4 minute read
J. H. Kirby Buys Vancouver Lumber Company Control
The most important lutnber purchase of tl.re past season has just been consummated in Vancouver, British Columbia, as a result of which John Henry Kirby, of Houston, Texas, again steps into the limelight as .a purchaser of a great lumber and timber interest. Just a few months ago the lumber industry learned that Mr. Kirby had purchased a very large share of the stock of the Central Coal and Coke Company of Kansas City, withits great lumber and timber interests in both the South and West.
Now Mr. Kirby has bought the controllinq stock of the Vancouver Lumber Company, of Vancouver. British Columbia, u'ell known to the lumber industry as an A. L. Clark concern, having been headed foi- nratr'r years by that veteran lumberman, A. L. Clark, of Dallas, Texas. The Vancouver Lumber Company was organized aborrt twehty years ago by Mr. Clark, and his associate, Mr. Tucker. This same Tucker family was many years ago interested in Texas lumber also, in the Thompson & Tucker Lumber Company. Mr. Tucker has been dead for the past several years, but his stock has been held by his estate.
- Mr. Kirby has now purchased the Tucker interest in the Vancouver Lumber Company, which, added to a large block of stock which he bought as an investme'nt two years ago, gives him a majority of the stock of the company, and lie has already taken full control of the properties. Mr.A. L. Clark and his son, James Clark, retain their interest, and I\[r. A. L. Clark continues as president of the compan),. Mr. Kirby has chosen as general manager of the operations I\{r. L. C. Thomas, who for the past fifteen years has been office manager and financial agent for the comprrn)' in Vancouver, and a man of long and excellent lumbel experience. He has been elected vice president also. The other directors are Chas. Battle, of. Vancouver, a well known lumberman of that city and a former Texan, and .r\ttorney Lewis F. Chester, of Seattle, a former Texan also, and Mr: Kirby's attorney in this matter. Mr. Kirby controls the stock. but is not an officer.
Messrs. Clark, Battle, Chester and 'Thomas form the board of directors. Mr. Kirby himself did not go to Vancouver to make the deql, but will visit the properties in the early coming summbr. He will be accompanied by J. W. Link, vice president and general manager of the Kirby Lumber Company, and by Harry T. I(endall, sales manager for the Kirby Lumber Company.
The Vancbuver Lumber Company is a magnificent property. It owns 1,500,000,000 feet of the finest virgin timber that grows in British Columbia; a big and modern sawmill plant located right in the heart of the beautiful city of Vancouver, with deep water docks right onthe harbor, rvhere ships can load for the lumber markets of the whole lvorld; a big and famous Red Cedar Shingle mill located on the river about six miles from the sawmill plant; about a million dollars worth of real estate in the citv of Van"ntl""tr"*"-ill is a most modern and efficie.r, orr", equipped with two bands and a gang, and with every modern supplementary device for handling, drying, dressing and ship-
(Continued on Page 50)
Floyd Dernier Speaks To Lumber Salesmen's Club
At the regular Monday luncheon of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco held at the Palace Hotel on March 17, Floyd Dernier of the l,umbermen's Service Association of Los Angeles was the speaker of the day.
Mr. Dernier stated that the object of a Building Plan Service was to create a desire with the public to, build homes. He said that his Association has betwden 400 and 500 retail lumber dealers in the state who are using their service; that it has proved very profitable to these dealers; and that it has the approval of the architects throughout the state on home construction that costs less than $10,000.00. In regards to the Newspaper Advertising carried on by his Association, he spoke of the success this medium has had in reachi'ng the consumer in Sacramento and Whittier through their local newspapers and he said that 4O cities in the state were now advertising better home construction through their local papers. He also spoke in detail on their Individual Bungalow Plan Book; Plan Ilook Service; General Information Book; and their }fonthly Magazi:ne, which service was at the disposal of the retail lumber dealers of the state.
Richard C. Jones, of theVan Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., who had just returned from a ten days' business trip in the Northwest also gave an interesting talk on conditions in the lumber manufacturing sections of Oregon and Washingtoh.
President C. H. Moody presided at the meeting.
Hutchinson Plant To Start 1000 At Work
Oroville,March 2O.-Mill and woods crews of the Hutchinson Lumber Companv are to begin operations in full swing on April 1. On that date fully one thousand men will be working either in the woods to the eastward from Oroville orin the rnillin this city. Three big saws will b,egin the sawing of lumber and will turn out approximately 225,W0 board feet during each single shift. Later in the year it is planned that the mill will operate a double shift.
Plans of the company this year are for the production of more than a hundred million board feet of lumber.
Sales manager J. S. Hickok has recently returned from a visit to the eastern market where he has studied conditions and the company feels that conditions warrant the largest cut of timber this year that they have thus far attempted. During the winter months, while the mill has been shut down practically a quarter gf a million dollars has been expended in improvements.
is gua.ronteed uniforn ir grading, d,imensions and milling. Ezterg bundle is trademarked.
Your Spring Sales

of hardwood fooring are assured by the vast amount of building already under way. It isimportant, however, that you sell hardwood fooring, the quality of which you can guarantee. When you satisfy your customers they will re-order the fooring that in turn is satisfying their customers. And that fooring is ACORN BRAND-the trademarked flooring you can identify.
Place your orders now for spring business. The hardwood market will be firm for the next 60 days, after which prices are certain to advance. Whatever stock you may have on.hand when the advance comes, will yield you an even greater profit than that you sell today. Phone, write or wire us for