hoo watch-fob donated by Secretary Henry R. Isherwood of St. Louis. Walter Madill and Oscar johnson were winners of special prizes donated by Homer Maris and Fred Barg.
After a short business session, the meeting was turned over to R. F. Hammatt of the California Redwood Association who acted as the chairman of themeeting. He introduced Mr. M. M. C)'shaughnessy, city engineer of the city of San Francisco who gave an interesting and instructive talk onthe Hetch Hetchy water and power projects. Mr. C)'Shaughnessy said that the water situation in ihe state of California was critical at the present time as only 9 inches of rain had fell in San Francisco' since last July and that only 2 inches of rq1 fell in Los Angeles and San Diego in the same period. He spoke of the water capacity of the Spring Valley reservoirs on the Peninsula stiting that they had a capacity of 30 billion gallohs of water when filled but at the present time there was only 8 billion gallons of water stored there due to the fact that the Bay District has had practically no rain-fall for the past two years. San Francisco is a big city_ and lov.ed iround thC lvorld Mr. O'Shaughnessy remarked and a city like San Francisco should have nothing cohtingen! regarding its rvater supply. To make the water situation in San Francisco certain, he gave an interesting history of the events that culminated in the construction of the great Hetch Hetchy Dam which r.r'as named the O'Shaughhessy
(Continued on Page 61.)
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