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Every Piece Stamped
As a Cuarantee of QualitY
OAK FLOORSi I.ATD WITH are a credit to the dealer who furnished the ffooring and to the carpenter who laid them'
Everv piece is carefully examined and graded,- and text"r.'"t'.i ".tor will be iound to be exceptionally beautiful and uniform.
Show samples of Superior Brand to -your most particular contractor customers' call attention to the remark"fry-p.ii.J nnish, explain the care we take in manufaci"rini t" prevent cupping- and buckling ahd you'll find it eaJy to'sell more oak fooring'
(We also manufacture exceptionally fine beech flooring')
W€st Coast Representative
Pacific Coast Distributor
250 Firlt Nattonal Bank Bldg' Sm Fnnctrco, Calif'
Hclcma, drk.
Lynwood, CaL
Aner. Natl" Bank Blds. lhn Francirco
SAMUEL R. NORTON Hqry Bldg. Pcttend
Our large and diversified stock enables ue to give unusual service even on the most \raried and difficult orders.
PWHITE CEDAR_SUGAR PINE are being invited by the association to attend the big annual banquet which will be helcl the evening of April 17, and to participate in the various sessions of the association the follorving dal'. At one of these, Secretary of Commerce lloover r,r'ill be a speaker.
(Continued from Page 58.)
Dam by the supervisors of San Francisco and dedicated on July 7, 1923. FIe stated that with the completion of this great project that the reservoir rvould have sufficient capac- ity to supply the city of San Francisco for over six years. He also spoke of the electrical energy that could be generated through the use of u'ater stored by this project and the construction of a po\\rer honse ind the possibilities of a hydro-electric distribution system that would supply electrical power for San Francisco. He urged the lumbermen of San Francisco to make the trip over the Highway boulevard on the peninsula to familiarize themselves with present reservoir conditions after which they rvould fully realize the necessity for the Hetch Hetchy project.
J. H. McCallum 'r,r'as appointed the chairman of the next meeting.
Arrangements for holding the Concatenation were completed by Secretary-Treasurer Isherrvood and John W. Blodgett, president, and Dr. Wilson Compton, secretary manager of the manufacturers' association. The date tentatively set for the event is the evening of April 18.
An Expensive Mailing List
From "The Pest," monthly organ of the Rogers Lumber
Yards, Sask., Canada.
Brc coNcAr Ar NATToNAL LUMBER MANUFAc- ,nlH;t"l-:'flm#tL"J.,'frlo"ol,l,t"r::i.,'tn*X1*ii"*: TURERS' ANNUAL hand addressed, and was mailed by the H. R. A. BaughA feature of the big annual meeting of the National man co'' of Indianapolis' Ind'-a firm that publishes lumLumber Ma'ufacturers' Association, in cili."go, A;;i^1, T:||f-^tl?"iit^tiT: efficiency books' lumber calculators and 1f3, will be a Hoo-Hoo Concatenation. and thlngs ot that sort' plans also are being rnade to bring together for a meet- Ifere was at least one_mailing piece that didn't score a ing in adlrance of the" association cJn.reition members of hit because of a diseased mailing list. I the Supreme Nine ancl I{ouse of Ancients, and fnternation- Their envelope carried first blass postage. That's two al Secietary-Treasurer Isherlvood is sending out a call for cents thrown away. There lvere five separate pieces of advertising literature telling the story of the things they this gathering.
Th1 degree team which n'ill lead the neophytes through rvanted to sell the Rogers' Lttmber Co. at Elbow, Sask., the onion bed will be composed entirely of Chicago {nem- rvhich has been out of existence for over two years. The bers of the Order, ancl, judging by splendid accomplish- value of the material enclosed in their envelope would ments of the past, they rvill make the event a memorable probably be close to ten cents, including the price of the one. envelope; in which case they have spent twelve cents to
Members of the Supreme Nine and House of Ancients send a message to a firm that rvas out of existence.