2 minute read
Walter Shandy's Philosophy Proves True
There is too much rushing to the big city and forsaking of the farm and small town, still going on in this country. It isn't healthy.
A hundred and fifty years ago Walter Shandy, father of the more famous Tristarn Shandy, advocated the taking of legal and direct steps to prevent the very thing that has been happening in this country of late. He said:
"Was I an absolute Prince, I would appoint able judges at every avenue of my metropolis, who should take cognizance of every fool's business who came there; aad if, uPon a fair and candid hearing, it appeared not of sufficient weight to leave his own home and come up, bag and baggage with his wife and children at his back, they should all be sent back from constable to constable, like vagrants as they are, to the place of their legal settlements. By this means I shall take care that my metropolis tottered not through its own weight-that the head be no longer too big for the body-that the extremities, now wasted and pinned in, be restored to their due share of nourishment and regain with it their natural strength and beauty. I should effectually provide that the meadow and corn fields of my dominion should laugh and sing, and that good cheer and hospitality should fourish once more.,, Reads like prophecy, doesn't it?
The fact is that in the cities they are issuing too many marriage licenses and too few building permits; and too many people are crowding into town who are only fit for the country.
And the country and small town lumber merchant is very much interested in the problem. So is the lumber industry generally. The man who remains onthe farm or in the small town, is much more likely to buy a home, and other buildings, than if he'goes to the big city.
There are por,r'erful teurlcncies at work of late, to keep people on the farm, apd in the small town. The radio, the automobile, good roads, greater opportunity for entertainment than in other days, and-BETTER AND MORE ATTRACTM HOMES.
It is HERE thatthe lumber merchant must do his work. It is here that his modern merchandising must have its effect. Boards and shingles won't keep them home. But modern, attractive, beautiful little HOMES may prove a strong element in doing so.
DO YOUR share.
We maintain a most efficientand courteous saleg force covering the state of California.
We operate the biggest line of steamers carrying Iumber from the mills of tfie northwest to California ports.
We operate ourownbigbattery of mills in Oregon, cutting especially for the California trade.
Our purchasing department in Portland is a splendid one, in constant contact with all the worth-while mills of the north, thus insuring unlimited supply of all materials at all timeg.
We are exclusive sales agents in California for Wyerhaeusertr famous trademarked and nationally endorsed Fir and Hemlock Flooring.
We are specialists in Creosoting Fir lumber and timbers and operate our own modern creosoting plant in Oregon.