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The f ollowkg letter is self explanatorg. It was receiveil just the other dag, from one of Californk's progressiue retailers, anil ashs for ailyice, etc.
We'would lihe'to have some erpressions from iliferent parlg ol the state on lhis matter, anil will gladly pass them olong to the inquirer.
A move of thk ftinil is a moye in the right ilirection.
California Lumber Merchant, Los Angeles, California.
Recently a small meeting of Retail Lurnbermen wae held for the purpose of diecugsing advcrtising. The queetion came up as to whether the building activity of the community could be increased more by combining the advertising appropriations of the yards represented than by cach yard spending its own appropriation.
The territory includes two towns situated about ten miles apart of about 6000 population each, the adjacent territory, entirely agricultural, includes a population of about | 5,000. Each town has a daily paper, the advertising rate is twenty cents per column inch.
The assured fund available would be $7,000.00 a year, thie might be increased gomewhat by the allied building intereets, although the amount of increase would be problematical.
The procedure suggested was the employment of a competent manager to have charge of all advertising. The methodg of advertising auggested included the holding of building ahowe in each town, speeches by the manager to schoole, chamber of commerce, farm bureau, women's and other clube, prizee for plarrs and working models, follow up letters to proepects, newspaper advertising, etc.
Do you know of any community where a similar plan has been tried and the results obtained? Do you know of a competent man available for this work who could and would see it through within our financial limit)
We would appreciate your opinion of the plan suggested and also any suggestions you might care to make as to changes or additions.
Thanking you in advance, we are,