3 minute read
What Makes It Grow?
By Jack Dionne
Not long ago in these columns I answered the question"How long will it last"-the "it" meaning the tremendous tjdg- -of prosperity and development that is sweeping over California.
Another question that I am asked by the citizens o[ the "outside world," every time I turn around, is-"What is causing this tide of prosperity?"-o1-"What is making California grow?"
Of course, nnyone in California thinks he can answer that question, and answer it truthfully and satisfactorily. And he would probably talk of the wondrous fertility of the soil, of the marvels of nature, of the incomparable though varied climate, of the oil and mineral products of the earth, or a score of other perfectly physical and tangible things that spring trippingly to the tongue of one who knows and loves California.
But somehow or other it is none of these things that come to my mind when I am asked the question. Because THOSE things are merely INCIDENTAI-great though they unquestionably ARE-to the mighty thing that is taking place in California. The real answer-the absolutely fundamental answer to the question-is one of the utterances of the Man of Galilee, and it is this:
"Verily I say unto you that whosoever shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things that he saith shall come to pass, heshall have whatsoever he saittr-"
For it is HUMAN OPINION, a mighty concentration of human FAITH in California, the steadfast and unfaltering BELIEF of the people who live in California in the incomparability of the State withall other human habitationsTHAT is what is making California grow. It is COOPERATION-such cooperation as no other state in the union has even a small percentage of-that follows this general HUMANOPINION of the future greatness of California"
And in direct proportion to the COOPERATION manifested by its citizenship, the various districts of the State are growing. Where COOPERATION is the more evident the more manifest and the more active, the development of the state is the greatest.
Everyone in California is thoroughly SOLD on California. There is a pyramided condition ofHUMAN OPINION of patriotic and home-loving character in California that the world has seldom previously known-
It is FAITH-COOPERATION-and CASH keeping up the tide of prosperity into California. that is For the
CASH will always follow where FAITH and COOPERATION go hand in hand.
Back these mighty fundamentals with the innumerable PHYSICAL attractions of California, and you will understand why California IS and will continue to be, the earth's most popular and prosperous spot.
Longview Daily Newsprintsannual Edition
The Longview Daily News, the first daily to be established at Lohgview, Washington, recently published their first annual anniversary edition, in theform of a very attractive five section illustrated paper which contains a host of interesting facts and information regarding this new wonder mill town on the Columbia.
Besides a great amount of information about the civic and other pubiic enterprises, the paper deals at great length with the progress that is being made by the Long-Bell Lumber Company, at their new mill.

Mr. C, E. Williams is opening a yard at Azusa.
Seeks Information On Sawdust
An eastern manufacturer of a patented, article, using large quantities of all kinds of saw dust, has asked the "California Lumber Merchant" for information as to the quantities of this product available in California, and the particular location in the state of any large supply.
If you are interested in this, communicate with the Los Angeles office, 408'Fay Bldg.
From the Houston Chronicle, March 9th.
Jack Dionne is to serve as toastmaster at the Rice Hotel banquet planned for,April 4, as part of the program celebrating "Houstoh's Millionth Bale."
Joe W. Evans had been suggested for this job, but Joe met Jack before all the details were made public.
"How much do you know about the cotton business ?" was what Joe asked Jack.
"Not a f.razzling thing !" was what Jack answered.
"That's fine," said Joe, "you are just the man we want for toastmaster." And so it was agreed. It was also agreed that Jack is to have the usual compensation ?ccorded a toastmaster, which is the privilege of paying for his own dinner.
Incidentally, Dionne is know as a giant power toastmaster. Since Chauncey Depew abandoned after dinner speaking, Jack Dionne has been in a class by himself.
Association Receive Final Report On New Markets For Redwood
The California Redwood Association announce that they have received the final report on new markets and uses for Redwood from the U. S. Forest Service Labratory at Madison, Wisconsin. 'This new publication is designated "Development of lJses for Commercial Woods-Utilization of Redwood" and is the results of two years co-operative work between the California Redwood Association and the Forest Service Labratory. The directors of the Redwood Association are now considering the report and are formulating plans for {ollowing up the various leads as regarding the uses of Redwood.