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King Lumber Company Has Beautiful Display at Bakersfield Show
' An attractive one room house complete in every detail displaved by the King Lumber Co. was one of the features at the Autotrobile and Industrial Show held at Bakersfield from March l to March 9 inclusive. The sholv was held under a large tent that rvas 350 feet by 330 feet and proved a very successful affair.
The house was built under the personal supervision of Elrhore King and was 16x18 ft. in dimension. The exterior walls were builtof green stucco which was futuished by Bill Bohen of the Bishopric Manufacturing Co. of Los Angeles with the windov and door frames painted white and a blue stripe along the edges. The roof lvas made of cor,hpositioir shingles of variegited colors. The house had three entrances u'ith attractive brick steps. The interior of the house was finished with Schumacher Wall Board with a panel effect, the interior trim rvas Phitippine mahogany, with a rough redu'ood ceiling. Theinterior walls r4rere painted in cream color I'r'hile the panel strips were finished in a darker color with an attractive white stripe painted along the edgeS and the ceiling was stained with linseed oil. The house was also equipped with bath room and other modetn built-in fixtures.
The interior walls were very attractive and were dec- orated rvith several pictures of beautiful homes furnished by the Lumbermen's Service Association. Beautiful draperies and curtains decked the windorvs and an attractive fire-place together rvith comfortable chairs and furniture, telephone and electric lights, gave the interior of the house a very comfortable and pleasing home-like environment. '
Approximately 10,000 visitors passed through the house during the exhibit and each visi.tor was presented with literature and booklets displaying all, the building materials handled by the King Lumber Co. In speaking of the display, Mr. Elmore King stated that such exhibits create a desire for home building which was demonstrated by the fact that before the show was over he had sold the house to Mr. W. E. Drury a lvell known business man of Rakersfield. I\Ir. Harry Hart of Bakersfield, the contractor who constructed the house, advised that during the show he sold two houses to perfect strangers who were visitors at the exhibit.
Mr.King said that he rvas ver.v much pleased with the results of the display and that he heard a great deal of
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