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Another Splendid Booklet By / Hardwood Company
Carrying the title, "Hardwood Shavings," a four-page booklet just issued by the W. E. Cooper Lumber Company, of Los Angeles, is well worth special mention, and is deserving of high praise, for its very attractive appearance, and for the snappy interesting material that it contains. This is one issue of the bulletin that this concern issueg at intervals, and it is intended presumably as a good will carrier, and as a reviver and a sustainer of interest in the use of hardwoods.
Hardwood Shavings
SELECT chips from the Cooper Mill to help problems coMMoN in every 3U*FI8* t*
CLEAR the KNOTTY not quite PLAIN on
A Few High Lights In Historical Happenings
The outside covir has a very beautiful country scene, in several colors, besides the title of the book, and the signature of the company, and ttreir addre$. They also state on the cover "Beautiful Birch for Beautiful Woodwork."
On the back they have arranged a combination of trade marks, allof them familiar to the lumber trade, and each identifying itself with some well known or leading product in its line. Such well known trade names are "Perfection," "lX L," and "Oconto" are shown.
The inside of the pamphlet is arranged like this:
A beautiful thought well worth preserving
March 3, 1513. Ponce de Leon sailed to find the "Fountain of Youth." (Today they find it at any Drug Store or Beauty Parlor.)
March 17. In honor of St. Patrick forever.
March 30, 18,18. Ether first used as an anaesthetic by M. D.'s. (Then began the carving period.)
March 31st. Tomorrow's the day they gitcha-(don't pick up a purse).
BEAUTIFUL BIRCH-Ranges in heighth from thirty to ninety feet, bark is dark brown and smooth when young, but rough as the tree grows old. The wood is heavy, strong and hard, taking stain and a high polish very readily. It is seen most frequently beneath a mahogany stain and to the untrained eye it passes well for mahogany.
Nlany large buildings in Los Angeles are finished in Birch (mahogany finish) including the Alexandria Hotel, the Clark and Rosslyn and the Citizens National Bank Building. Most of it comes from Wisconsin and Michigan. It is a f avorite with the f urniture maker and the cabinet maker.
Th6 most popular spot at Cooper's-the "Biltmore Annex," our new kitchenette and dining room. Talk about good eats I Nobody grouchy anymore. Good cheer, contentment, ef6ciency.
A hen is the only living critter that can set still and produce dividends.
There is plenty of Room. roorn at the top but it "ainrt" no Rcst