3 minute read
Retail Dealers Guests of Lumber Salesmen's Club
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The members of the Lumber Association of San Francisco together with other invited visitors were the guests of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco at a special ehtertainment and luncheon held at the Palace Hotel on March 10.
At the conclusion of an excellent luncheon, President C. H. Moody acting as chairman of the day, called on Mr. Ben Reed, manager of the Lumber Association of San Francisco for a few remarks. Mr. Reed who is the "Father of the Lumber Salesmen's Club" said a few words regarding the organization of the Club and the value of such a club to the members. He stated that he was gratified at the success of the Club and felt that the inteichange of ideas among the members at their meetings rilas very beneficial.
President Moody then introduced Captain William J. Quinn -of the San Francisco Police Depaitinent.ilfio'gave arrrf;Gllenttalk oh "Cooperation between the Public-and the Police Department" which he said would result in better protection of the home and the public. In referring to the San Francisco Police Department,.he said that it was conducted on a strong business basis, that San Francisco has less crime than any other citv in the United States. and he quoted the prominent inter-national detective Wiitiam J. Burns who said that San Francisco has the best chief of police in the country in l)aniel J. O'Brien. He then devoted a few remarks to the Police Departrnent Athletic School and the wonderful progress it has made uhde{ the supervision of Sergeant Patrick H. McGee.
Sergeant McGee was then introduced and after a few remarks regarding the Departmentls. Athletic School, an excellent entertainment that consisted of boxing and wrestlihg contests, gymnastic stunts, singing and musical numbers, ancl several boxing and burlesque acts by members of the department. The other members of the department who participated in the entertainment were Corporal Thomas Mclnerney, and Patrolmen Edward Dathe, Joseph
Wikstrom, George Sullivan, John Hanley, Everett Hansen, George Page, Theodore Andrus, J. J. Kelly, G. Anedano, A. Garratt, Peter R. Maloney and J. J. Argenti, Inspector I. Samuels acted in the capacity of 'property man.
During the luncheon a fine comedy sketch that created a great deal of amusement to the gathering was carried on by Patrolman Edward Dathe who was acting in the capacity of a rvaiter rvith the assistance of Captain Quinn, and Sergeant McGee, and Jir,n Symington; Hugh Handley; and Harry Carter of the Lq1rtbe" Salesmenls.Club. The act was a kntck-outand wasi entltled"synthetic Gin." Harry Thomson and Bill RafipC-wbfe not billed as rnembers of the cast but they got all "het"up at the treatment Jim Symington was receivihg at the hands of the policemen and just worked themselves into the act by coming to his rescue just like Bronco Billy Anderson in his palmy days in the movies. Bill and Harry displayed remarkable histrionic ability and will no doubt receive a prominent role in future sketches put on by the Club.
Joseph J. Bell, of the Christehson Lumber Company, was chairman of the Arrangement Cornmittee that had charge of this excellent mebting. Those who attended were:
A. V. Beronio-Beronio Lumber Co.
J. J. Bell-Christenson Lumber Co.
Ed. Beronio-Beronio Lumber Co.
W. Blick-J. H. Kruse i4ittott Contctin-Ilart-Wood l-umber Co.
Henry Bode-spring Valley Lumber Co.
L.A. Brown-Sudden-Heitman Lumber Co.
W. P. Brown-Acme Lumber Co.
E. S. Brush-Loop Lumber Co.
G. M. Bucklev-Sudden-Heitmah Lumber Co.
R. H. Carter--Viit Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co.
J. C. Casey-Hart-1fr/ood Lumber Co.
Harry B. Corlett-Rheinhart Lumber & Planing Mill Co.
F. L. Dettman-Pope & Talbot.
F. W. Elliott-Chai. R. McCormick & Co.
C. S. Frantz-Loop Lumber Co.
Herman l'reese-Acme Lumber Co.
H. O. Getchell-Acme Lumber Co.
Hugh Handley-Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co.
Frank Harris-Van Arsdale-I{arris Lumber Co.
M. A. Harris-Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co.
R. G. Hiscox-\Mestern States Lumber Co.
Harry Howes-Howes I.umber Co. Inc.
M. 1\[. Hutchinsoh-Rheinhart Lumber & Milling Co.
J. Jefferson-Greater City Lumber Co.
Fred Mattheis-Hart-Wood Lumber Co.
P. D. Maury-William Smith Co.
Chas. McFarlan-Sudden-Heitman Lumber Co.
E. G. Meyer-Spring Valley Lumber Co.
E. G. Mclntyre-Christenson Lumber Co.
C. H. Moody-Sudden-Heitman Lumber Co.
D. P. Munthe-Pope & 'Ialbot.
Chas. Powers-Christenson Lumber Co.
R. P. Phillips-Pope & Talbot.
WilliamE. Rampe-Hart-Wood Lumber Co.
Bob Gehring-Hart-Wood Lumber Co.
Ben W. Reed-Reed Lumber Co.
F. W. Roth-J. H. McCallum.
F. E. Seike-William Smith Co.
Mel N. Salomon-Acme l-umber Co.
J. Symington-Hart-Wood Lum-ber Co.
William Talbot-William Smith Co.
H. S. Thomson-H. S. Thomson.
S. W. Towle-Sudden-Heitman Lumber Co.
H. J. Williams-Reed Lumber Co..
R. S. Firmstone-William Smith Co.
Thomas Bell.
Carl Muhlberger-Pope & Talbot.
Charles Tripler-Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co'
J. E. Martin-"Jhs California Lumber Merchant."
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